hey devs, why do you guys keep doing this?

you take a perk that needs some help, buff it too much, and then nerf it beyond where it was when it started.
this has happened to thana, and now it's happening to eruption. why? why make eruption worse than the version of it that you yourselves already decided was too weak, and buffed?
what is wrong with moving eruption to 8% of total, and instead of pacifying survivors, it either blocks the generator or inflicts deep wound on injured survivors within 5 meters of the gen?
blocked generator is the same as pacification, but guaranteed. then you can tune the numbers to not be so swingy and discriminatory towards solos vs swfs.
deep wound is the same as pacification, but the survivors decide when to mend, and can counterplay by healing up.
either one is better than aura reading, which is an effect i don't need when my next 10 seconds are going to be picking up the survivor i Just Downed and then carrying them over to a hook. of all the times to have an info perk activate, i desperately don't need it to activate immediately after downing somebody, i would like it to activate while i'm looking for a new target.
just. it's really disappointing to see you guys make the same mistakes over and over again, and it's frustrating to have to deal with the consequences of those mistakes for maybe a year before they get walked back, if they ever do.
just look at thana. it was fine. then it was buffed. then it was too strong, so it got nerfed beyond where it was before, and now noone can use it except plague. is it eruption's turn now? i'm not even sure what the aura reading is going to do or be useful for, to be honest. slugging? i still have a guy to put on the hook at my feet, after all.
please just, take our feedback into account. i'm not even asking for you not to make mistakes, just please listen to us this time. we told you eruption was too strong and would be a problem, now we're telling you it's going to be too weak and unuseable. please trust us.
Post edited by Moxie on4
Saboteur. Boil Over. MoM.
Your memory isn't very accurate. Also that list of perks you came up with is random af, besides DH all of those reworked perks became better because they were being buffed.
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please don't make this a killer v survivor thing. this is about eruption. there are plenty of survivor versions of this, but those aren't happening currently, so i don't want to muddy the conversation by talking about anything other than eruption right now.
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Np I'll just delete my message
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Esque los desarrolladores no aprenden de sus errores. La verdad le dan mucho mucho valor a los supervivientes, tengan en cuenta a los killers tambien. Claro maten a erupción pero háganse a los ciegos con las premades con chat de voz comunicados en todo momento, que no es parte del juego y es una gran ventaja extra, o con la perks: demuestra lo que vales (demuestra el genrush), resiliencia, con los 4 survis con cajas de reparacion con recambio a tope. Para que sea equilibrado deberían tocar un poco esas perks también, no lloro por erupción pero lo justo es que también toquen las perks de genrush meta, o no debían destruir totalmente a erupción hay muy buenas ideas de cómo cambiarla sin destruirla en los foros, a la comunidad no nos gusta que hagan estas cosas por favor escuche nos. Sino de una vez deverdad que en la siguiente actualización que se pueda matar a los killer como en el juego de Jason xd allí haber si les parecera equilibrado, los killers podrán matar a los survis y los survis al killer :) equilibradisimo
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How do you know? The notes only mentioned one perk being changed, not all of the changes.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
Why would a perk need a downside to begin with? What do you want every perk to be like dying light that actually buff a survivor more than it debuffs the other three?
The slowdown this perk offer now is wrost than most of the other perks. You get whole alot more value running jolt now over new eruption since you don't have to take the time to kick a gen and it will do more damage. Why run eruption over infectious fight if you want to snowball when infectious allows you to locate a survivor near by instead of being on the other side of the map.
Gutting a perk instead of actually balancing it isn't good game design. It's lazy game design and does nothing to offer build variety. All it does is virtually deleting the perk and killers just move to the next best perk. Enjoy seeing PR+DMS in every match. I'm sure ppl will complain about how that is boring and those perks will be gutted just like pop, ruin, overcharge, and thana.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
Makes you wonder how much DH will be gutted when next meta shift will come
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Yeah, I’m yet another player who wanted Eruption to be nerfed but think that BHVR went way too far and nuked it into oblivion. As OP said, this is becoming a recurring pattern and it’s pretty inexplicable.
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It had no downsides, now it's only downsides.
"Still offers slowdown" - do you think people run pop goes the weasel?? This isn't 2018, that perk was nerfed hard. It does 20% current gen regression - twice as much as Eruption, yet nobody uses it.
Current Eruption is not worth running unless maybe you're trying to slug, and even then it's still bad.
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BHVR has an awful tendency to see something, understand that it's too strong (even if in some cases it's only a bit), and know that they need to nerf it... and then nerf literally every conceivable aspect of it instead of just one thing, so it goes from "seen every game" to "never seen again", because for some reason they can't nerf something only somewhat so that it remains playable, it absolutely has to be eradicated.
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Killers are too strong, I assume.
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Exactly. They decided to give this perk a completely pointless effect. It's not just other perks being better but other perks giving you what you need WHEN you need it.
