"Devs aren't survivor sided"

A broken perk like dead hard stayed in the game for 5+ years, eruption nerfed within just a few months of survivors complaining. Yet another perk that rewards the killer for not camping is nerfed, and then the devs will make a surprised pikachu face when killers camp more and more.
(P.S waiting for DS and Windows Of Opportunity basekit)
Sure they are not. Check year 2016 and what could survivors do and what was in the maps. Check shack. Check perma sabotaged hooks. Original DS as it came to game. Original MoM as it came to game. Or many many other things. Survivors were tremendously nerfed over time. And still - flashlight blinding - a very crucial thing is still broken, but fake vaulting with flashlight got fixed within days.
To sum up - they are not "sided". They fix according to priority/time it takes to do things. And they don't address some pain points of survivors from the very beginning of the game - or are you trying to say devs already fixed pokos hits? That huntress can no longer hit you 3m behind wall (a game before last one I was shot like this)? Because this is something that survivors complain about from about the beginning of the game (and DBD has much worse lag-hit interactions then FPS games or any other game).
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Took years to see survivor meta perks changes but it only took a few weeks for a meta killer perk to get nerfed.
Survivor sided devs yall
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They are Feng Min sided...
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The game over the years is slowly taking a direction in favour of the killers with small changes with each update.
The change in eruption means nothing.
If a perk is sick it should just be cured
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We're gonna hear about how long it took DH to be changed for the rest of our lives anytime anything "bad" happens to the killer side, aren't we?
Old DH was stupid unhealthy for the killer side and should have been changed sooner. Eruption was stupid unhealthy for the survivor side and deserved to be changed. I for one would rather BHVR learn from the DH experience rather than keeping stupid unhealthy things in the game just because it took them far too long to fix DH than it should have...
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Saying Eruption is just a 'another perk that rewards the killer for not camping' is completely missing the point considering the problem with the perk was how and why it punished survivors, not its use by the killer. Overtuned BS is overtuned BS. Eruption was never going to keep the Incapacitated effect after its deserved nerf, which should have never been added to such a highly-usable perk in the first place.
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Just camp and tunnel
There is nothing in the game that stops you from doing that
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Do you not want them to learn from their mistakes? Should every change take as long as it took Dead Hard to get fixed?
I don't understand this argument. If you think it was a problem to take years to fix Dead Hard, surely it would also be a problem if they took years to fix Eruption? If so, they should learn from previous mistakes and fix it quicker, surely?
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Dead Hard is still the worst perk in the game.
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They should learn from their mistakes and nerf dead hard for real. A nerf at the same level as what they did with eruption, where it's a waste of a perk for most killers. I will be dropping eruptions from my builds, and dead hard should also get a real nerf that causes a lot of people to drop that perk from their builds.
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They just nerfed Dead Hard in 6.1, which wasn't that long ago. They should definitely be looking at tackling other, bigger problems instead of fine-tuning a perk that's mostly fine in almost all scenarios.
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Eruption is gone. Meaning that we're now officially worse off variety wise than we were pre 6.1.0.
How on earth is that good for the game overall?
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That nerf wasn't good enough.
Just because something got a nerf doesn't mean that it's automatically fine. Just look at how many people complained about Nurse, even though they gave her a massive nerf a few years ago when they reworked her power. Should we have told those survivors they shouldn't have complained about Nurse, because she had already gotten a nerf?
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Population of killer is 1 : 4 Survivors.
So, they should cater to survivor to keep people keep playing. Business is business, thats how you make money.
Not to say it is a fact. Im speculating here based on my experience in corporate function.
If you are not happy with killer, maybe try survivor side. Chill with game, hold m1 rather than beat yourself up doing muti tasking with little rewards or appreciate on the good play.
You want to win, you tunnel someone as early as possible so efficiency can be dropped. < Killer bad, brainless play, ez playstyle, you are suck. See how other side view you :)
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Okay? That still doesn't really relate to the core topic, which is complaining that Eruption got nerfed quickly when it took years to nerf Dead Hard.
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Boy, you could just not resist the chance for a "woe is me, killer is besieged by unfair nerfs" and an us vs them post
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The complaint is that BHVR still hasn't given dead hard a good enough nerf, even though it has been overpowered for a very long time. The "nerf" changed dead hard from the most used exhaustion perk.... to the most used exhaustion perk. I'm still constantly dealing with it, and I'd rather deal with the previous dead hard, because it didn't have a sprint burst attached to it, and it didn't hard counter a bunch of killers like Trickster.
