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"Devs aren't surv side"

I want to hear someone who prove me that I'm wrong. I tried to defend this devs in every ######### way possible, first trying to say that aren't surv/killer side but it's only a skill issue, then I said that devs are not x side but noob side, but now it's clear like water that devs only care about survs.

Now, thanks to eruption nerfs, we will see 0 veriety of killers, every M1 will be dead at high mmr and, if someone didn't tunnel before this, now tunnelig and camping will be in every match, increasing hard tunnel and making the game less healty.

Eruption was healthy for the game because is the only actual counter to prove thyself because manage to block survivors on working together. At the same time required skill to be used because you must down someone really fast to use eruption properly.

It's funny to see that devs touch survivor perks after years (DH remained unhealty for the game for 5+ years and now is even more strong than before and doesn't require skill to be used because, as I said in a previous comment under another post, DH require lvl 1 of skill to gain 100 of advantage) and killer perks are not nerfed or reworked in healthy ways, are literally nuked in couple of months. Now only nurse will use eruption, because of the aura reading that will be probably decreased from 10 seconds to 5.

Devs doesn't understand simple things:

1) It's an 1vs4, if you touch something on one side you need to touch something with the same soul (gen perks: you nerf one gen regression and nerf a gen progression) on the other side: eruption nerf would be fine if they nuked also prove thyself, but it isn't healty because prove thyself is still here, and will be stronger than before.

2) They don't ask themselves "Why killer tunnel? Why killer use this perk?" they only see a community full of surv mains complaining about one thing and instantly destroy it, without asking themselves "Why does killer need eruption?" and the answer is easy: because gens fly. Eruption was used in like every build because blocked survs from working together, slowing down the genrush.

Devs, now that you nuked pop, ruin and eruption, why don't you nuke DH and prove thyself? Make DH a second chance with a malus, like "You use dh and you have incapacitation until you're 100% healed" something like this (It's an example, I said the first malus in my head). Make Prove thyself a skill based perk and not a "gg ez no counter gen devoured in half time", the perk is called "Prove thyself" not "Degree in mecahnical engineering". Why I like hyperfocus and I don't complain when someone use it against me? Because require skill to be used, I don't use hyperfocus because I don't get every skill check with great skill check, I care only about don't miss a skill check.

Maybe a nice rework for prove thyself would be "After X seconds of chase straight, you gain 10% boost in repairing gen for X seconds. If you get hit before times up, the timer reset" like you do 100 seconds of chase straight? Ok, now you gain a boost in gens for like 20 seconds, BUT if you get hit before the timer touch 100 seconds, you don't gain the boost. Obviously there must be some other specification, for example if the kiler loose you and doesn't find you in like 20 seconds, the timer stop and reset (for example). This will be a nice rework on prove thyself, and for good survivors this will be an improvement because "Oh, I can keep the killer in chase and get rewarded for that. Cool". Don't nitpick with the numbers I said, I just said my idea on how I would rework prove in an healty way for the game.

I hope devs really listen this time, because eruption's nerf isn't healty for the game and would be healty only if prove is reworked.



  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    2 people working on gen:

    0,85 charges per second ===> 90/0,85/2=52,9 seconds to finish gen.

    With Prove:

    0,98 charges per second ===> 90/0,98/2=45,9 seconds to finish gen.


  • it doesnt, you just need to use it different. agaisnt a nurse its ez, because she only has 1 chance to hit after a blink. against the others you just need to loop a palette andneeds to learn the timing, if you are close to the palette and the killer is behnd you its literally a free escape. he can hit you, bäm dh or he just wait and bam palette drop and stun.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Nurse has enough time before fatigue to wait out the DH and then lunge.

    I don’t have any issues with beating a survivor at the “DH through a pallet tech”. There is a small window you can down them in between DH and dropping the pallet.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Prior to 6.1 Mandy openly stated that Dead Hard was on the list of perks to get changed. After the Eruption nerf was announced, Mandy only said that it's not all the upcoming perk changes, without specifying that Dead Hard would be changed again. It's not getting nerfed again

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Sure, but it would probably have taken, what, 30s to dredge up something to look more even-handed? I'm sure they've got to be thinking of buffing at least one Killer perk or something.

