Pain Res Will Be The Next Nerfed Regression Perk

Now that Eruption is basically going to be useless for the same reason why Pop is useless (because % of current progress regression is terrible) I predict that Pain Res will be the next regression perk that behavior nerfs.
Ever since old Hex:Ruin the trend has always been nerfing whatever the meta killer regression perk is while the survivor meta perks are barely touched. Just leaving this here as a prediction.
This prediction is already set in stone, if u ask me. Just a matter of time. It will happen this year, while we see more Gen-Speedup-Perks for the poor survivors.
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It's a miracle this perk hasn't been gutted yet. After that maybe CoB will be next? Or Overcharge.
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I think Predator is far too strong, too.
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Doubt it. Pain Res has a counter, that's why no one complains about it.
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Combined with Dead Man's Switch it basically produces the same effect that Behavior says Eruption was nerfed for, which is that it disadvantages survivors that aren't in swf on comms because they don't know when the downed survivor will be hooked. It'll be used by every killer now until it inevitably gets nerfed like every other meta regression perk.
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Gotta say its gonna be COB and Overcharge, because they will get complained about more as Brutal strength/Lethal Pursuer replaces Eruption in 3 gen bulds
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Does anyone else think that BHVR is heavily biased towards survivor players???
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It's pretty easy to keep track of a Survivor being picked up and knowing the Killer has a short time to hook. Eruption was dictated by a Survivor going down which is way harder to predict.
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I think a case could be made for an increase in popularity of Brutal Strength since pallet kicking may become more important with the Any Means Necessary buff. That being said gen kicking builds will no longer benefit from a strong Eruption so I predict that Pain Res+Dead Man's Switch will become more popular as it basically achieves the same effect.
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I'm sorry but the Any means neccesary buff is super irrelevant. While you are partially right and PR/DMS will probably become more popular, 3 gen strats arent going to go away. For people who wanna hold a 3 gen there are only a few perks that will slot into those builds.
1. Brutal strength for faster kicking so you lose less time kicking gens.
2. Jolt to get extra regression if you get a down.
3. Lethal Pursuer to get more value from Nowhere to hide.
People will be more frustrated and keep complaining about 3 gens more than PR/DMS, so most likely COB + Overcharge that will continue to be complained about and get nerfed next or possibly Jolt because that actually makes the most sense to compliment that build.
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Perhaps both. I wonder the skill level of the folks trying out the changes before they go public. Most Survivors will work on gens till they are about to be pulled off, if you are testing things against Survivors who book as soon as they hear the terror radius, you are going to get a very inaccurate picture.
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Umm we can see when someone is being hooked. I'm guessing you don't play survivor. Their aura lights up red just before the hook happens. It gives you enough time to hop off the gen. And if you don't want to rely on the aura, then you hop off the gen when they get picked up. It's different to Eruption because a survivor could hold chase for minutes/multiple gens so you can't just wait around for them to be downed to avoid 25s incapacitation. With PR though, a killer will hook the survivor within a matter of seconds. Or, as most survivor do, you wait for the hook aura and jump off for a second.
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This has been a long-time accusation that sparks much debate in the community. I think one thing is self-evident. Behavior places WAY more emphasis on nerfing the meta killer perks over meta survivor perks. Just look at how little the survivor meta has shifted over time compared to the killer meta starting with the old Hex:Ruin.
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Would you kindly be quiet?
I was going to mess with that and now you went and pre-nerfed it.
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Killers could use Fear monger to prevent you seeing picking survivor and hook, or slug and make more pressure, Solo could not tell the difference. So it takes 3 perk slots. Eruption is a single one and still outclass the whole combo.
Now HUD shows carried survivor so it doesnt work anymore.
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I'm sorry but it would have happened with me or without me. It's just the pattern of dbd balance that whatever the strongest killer regression perk is gets nerfed to the ground while the survivor perk meta remains unchanged.
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Troll bait or are you so absorbed into the role that you can not remember that survivor perks got gutted too in the meta shake too?
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It could, but I never saw it enough combined with PR + DMS for it to even matter tbh
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No no no, on survivor-side the meta perks go into the Basekit. Minor difference, just minor.
