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Killer has become an unplayable role. Nonstop losses and no relief in sight.



  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021
    edited February 2023

    I do have a secret weapon which goes by the name "Triangle Father". Wanna know why I get so drastically different results on him? It's the fact that he can end chases almost instantly with his m2 ability. Combined with aura reading perks (I stack them on him) he always knows where his targets are but beyond that I'm also capable of predicting where survivors will run off to.

    That type of skill however cannot be applied on m1 killers like those which I've been grinding on nonstop, they simply lose because their chasetimes are absurdly long. M2 killers are in league of their own, M1 killers meanwhile only exist to get bullied and made fun of.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    There are more killers then survivors. Incentives are most of the time on survivor. That's how "insufferable" the game is for killers. Killers win more then there is any other result. Yet it seems that nothing short of 99% kill rate will be enough for them and without 99% kill rate "the game will die" - even if it's survivor incentives vast majority of time.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    if playing killer is that stressful, play survivor. It will help with evening number of players a little.

    Also that 0.1s reduction (and all the other "invisible" buffs everyone forgets to mention) changed 49% killrate to 61%. Means it actually did something. And that something is felt on the game a lot.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    To me personally, the problem isn't the HUD change that was added, the problem is that the information on the HUD and on generators is 100% precise at all times. The simple solution for me would be to just have it so generators, and maybe even totems don't have a progression bar anymore

    For generators, each piston should activate at 25% completion, so a generator that has been repaired to 24%, the pistons won't even move, neither the survivor working on the generator, or the other team mates know the percent. And if survivors are working on a generator that has 3 pistons moving, they won't know if that generator progress is 75% or 99%. Now with this in mind, the HUD would instead show how many pistons are completed rather than the percent a generator is at. I think this change would pretty evenly impact SWF and Solo alike. As for the killer, I think the killer could see the progression bar in the line of sight

    • The perk technician could have it so when a survivor works on a generator, they get to see generators pistons progressed in increments of 12.5%, and this information is shown to team mates on the HUD, and when a generator is kicked if it progresses below a 12.5% interval, a survivor with the perk would need to work on the generator again
    • Likewise, the perk surveillance could see progression bars outside the line of sight, or be reworked into giving aura brightness on generators with progress

    As for totems, the Knight trailer has given us insight as to what cleansing a totem looks like, by first removing the skulls, maybe the string, and then the totem collapses. This could be the totem cleanse progression, where three skulls at increments of 33% light up, we could perhaps receive this animation on cleansing as well, and when cleansing is interrupted, the entity resets the totem

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    This sounds almost reasonable. It's true, that even SWF can't usually call out the exact progress. So sure, I am all for making this information in a chunks. BUT. We want to even out soloQ to what any casual SWF would actually be able to do. That means that even most casual SWF will tell you "this gen (provided position on the map) is almost finished" - so having a mystery if the gen is 99% or 75% makes very little sense. I would actually split the progress bar to 6-7 values and always round to closest one (so at the beginning it will show 0% for some short time, then 16% for twice as long, then 33%, 50%, 67%, 83%, and finally 100% for also half the time. This reflects information that even casuals will be able to provide

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 608

    I've been collecting my match data as well. (I play Survivor 99% of the time, and I play solo.) From the way my matches have been going, Killers are doing just fine, even with the HUD additions.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    Same. Trying to play casually is just a no go. Losing to gen speeds going at lightning speed 5-6 games in a row is just not fun. "I wanna get better with Wesker" (5 minutes later, gens done) "Well I guess not today".

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    I had 30 wins streak with wraith and im survivor main. Well maybe some would consider me dbd main. Most survivor mains I see have like 600 sacrifises to entity and 1500 escapes. I have 5300 sacrifises to entity and 1700 escapes.

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19

    Damn! Do you play blindfolded or what? As for me, it's like it's impossible to lose as a killer. I do have losses sometimes but heck, it's only sometimes. Mostly it's super ez wins. The other part is somewhat demanding but still 4k.

  • Jessi578
    Jessi578 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I mainly play solo q survivor, sometimes my husband joins me and we play with two randoms. More times than not the killer gets 4k, because most of the randoms tend to be idiots who do scummy plays like unhook in front of killer or run killer to other survivors or hide and do nothing all game. My husband also plays killer and he always gets at least 3 sometimes 4k easily. So we obviously are having very different experiences.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    No revert please, let's make killers go insane... I mean by buffs.