    My point's that it should be self-evident you're going to seem biased if your news post is "Nice things for one side, punishments for the other" (to paraphrase it), and it's wholly avoidable and just silly.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Maybe it is maybe it isn’t

    Either way just because both sides have unhealthy options doesn’t mean we should just keep both. If they can change eruption before dead hard there is no reason to hold back the change until the dead hard nerf is complete

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Every day one user forum wakes up, comes to the forum and starts with 'Devs are/aren't X side'

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,165

    Can y'all at least wait for literally the same thread to at least fall off the first page before making the same threads over and over again?

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    you are right the devs are survivor sided and above all you are right that it is a "skill issue" that people in the solo q are affected by eruption without any info and counter, no! it's definitely not because it's just unfair for solo people and that it hasn't been fixed long ago isn't ridiculous either no no, I always find it amazing how many have no idea about dbd and always talk big, complaining about camping and tunneling (genarel) while it's the real skill issue here, if you're really good and have decision making then you can counter it most have their 1k or 2k lessons and talk like they are veterans even though it's the same people who don't even know how to play dbd properly (they do many simple mistakes) -killer and survivor

    if you need eruption (swf can counter it) to beat solo q, then i only see one guy that has "skill issue" :)) you don't have permission, an unfair perk that should have been changed a long time ago

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Was healthy for the actual state of the game, in other situation wasn't healthy. It needed a rework? Yes, needed a rework only eruption? No, because you can't nuke eruption and leave other things like this

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Like 5-10 matches to learn the timing. Difficult isn't it?

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Probably you never saw more than one prove per match, likely I can talk because I'm at the top. Ok, so I use prove thyself and you're never alone doing gens. So now let's do math: 7 seconds × 5 gens are 35 seconds, in dbd are precious. But I don't know who you match up, but when survs I find against are never less than 2 doing gens, lots of time are 3 survs doing the same gen with prove. Same when I play surv, it's rare that we're less than 3. So you know, you brought only the case of 2 survs with prove, not with 3. And you know that at top are always 3 survs doing the same gen because it's convenient. But you know, probably I'm not taking to people at my same level. Tru3 is right, this game make you all feel like champions also if you have 100 hours

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482
    edited February 2023

    But as you see more killer mains are starting to play more surv or became surv main because it's easier and less stressful than killer. And this game will die soon if it keeps this way, it will be alive only for casual players. The real problem is not with a mistake, is that these Devs make only mistakes, and they doesn't understand that you can't Nerf only one side in a game that is a 1vs4. It's simply to understand

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,154

    I absolutely hated Eruption and even I think the nerf is a bit too much. However that is just my opinion.

    It seems like anytime a thing has one problematic aspect to it, rather than fixing that problematic aspect, they just gut the perk. It happened with Billy. It happened with DS. Now it's happening with Eruption. Such a shame to see.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    It happened with pop, it happened with ruin, billy, eruption. They nuke only killer things instead of surv things, ds is now off meta, now, after 6 years. Funny isn't it? It took for them 6 years to Nerf ds, to transform it from a shield to a second chance antitunnel.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    7 seconds × 5 are 35 seconds. In dbd are precious, really precious. And you consider that it only activates with 2 survs, but I use it and it's rare that I repair a gen with less than 2 other survs. Same as killer, I chase one, the others rush gens with prove. Ez no? Eruption countered it because blocked survs from helping each others. People doesn't understand that I'm ok with the Nerf, I'm not ok with the Nerf in this situation, in nerfing only eruption, and it's not a Nerf it's a nuke. Devs when "Nerf" something surv side they change something, a little bit, with killer? Nuke them. Pop, ruin, eruption, Billy, survs? Only ds, can you see now? Survs have broken perks, but how many of them are nuked? Only one. Now, considering this, how can you say that the game is not surv side?