Honestly, I'm almost willing to run Eruption every game and start heavily slugging beyond reason. I'm sure survivors and devs alike will be happy about that.
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Time for Twins
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I really don't know why they do this an it happens overwhelmingly with Killer perks. They could have reverted Eruption to it's previous state instead of nerfing it into oblivion. Nothing was buffed for Killers while Survivors got a new HUD (biggest buff they have ever gotten) and an Any Means Necessary buff. Because Killers want to do deal with MORE pallets.
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Right! They even fixed them in the last patch. If that isn't a sign to start maining Twins, I don't know what is!
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The only people that will be affected by the Eruption nerf are baby killers that were crutching hard on it and will have to switch to Deadlock or Jolt. The REAL killer mains won't even notice this nerf!
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Correction: Only weaker low-tier m1 killers will be affected as strong killers like Nurses, Spirit, and Blight barely even need regression perks. Everyone's just going to start using pain res until it gets nerfed as well.
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I just hope that when the mid-chapter rolls around, that we'll see at least some of the high number of second chance perks that survivors have access to, be reworked into something more manageable.
I'm not rooting for anything to be gutted, just properly reworked. Killer perks like pop, ruin, thana, and now eruption, have been gutted to the point to where they are worse now than when they started, and with survivors having access to perks that greatly increase generator speeds and extend chases far longer than they have any right to, it makes playing killer an absolute headache. There's a reason why killers would use slow down builds, because without them generator repair speeds and second chances are far too accessible to survivors, especially when they're using items that help aid their perks/objectives. It'll definitely be interesting to see what the stats are going forward without quality slowdown perks for killers anymore.
Here's hoping that things improve with the mid chapter, because right now quality perk design/fusion is seriously lacking, and that's for both killer and survivor.
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I made a thread about this awhile back and many people said I was wrong lmao. Now look at all the posts complaining about losing eruption. 😂
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Ok did I ever say Eruption wasnt overtuned in its current state? Now you just putting words in my mouth. Look back at my posts and you see that I always said it needed to be nerfed a little or reworked. The problem is they didn't just rework or nerf eruption, they completely gutted it. There were so many ways they could balance eruption without making it completely useless as both a regression perk and an info perk. Also balancing survivor perks and killer perks is completely different. Survivors in total get 16 perks to use in a match where the killer only gets four perks. So comparing the two is completely dumb. Also, I never said anything about survivor perks in my post. This is about the eruption and nothing other than eruption. We can talk survivor perks another day.
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In their defence Eruption will probably be better for Oni then it was before.
His power incentives going after other survivor after a down a lot so having a 10 second aura read after a down isn't bad for him
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I think what you said (before deleting it) was quite accurate.
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It's called incompetence, OP. Incompetence is the name of the game.
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There are plenty of killer mains who will admit that Eruption is overtuned, I saw them all the time on one of the gazillion Eruption posts, but this topic is also one where emotions flare up. And as always, no side or faction is a homogenious mass, you will always find all kinda opinions on both or all three or four sides.
That being said, yes, drawbacks and downsides can have their place when balancing a strong perk, but are often quite harsh or uncalled for and overshoot by a good margin. As the other guy said, gutting a perk is just lazy game design and not helping any perk variety. Switching one meta out for another is ok and even fun when its done regularly, but just meh when done at a glacial pace.
BHVR should nerf the 5 most played options on both sides and buff the 5 least played and repeat this process every month, with the added rule that last month perks are exempt from further buffs or nerfs this round. This would lead to a constantly changing and evolving meta thats more or less explored regularly by the player base. But right now it seems that things more often get changed when people yell loud enough. In the case of Eruption that yell is most likely justified, but it would be nice to finde a way to "balance" it without making it so bad that if is removed from the pool of played perks.
Something similar happens with all the calls for "we need this or that perk as basekit" or "roll x is basically unplayable without Y. Make that basekit asap!!111". If something is deemed by you to be so essential that you would wanna have it basekit, there is an easy solution: just equip the damn perk!! Many killers suffer in the early game, so Corrupt Intervention should be basekit, right? Well, no? Just equip Corrupt Intervention if you think you need it. Everytime we make something basekit, we lessen the pressure to actually wanna equip that perk, reducing perk variety and make more and more players pick the strong and known meta perks, because they get to have their cake AND they got to eat it too, no real downsides.
How many real BT have you seen in the last month? Or the month before that? Maybe two? And that were probably returning players after a longer hiatus that didnt know about the changes. No one plays BT anymore, because they frankly don't need to. Everyone just plays with the basekit BT and gets an extra shadow perk this way. So for the sake of perk variety we should not add anymore basekit perks AND should not nerf perks into the ground, but reign in the outliers, while making them still playable.
On this regard, DH is so strong, we could even run the perk on a token system, like say two tokens per game, while lengthening the effect time to 0,75s and it would still be played, because of its universal nature.