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Yes, and wasn't this the case with old pain res too? And people asked for it to be nerfed no? Thinking because something has a counter players aren't gonna ask for it to be nerfed to the ground is delusional, people still complained when the scream returned, why complain about that if you can see the aura and avoid the scream? You might not complain but people sure as hell have showed something having a counter doesn't mean people will use the counter, they prefer slowdown like current ruin, you can rid of it 1 minute into the match, and even if you dont you don't even notice it is into play, everything different is annoying, OP, boring and borderline uncounterable.
But eruption did need that nerf, that perk did not have a counter (just for the record)
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Doubt it. Pain Resonance has already been nerfed once before. And it actually has a counter, unlike Eruption.
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They nerfed it already in the meta shakeup PTB but then decided to revert the nerf. So no I think it will stay the same
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Uh, no. Survivors have had perks gutted as well. Eruption deserves the nerf. Definitely one of the most broken perks that has been added to dbd. I have no idea how this perk made it to the live version of the game.
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I don't recall the complaints against PR. If there were, they were a minority. And certainly not to the extent of the complaints against Eruption.
I'm pretty sure the information effect was removed purely because the 6.1.0 perk overhaul was an attempt to change up the top most used perks by making them a bit more unappealing, and buffing lesser used perks to make them more appealing. It was about breaking the meta. It made PR synergising with DMS impossible, but that was quickly reverted anyway and how often do you see complaints about that? I mean, both survivors and killers had a ######### moment over the already bad Self-Care getting nerfed even further, but apparently Self-Care is widely popular among players in the Asian region so it ended up on the chopping block.
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Before 6.1 it was totally complicated about almost all the time since PR+DMS was so common pre 6.1. The only reason you don't see ppl complaining about now is because eruption and gen kicking meta took over. Ppl moved from complaining about pain res+DMS to Eruption and the other gen kicking perks. Now eruption been taken out back and shot in the head ppl will go back to complaining about PR+DMS. When that happens and you can quote me on this, it will receive the same treatment that ruin, pop, thana, and now Eruption has gotten. Completely gutted and killed off.
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To be honest, we might as well make a sweepstake to see which is the next killer perk to be gutted. I would bet my coins that it is Call of Brine, but I feel like Nowhere to Hide and Pain Resonance are good options to choose.
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Nah, it’ll be Call of Brine which is absolutely gonna get nerfed in the next midchapter update regardless of what happens next. I predict Overcharge will skyrocket in play causing it along with Call of Brine to be the next most hated perks (“They take no skill and cause games to last forever”), making Overcharge fly under the dev’s radar as “meta” and be butchered right next to Call of Brine.
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But they won't nerf Call of Brine, because it's the only thing selling the Sadako content.
Also, because people love to think that when two things happen, they must therefore be equal, a quick list:
Survivor perks that got nerfed recently:
- Decisive Strike
- Iron Will
- Self-Care
- Spine Chill
Killer perks that got nerfed recently:
- Hex: Ruin
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Corrupt Intervention
- Tinkerer
- Hex: No One Escapes Death
- Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
- Overcharge (it got buffed to get an effect, then nerfed so that it is worse than not bringing it unless you ALSO use Call of Brine)
- Thanataphobia
- Dead Man's Switch
- Eruption
And I'm sure I've forgetting some other killer perks, but other folks can supply those. So... 4 survivor perks got changed to be worse, while 10 killer perks got the axe. Meanwhile, the two MOST USED survivor perks - Borrowed Time and Dead Hard - got their own special treatment. Borrowed Time became basekit (but better) AND got buffed as a perk on top of that. And Dead Hard got reworked to be... exactly the same as it used to be, but you get a full sprint if you press it in the invincibility window. So, a buff.
Post edited by Adjatha on2 -
Name one survivor meta perk that was gutted to the ground. Most old meta survivor perks were left the same but just dethroned by even stronger perks like Circle of Healing and Off The Record. DS was the only one that had serious attempts at nerfing but even it is still viable in tournament meta as a secondary anti-tunneling perk.
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And yet the survivor perk meta has barely changed over the years. While meta killer perks like Ruin, Pop, and Thana got nerfed to the ground the old meta survivor perks of Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Deliverance, and even Decisive Strike are all still viable in tournament meta. The old meta survivor perks that aren't still used weren't so much nerfed to the ground but replaced by even better perks like Circle of Healing (replaces Self Care) and Off The Record (replaces Iron Will and is DS on steroids.) I don't understand how people don't notice this.
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Haha, Its kinda funny tho, You know the treatment to COH, its like they were really scare to touch this perk.