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,154

    PGTWL and H: Ruin were only nerfed due to their usage rates. I think almost everyone can agree that those perks were pretty balanced since they rewarded the Killers for playing well or playing smart.

    But BHVR's approach to nerfing perks because of people complaining is one I heavily disagree with, since BHVR never really understands why people complain, and only sees people complaining so they change everything about it.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Yes, don't rely too heavily on any perks because dear killers, we will nuke every perks that survs complain, but survs don't worry, we will give more buffs to your perks. This is how worked with the "meta shakeup", killers: we have seen that killers see gens that go too fast, so we need all your slowdown perks and buff others in ######### ways. Survs: we have seen that it seems you need second chances, so we're going to buff the existing one and adding others, and also bt base kit!

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    They don’t do any of that though? Firstly this game is nowhere near dying yet and is only getting bigger all things considered. Secondly they buff and nerf both sides regularly when needed (Meta shake up was overall a killer sided patch backed up by kill rates).

    1 necessary perk nerf doesn’t signal the devs are survivor sided just because another perk didn’t receive changes

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    The problem with eruption was on soloq, because they can't be organised, and I agree. In fact people doesn't understand that eruption needed a Nerf but it's not the only thing that must be Nerfed, if you need eruption than also other things must be nerfed. Bro, I don't know why people play soloq, it's so frustrating I can't stand playing it. When I find soloq is an ez win, the real problem are swf (majority of the game). I'm ok with the eruption Nerf, I will just hard tunnel and camp more. The game is meant to be play like this, complain to devs and maybe will understand why people tunnel and camp

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Bias is displayed quite well when the devs try explaining their reasons. It's always a "challenge" for killers but "unfair" or "oppressive" when referring to survivors. High mmr issues for killers get written off as non priorities since very few make it to that level and every match is assumed to be mistake riddled enough that any mmr killer can be competent.

    Maybe they truly are unbiased, but the way they word things would indicate otherwise.

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 269

    Example: Treatment to COH, its like they were really scare to touch this perk.

    They make change two times from major complaint.

    Once it was 75% which is just 2 sec short from 100%.

    Another its 50%, its like they afraid of backlash survivor sided population.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I think part of the reason you're coming to the conclusion the developers are survivor sided is because you've got some misconceptions about a few things. The biggest obvious misconceptions are your stated opinions on Prove Thyself and Dead Hard- you seem to present PT as some generator-deleting monster perk that has no counters and leaves a killer helpless in the face of tremendously fast completion times, when in reality it's like, seven seconds if two people work on a generator? That's still slower to complete two generators than if those two survivors split up on separate generators from the start, it's really not a problem, it's a placebo boogeyman people use to blame generator speeds on when there are wayyyy better targets for that.

    Similar with Dead Hard. Claiming that Dead Hard is stronger now than it was before is objectively incorrect, which contributes a little to the main misconception that you seem to have. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're saying killers - especially M1 killers - need Eruption to stand a chance in the face of genrushing survivors, and that simply isn't true. No killer, on live servers right now, needs Eruption. They need slowdown in most scenarios, sure, but they do not need Eruption specifically. That perk isn't the one perk keeping M1 killers afloat and it's certainly not healthy for the game, it's just straight up overpowered and categorically needs a nerf.

    (I do think it's being nerfed slightly too hard, but that's neither here nor there)

