I dont know what the hell is going on here, but I am VERY interested.
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There's a name slightly visible in the trailer "Adriana xxxx"
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That name doesn't sound familiar from any archive, so I doubt it's someone we know
Edit: unless I'm missing someone who had 1 name drop in the archives, it doesn't sound like it's from any of them
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Adriana Imai, I think it says.
An unredeemable female killer?? With shoes???
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- New chapter theme is kinda a bop
- I could easily see this being a trap killer so I'm excited
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Warhammer servo do we get auto drones?
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Excited as always! I love the chapter reveal season. I already like the new theme quite a bit, or the beginning of it at least.
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A cyborg killer! Awesome.
Delving further into SciFi territory, Alien when?
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Pshh somehow they are going to release the killer without shoes lol you jinxed us.
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Getting close to see a futuristic killer, perhaps?
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going from a medieval to a (presumably) futuristic killer is sick
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Imai is a last name from Japanese origin. If that is the new killer’s last name then it’s a possibility they’ll be a killer based on folklore from Japan.
(It could also be the survivor’s name as well but you never know)
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This might be their take on a terminator style killer with robotic elements in their design. I’m all for it
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The first 'x' seems to be an "I" (uppercase i)
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what are these characters?
a 4th Japanese killer, though?
Also, if she was Japanese, it'd be written 'Imai Adriana', I think. Adriana is a very obvious given name.
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Possibly a two part power. We get to see a more fleshed out version of the skull, but what is that thing below it? Some sort of transmitter or something? Possibly a trap?
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So I don't think it's a cyborg just because if you look at the plans the bottom drawing can be perceived as a body but there are no arms but four legs there as a base, this is important to the killer as you see it again at 0:14 but upside down. Also keep in mind they never just straight up show us the killer in a teaser unless it's a license.
What I think instead is a couple possibilities either the power is a spider skull bot and it's gonna be like twins with a main killer and a controllable separate entity power. Or the other possibility is a trap killer and the drawings are two separate trap powers that do different things. Either is possible because I can't tell if you pause at 0:40 if that's supposed to be a robotic eye/camera or a trip sensor in the mouth of the skull.
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Looks really cool and really looking forward to this robot chapter. I also wonder if what the killer’s power will be and also what the new survivor is like as well.
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In a tome entry the samurai we see saving Maurice is fighting a machine/flesh monster
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Greatly looking forward to doing this in Dead By Daylight
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Oh I missed being genuinely excited for a chapter we hadn't been spoiled on a year in advance.
And we know it's original, too, because there's only BHVR's copyright at the bottom.
Please, just let them be fun.
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Did pinheads teaser having any copyright
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Yeah so i assume we cant say its gonna 100% be original (tho i think it is)
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I'm so excited. I hope for a robotic killer
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Haven't been this excited/intrigued for a chapter ever. Knight was leaked so spoiled the suprise somewhat. I think it could be a female killer, or that skull belongs to Arianna.
Think it could be a dual killer. A mechanical person who has built some kind of robotic skeleton.
Exciting stuff 👍
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That is true but I wouldn’t be surprised if they written it as Adriana Imai on purpose. They did it with Yunjin in the trailer for all kill.
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Of the last four licensed chapters, every full chapter collaboration (i.e. RE, Ringu, and RE v2) was announced months in advance. The Pinhead mini-chapter was the only exception, and even by the time teaser season rolled around everyone knew that one was licensed. This is definitely original.
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Hmm, there is a Girl in a red kimono killing a machine/flesh monster in a tome entry. she also appears and saves maurice in the most recent one
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I think it's a crossover with BHVR's new game Meet Your Maker.
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I don't believe this is a cyborg killer, I think it's fully robotic. The heavy metal footsteps in the background suggest that to me
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Actually you may be right. Unless they've simply reused assets across teams, thats the exact same blade sound used in meet your maker
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I swear, I will feel so beyond defeated if they finally add a sci-fi killer and it's an AI power. I'm getting strong AI power vibes from this teaser
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I'm not sure but I kinda looks like a makeshift battery or car engine more pointing towards a cyborg killer
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Not that i remember not until the reveal
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Honestly I've though about it and screw it just give me the ability to place skull claymore mines around the map. Traversing the map would actually be terrifying having to worry about that as survivor.
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Well the name Adriana Imai kinda confirms it’s original, doesn’t it? Even if the surname is written differently like Imau or something, it’s still not a name tied to any license?
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admech killer??!?!
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Huntress Rework?
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Ive read somewhere in the lore that this resembles the horror monstor. It had decapitated heads in its designs and machinery related to tools. So maybe that could be it.
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Well kate was supposed to come with bubba, so its not y impossible. but very unlikely
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Hm, but later on we got Pinhead and Mikaela separated, and I think even if Kate made her debut alongside Bubba, she wouldn’t be teased in a TCM teaser?
but yeah, I guess even with Yoichi they made some DbD exclusive changes within a license so.. it’s possible
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We can't say for certain, but I'm pretty adamant it's an original chapter. I say this for one big reason: they've already revealed the chapter title ("Tools of Torment"). If it was a license, they wouldn't reveal the chapter title this early, correct me if I'm wrong, but all DBD-licensed chapters are named after their respective license - I imagine for contractual reasons.
Only the original chapters ("Spark of Madness", "Cursed Legacy", "A Binding of Kind", "Roots of Dread", etc) have these types of names.
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What if, hear me out...
What if you're just a metal skull and you get to roll around. Thats it. That device below the skull allows you to float so you can nibble them above the ankle. You cant kill or hook though. New surv is an elite soccer/football player with an electronic cleat and they spend the whole game just booting you around.
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other than left behind that is pretty correct.
probably for marketing 2. someone might not know "Dreams forsaken" or "Infection of will" being freddy and nemmy so i can understand
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Initials are A.I. 🤔
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a good Eversor assasin will fit the bill
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Excuse me??? Why do have to make me feel dumb for not noticing 😢