They make change two times from major complaint.Once it was 75% which is just 2 sec short from 100%.Another its 50%, its like they afraid of backlash from their cashcow 4 people population. hahaha While killer perks, they nerf into oblivion. Dont care, dont matter to solo killer players.
Back to the topic, I believe it will be Call of the brine, Nowhere to Hide or Lethal Pursuer (1sec)
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DS, Iron Will, and Self Care were gutted. Spine Chill is a husk of what it was. Botany Knowledge and Calm Spirit also took a hit despite being niche.
Also, Off the Record is overrated. It gives itself away immediately, is anti-synergistic with DH, and deactivates in the end game. No wonder why Adrenaline is so popular RN.
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"Gutted to the ground" implies that they are essentially useless. As I just said DS is still viable in tournament meta. Iron Will and Self Care were just replaced by the stronger Off The Record and Circle of Healing. Spine Chill was never super meta compared to the other perks mentioned previously that have barely changed.. Botany knowledge and Calm Spirit were never meta so irrelevant to this discussion. Off The Record is so strong because it's an anti-tunneling perk that fills the role of old DS while being REUSABLE unlike the old DS AND lasting longer. It not lasting into the end game doesn't make it any less meta. Point is none of the perks you mentioned were truly destroyed like killer perks such as Hex:Ruin, Pop, Thana, and now Eruption.
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Unless they are using mindbreaker to hide the aura, but that's 3 perks in use just to try to proc it, which is honestly better than them stacking with perks that are better at regressing or stalling the game.
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Look, it's clear you're only capable of hearing what is of your convenience, so this is the last time I will attempt to engage in an argument with you.
Old Iron Will was meta with self-reported usage peaking at 31%, comparable to today's DH and WoO. Now it has a 4.6% usage. It was really strong and versatile in a chase.
Current Off The Record has usage around 10%, not even in the top 10 most used survivor perks, and you call it an Upgrade.
According to the devs (see image below), Self-Care was the third most used perk BEFORE CIRCLE OF HEALING NERF.
But according to you and your anecdotal evidence, survivors were upgraded instead, despite the kill rate going up by 10% across the board after the meta change, as confirmed by the devs.
So I think I found my answer, you're irreducible. Have a great Saturday.
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Only if you ignore the laundry list of nerfs survivors have received over time. They added 10 seconds to gens not even a year ago. Instaheals nerfed before that. Like...come on. Do you honestly believe they're that one sided or do you just play mostly one side? Global kill rates hover around 60% and you accuse the devs of having a survivor bias.
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Pain res and dms take 2 perk slot and are still weaker combined than eruption. They can be easily countered so they don't need any nerfs in fact both perks were nerfed last summer. Only reason to nerf them is their popularity I quess.
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I hope overcharge is nerfed to ground but call of brine is fine and should stay how it is. Just nerf overcharge and make the skill check easier and remove it synergy from call brian. Buff pop goes to weasel that it removes 20% from total proggress.
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Use rates are not a direct indicator of what is currently meta. Self care was already considered a mediocre perk and part of a long dead meta by the time Circle of Healing rolled around, the use rates only indicate that many players are not aware of the current meta. keep in mind Off The Record was weak for a long time until the massive buff so many players have likely not adapted. Look at any current tier list (example below) and you'll find Off The Record in S-tier because it combines DS, Iron Will, and Borrowed Time into one perk, and its frequent usage in tournaments reflects its position in the meta.
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Exactly, that's why Pain Res will be nerfed. The most popular regression perk is always next on Behavior's chopping block.
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Name one survivor meta perk that was gutted to the ground. Most old meta survivor perks were left the same but just dethroned by even stronger perks like Circle of Healing and Off The Record. DS was the only one that had serious attempts at nerfing but even it is still viable in tournament meta as a secondary anti-tunneling perk.
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Pain Resonance is easily countered
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How is the overcharge skillcheck hard? Like not even trying to be mean, who misses that? Its literally an easily ignored aspect of the perk, I think I have missed it like 20 times on my lifespan playing dbd and thats when doctor came out.
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I don't want to keep breaking my controller to keep hitting it. Most players miss it I see every time. I hit it 90% of time but don't want to buy new controller because of it.
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They can't shift meta if they don't nerf it. This is why they also have to deal with DH. So these things are very easy to predict. The strongest and most used perks on both sides have to be nerfed or they will look foolish.