Trickster used to be able to just keep throwing knives through old dead hard. The new dead hard gives a survivor a speed burst, and it resets the laceration meter to zero.
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that perk was busted as hell against solo Q players so i dont mind... (i never used eruption anyway soo whatever)
also try ( PR+DMS + ,Mindbreaker) that combination is pretty solid..because eruption is gonna be nerfed you liked or not..🤐
now we have to wait weeks of sweaty killer players abusing that perk meanwhile some other are definetly gonna try new combinations and thats good.
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By these standards, dead hard needs a major nerf because it's busted and oppressive against certain killers like Trickster.
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I don't want to speak for OP, but that claim really is not evidenced by the text of their original post. The text pretty clearly implies they're mad about Eruption being changed quickly, with an extra dash of seeming to not think it was a problem to begin with.
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The OP complaint was that BHVR claims they want to discourage camping. But they buffed eruption to discourage camping, and then nerf it into the ground, which encourages killers to go back to camping, because the kicking regression perks are no longer worth using. Why bother kicking gens for regression when we can use pain res and proxy camp the hook?
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Yes but that increases killrates which means no buffs for killer
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I'm happy to respond here but I'd like to acknowledge that this is an entirely new topic and not the thing you were saying up until now.
Anyway! Discouraging camping is a great idea that I support, but it can't come at the cost of an objectively overpowered perk like Eruption stalling games out for ages, you'd surely agree? There's no way you could make the argument that Eruption on live servers is fine and healthy for the game, so something has to be changed- and there's no point highlighting that it took years to fix one thing if they're trying to fix this thing quicker, because that implies you think they should leave this broken thing in the game for years too.
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I think BHVR needs to release a very powerful perk (or perks) to encourage killers to leave a hooked survivor. There needs to be a powerful positive reason to leave the hook, and to spend time traveling to and from the generator. People need to recognize that the cost of generator regression perks includes all the time a killer spends walking to generators, kicking them, then walking back to somewhere useful.
If a generator kicking perk has the same value as a perk that doesn't require potentially heavy traveling time, then it's logical to just go with the perk that doesn't require heavy traveling time.
The survivor HUD also made it less valuable to patrol generators, because now every survivor in the game knows when the killer is chasing anyone, and when survivors need to be extra careful because the killer doesn't have a current target and might be patrolling generators. This makes it easier for solo q survivors to pre leave generators and hide from the killers, which means killers are now less likely to find survivors on generators, and are better off proxy camping everyone instead.
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Eruption never encouraged killers to not camp.
If anything it encouraged them to pick a 3 gen on frame 1 of the match and camp harder
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You definitely haven’t played solo queue if you genuinely don’t think Eruption needed a nerf.
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People were saying weeks ago to not crutch too hard on eruption because it was eventually going to nerfed, even some killer mains realized it was busted. You can’t act surprised now
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Nicely said, it blows my minds that people can't grasp this and actually think that the devs are "fair" and cater to both sides equally. They're gonna cater to whichever side makes them the most money lol. 4:1 Business is business.
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Eruption was a terrible perk that really needed some changes. The changes they did though are just dumb. What is a killer supposed to do with these 10s aura vision? Potentially make my way across the whole map and not hooking that survivor I just downed? Or is this more of a "Well, there could be someone around you" kind of perk? In that case why wouldn't I run Infectious Fright instead?
10s guys. At a time you absolutely don't need it. Not in the slightest.
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don't forget it took literal YEARS of complaining to get a fair DS nerf. They are survivor sided. Survivor mains are going to say otherwise, because they enjoy having the upper hand in everything
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Worst perk FOR the game. Literally a rechargeable 3rd health state with just a little practice.
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Devs don't care about killers. All the money comes from survivors buying cosmetics. If every killer player quit at once the devs wouldn't care because new players would join to play someone like freddy or michael, immediately lose and start the cycle again. The only time they care about killer players is when kill rates and player numbers go down, they throw out a bone to bring some back then once their money side of the game starts whining again the devs take the killers bone back back.