    The bottom line is, the devs aren't survivor sided because they're nerfing something obviously overpowered. The devs don't really have much of a bias that I can see, they just make odd decisions sometimes and can be slow to act on problematic elements of the game. Similarly, killer as a role is not floundering or struggling tremendously, the game is the healthiest it's ever been for the killer role. You have tools at your disposal, they're just weaker than Eruption- because Eruption is too strong.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    "Buff and Nerf both sides" so where is the buff to killer? Where is the actual thing that make me say "Oh ok, Nerfed eruption but hey I got this"? Spoiler: there isn't. And as I can see you're or surv main or noob, because saying that the meta shakeup was killer side is admitting that you're noob or surv main, because with the meta shakeup, as I said, they Nerfed slowdown perks for killers and "buffed" ######### perks in ######### was so no one will use them either, and for survs they buffed already existing second chance, added others second chance and added bt basekit with also haste. Where is the killer side in all this? After that patch, in fact, killer started tunneling even more than before because the meta shakeup was for killer benefits no? They need to tunnel to win in high MMR because the game is killer side? Sure bro, sure. If a killer doesn't tunnel is GG ez gens fly if survs are decent, not good, even decent.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Yes, they're nerfing something "overpowered" killer side, but not nerfing lots of things overpowered surv side (prove thyself you all bring the example with 2 survs on the same gens, but I use it and trust me that rarely I repair with less than 2 other survs). If the next update nuke also gen speed perks, this will be the perfect update because I don't need to tunnel anymore if gens stop to fly in few seconds.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    Because there's nothing on the survivor side that is comparable to Eruption. There are a bunch of mechanics that need reigning in, like generator speeds and healing speeds, but you can't nerf any one perk for either of those and expect it to do much; Prove Thyself is only useful for the last generator since grouping up is always more inefficient than splitting up (yes, even with PT), for example, and another commonly complained about perk for healing is CoH and that's barely even good if it's used on its own.

    Full mechanics like that require more attention than a single perk change slotted in to a wider chapter release. Eruption is a problem all on its own. They shouldn't keep Eruption in the game as it is now until they arbitrarily have something for the "other side" too, they should fix it as soon as they reasonably can.

    You also don't need to tunnel right now, it's just easier.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Eruption was too common. I can't recall a match where the killer wasn't using it for a long time now. It basically became an extra power to all the killers and a constant annoyance to survivors. It wasn't always an issue to play against but there were too many matches where killers were benefiting too much from it. It was especially a problem against tunnel killers where you had to focus more on saves and interventions and almost no progress on gens. Eruption was a bit too much in its current state.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Let's take stock then!

    1) Nurse is completely broken and can mop the floor with comp teams

    2) Blight is completely broken and can mop the floor with comp teams, sometimes even harder than Nurse

    3) Spirit is completely broken and can mop the floor with comp teams.

    4) NOED is a free kill/win button despite it's supposed "nerf"

    5) Killrates are above 70% combined.

    Yeah, the game is totally survivor sided. What a joke. People need to stop being carried by perks.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    solo q is still the worst part of dbd, until bhvr buffing killer and solo q (solo q action buffs, a genarel killer buff patch like the last) bhvr can so often close their eyes to reality at some point they have to admit it, at some point they make a big mistake where nobody is so keen on solo q and killer anymore, unfortunately we caught devs who have almost no idea about their own game, they are very very slow in everything and if they want to do something they are incompetent, meaning it doesn't even work what they are trying to do, ignore facts and and...

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    1) Learn to counter her instead of crying for nerfs, I can mind game Nurse (I don't say loop anymore because then someone comes out and say "yOu cAN't lOOp Nurse1!1!1!1"). Obviously a real good nurse is really hard near impossible to mind game, but it's the same with every killer, just S tier are hard to counter (but at the same time is ok because are hard to master)

    2) Same as point 1

    3) Spirit is strong only with mother daughter, she isn't that broken anymore. And same as point 1 and 2.

    4) If you play in soloq or you're swf is full of noob, it's not my problem. Me and my swf manage di save also with noed (one destroy noed and the others distract the killer).

    5) That 70% is in the whole MMR, not only in high MMR or low MMR. In low MMR is really high, because survs doesn't even know how to run, in high MMR kill rate is lower because high MMR is dominated by swf and, without hard tunneling, killer have hard life.

    Yeah, people should stop being carried by perk, right survs carried by DH, prove thyself, otr and so on?