I knew not to get used to eruption. Gotta admit I didn't see the AMN buff coming. Then again no one asked for it so WHO COULD have seen that coming >_>
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To all the people saying BHVR favors the survivors because of the ratio, they are correct. I have been saying it for a long time.
In any business you cater to your majority. The survivors outnumber killers 4 to 1. They buy more cosmetics and bring in friends who in turn buy more. It's good business.
They buffed the HUD to bring solos up to swf evels. They even state solos don't have enough info and can't call things out to teammates. Now that survivors are stronger, what is the killer getting in compensation?
If the game is easier for the survivors and they win more they will play more and bring in friends. Again, as I and others have said, they are a business. They are out to make money. Cater to your majority.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
For "the worst perk in the game" it sure does have a tendency to appear on at least 2/4 survivors in my trial. All they did was change it to be gimmicky vs m1 killers while EVEN STRONGER against m2's.
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Weren't you the one complaining some time ago about how Survivors are so hard to find and tried to justify hooking someone and just sit there till they die cause you were too lazy to go search for more Suvivors and wined when they started popping gens?
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Unfortunately I have to disagree. They are not merely survivors-sided, they are also grotesquely incompetent. What is needed is a round of lay-offs and then new staff to rebalance the game properly. I mean, the game is 7 years old and it still runs like crap and that is just the start of it...
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We never had moris of the first hook in this surv sided game. Thank god.
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To apply that same "logic" Nurse and Blight are still in the game with their busted add-ons :)
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No. Several months ago we got a perk overhaul plus they said that they'll be changing perks up frequently in future. They're doing exactly what they said they'll be doing. And their update said more are coming. People need to accept that no perks will be safe from now on, so don't get too attached or rely on any too strongly. I'm already seeing many survivor main streamers purposely dropping DH because they anticipate a nerf so are getting used to other exhaustion perks. Adapt.
Eruption has only been meta for a couple months and people are acting like BHVR is taking their first born child away.
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Dead Hard is fine lol, clearly never played killer in your life.
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So the "infinite" window, no bloodlust... slower hooking
I didn't play during the start of DBD but I have watched videos on it
And how long did Old old Ruin last???
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Or, shockingly, I may just have a different opinion to you on the subject.
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check whats left from the "big killer buff patch"
jolt buff? slightly faster kicking/attack animation? uhh?
meanwhile survivors get buffed s tier perk borrowed time for free, every decent gen regression nerfed, dead hard is harder to use but stronger if you can use it. thana buff lasted a couple weeks, eruption now joins it in the shadow realm. survivors just got a massive buff with tons of free information.
easy to see whats going on here
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...Jolt buff, faster kicking speed and attack animation, shorter post-hit sprint burst, longer generator base times, buffed Overcharge, instant regression on generator kick without perks, buffed Coulrophobia, buffed Dark Devotion, buffed Lethal Pursuer, buffed Monstrous Shrine, buffed Gift of Pain, nerfed Decisive Strike, nerfed Dead Hard, nerfed Iron Will.
Come on now.
EDIT: 6.1.0 also wasn't a "killer buff patch", it was a meta overhaul and game health chapter for the entire game, not just one side.
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also every map since midwich from 2020 or whatever has been massively survivor sided but yeah theres no bias
flashlights got buffed so even babies can use them correctly 100% of the time
theyre still going to do basekit unbreakable
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10sec is useless if you pick dying survivor to hook. But 10sec is alot if you slug the 3rd survivor and go for the 4K.
Not a healthy change.
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The game has a survivor HUD now. Do you really think the 4th survivor is going to sit on a generator if they know the killer has eruption, there are only 2 survivors left, and the other survivor is getting chased?
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Depends, if there is only below half a min of last Gen. I will try to complete the last Gen for the chance of both of us escape. Of course I will not do Gen if there are like 2-3 Gens remaining.
But I had a match in Lery where 1 Moried at 4 Gens left (old Mori), then 1 die with 2 Gens left. Only me and Meg. Somehow I decided to do Gens and accepting the death if Killer finds me. Surprise, the Meg hold the chase for 2 Gens and we both escape. She never ran into my Gen, I never see her in the match.
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till all killer stop playing then all survivors have no game to play,remember 4 survivors need 1 killer willing to play.
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I did.
Say your usual spiel