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Soloq is the worst part, and I agree, but killer is right under it, in particular at high mmr. It's too frustrating. And I don't know what to say, you said everything right so... GG for you :')

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    "Eruption was healthy for the game" ... How could anyone sane come to such a conclusion?

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 269

    Dude, where is the 70% percent kill rate come from? Is this state you saw in the sky or something?

    Last time we got data was in october.

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    The answer is simple. Exist prove thyself? Ok, so eruption is required. They nuke prove thyself? Eruption must be nuked because in that case eruption will be broken, but now it isn't

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    From low mmr + high mmr. It's a simple answer. In low MMR is really high because survs doesn't even know how to run, in top mmr survs devour gens really fast (in fact surv objective is faster than killer objective) and because of this kill rate is lower at top mmr. Do you know why Devs doesn't show the kill rate in every MMR? Because it will show how much is unbalanced this game in top mmr. But it's ok, killer will "balance" the game with hard tunnel and camping, because devs want this

  • Jeromy137
    Jeromy137 Member Posts: 348
    edited February 2023

    Iron will nerfed more than needed

    Calm spirit bugged as ######### an never fix (always alerts crows when it is supposed to never alert crows) and also makes opening chests and doing totems slower

    Borrowed time and off the record disabled after certain conditions met making it easier to tunnel

    Self care nerfed to the ground (solo q savior because some survivors never want to heal others)

    We're gonna live forever basically a worthless version of tenacity

    Hatch and key nerfs

    End game collapse being added was also a nerf to survivors (needed yes but still adding for the point)

    Since you think they only nerf killers you must not have been playing dbd for very long cause they were constantly nerfing survivors for years because they used to be more powerful than they are now

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Ok, first of all let's see how much it takes for Devs to Nerf something surv side. Like years, killer perks are nuked after couple of months. Ok I agree that self care is nerfed without a reason, but bt and otr doesn't activate under certain conditions because they will be a free escape. Hatch nerf? Lol, it was necessary, and in my opinion hatch should work the same as before (spawn only at 3 gens remaining). If you think that keys and hatch didn't deserve a nerf, bro you're blind or never played killer. End game collapse isn't a problem, because you put exit at 99% and it's ok. Iron will I don't even know how it works now because I didn't understand the exhaustion thing, but I'm ok with the nerf because a perk shouldn't counter at 100% another perk of the other side (Iron will countered at 100% stridor). Survs still have lots of viable perks, killer doesn't have anything that can help their work anymore.

  • Jeromy137
    Jeromy137 Member Posts: 348

    Oh I'm happy about the hatch nerf I was just making a list of more recent nerfs for the survivors

    Survivors get more nerfs than you realize outside of perks if you saw how many pallets that used to exist and how broken flash lights used to be near the beginning of the games life you would understand what I am getting at it doesn't take years for a nerf it is just more difficult to nerf survivor side with some perks abilities and maps

    The devs have to take into account how many survivors there are vs killer in a match 1v1v1v1v1/4v1/2v1v1v1 ect. Survivors are not a team unless they choose to play as a team so the devs have to look at each individual perk and how they are used

    Eruption was hurting the game with incapacitation make a survivor only able to enter a locker or hide while for 25 seconds which hurts SoloQ and 2 person group players which is the larger group of the player base

    I play killer and survivor I was just giving insight that it survivors used to be way more powerful in the past and were constantly getting nerfs for years in the early life of this game because survivor was unhealthy for years this game is starting to get more balanced out and just because a perk is getting nerfed on the killer side doesn't mean they won't look at survivor perks either they have limited time frames and have to work and they are still learning on what perks are super unhealthy

    And the iron will was needed to be nerfed but they nerfed it a little to hard by making it 70% because people use this perk on specific survivors that are way to loud like Rebecca Jeff Feng min and a few others

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Honestly survivor are just a very annoying role now, killer is way more fun, because you have full control over the game, sure one might encounter a very good SWF rarely, but the majority is SoloQ stomping.

    Survivor is overnerfed to the ground, and only meant for SWF play now.