Add a 6% vault speed bonus to boon: dark theory?


dark theory is currently not a good boon, 2% speed bonus seems meaningless. Now, i know that tinkering with vault speed and movement speed is a delicate matter. IMO adding a little vault speed modifier might probably make the boon more attractive to some people. I suggested a 6% bonus but i just chose it randomly, maybe a 4% one or 3% might be more adequate, i don't know.


  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    People wouldn't use it with 6% and being restricted to an area.

    Resilience is right there.

    Boons, if not COH are just a waste of time.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
  • antag0nisticw0mble
    antag0nisticw0mble Member Posts: 106

    I don't see a 6% bonus helping if I'm honest. Even the 9% from resilience doesn't help with the current state of hit registration. 6 steps from a window or around a corner and still getting hit.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    Ok, gives youtubers content for the vault speed build.

    For everyone else, just a waste of time

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    I like this idea. Giving Dark Theory more speed boosts outside of just movement speed would definitely make it more useful.

  • sasnayahdrezka
    sasnayahdrezka Member Posts: 132

    ive played with spine chill+resilience 80% of my time for 3 years since 2019 and it was really really comfortable i got dedicated very rarely so if it comes back with this boon i wouldnt mind. better this than what we have now

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,673

    Dark theory should reveal the killers aura to all survivors while the killer is within range of the boon

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I also think different boons should have different radii.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,733
    edited February 2023

    if they increase radius from 24 to 48 meters. I do not think they will be waste of time. that would cover 1/3 of the map that 2% haste does make difference. haste is good. limit radius is not.

    yeah... except generally bvhr does not like a certain class of perks to be all equally viable. they usually limit 1 perk in its class. so if dark theory becomes viable, then all other boon perks are likely to get killed which is good or bad depending on your favourite perk effects.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    Yes, if the radius was bigger.

    But killers have an hate for boons thanks to COH, so i doubt bhvr will buff boons anytime soon.

    Boons are not balanced, COH is the only good one because its a self heal for the whole team with just one perk.

    Also, COH is the only boon that benefits for being faraway from a killer while whole the other boons require you to be in the zone of a killer, thats why the range is not an issue for COH, COH could have a range of 2m and would still be as good as it is.

    While all the other boons are just a waste of time, their range is short, require you to take the killer to the boon, so making them easier to remove, which just makes you waste more time.

    Boons, if not COH are a waste of time.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Honestly just give us the vault build back,,,i miss it dearly

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,733

    I agree with that 2 meter sentiment and all your other points in regards to killers hating COH and their current setup being a waste of time.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    I would remove vault speed boost entirely, tiles in this game already busted.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 714

    That is sort of th3 problem with CoH, unlike other Boon perks. CoH needs to be as faraway from the action or in the most obscure beyond the Killer's patrol path; to get massive value for you and your team, when it comes to self heals, or boosted healing.

    Every Boon is not that oppressive strong and not hated by Killer's as much, because in order to used those boon effectively they need to be close to the action and chase yet be risk of being heard by the killer and waste bit of time to be located and snuff by the Killer, which in turns makes it useless if you cannot get any value like increase speed, picking yourself up from the ground, Remove your aura/scratch marks, etc.

    General it makes sense why Killer's developed a hatred to Boons, and why they want Shattered Hope basekit or nerf boons in general. All because of CoH alone being a problem on its own.

    You could add a additional benefit to the other boons, or even slightly increased the range if you want to for Dark Theory, but how do balance Boon Radius if you bring multiple Boon perks together?!?

    Also, I am not in favor making other boons be all, "I bless this totem away from the killer and I can run 6% faster anywhere on the map, outside the boon Radius"; because that would make Killer's hate Dark Theory also. No boons should be effectively in far away from the killer, and CoH should have been nerf, also maybe you can slightly buff the other boon perks to compensate when in chase.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    Idk how to fix the other boons. Maybe increase the range of boons from 24 to 32 or 36m. Maybe remove the audio for killers when near a boon, making them more stealthy similar to hexes, so atleast the killer actually needs to know the general totem spawns of maps, which is not even that hard.

    Idk, i just know that COH is the only boon that actually deserve the commitment to actually set it up. All the others are just wasting time that you could be doing something productive for the team.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,132

    the problem with "vault" speed specifically is that it could be completely useless as there might not be any viable vaults near the boon. in this case 2% movement speed would be better as it's universally better than a bad vault.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 714

    Commitment is not the problem with CoH, you can do the same with any boon perk. The problem is Huge Benefits that one perk brings over what other boon sort of lack, not to mention you can hide it away from the killer's detection range. Which is why CoH is far more useful, as it less likely to be discovered by the killer unless they waste time active seeking it.

    The other boons will always be at risk of being snuff as they need to be within a chase of the killer, or within proximity/earshot from the killer. Those boons will always get less to no value, as there will be be to triangular the location through sound. By removing the sound and any means for the killer to find the problematic Boon perks, that would not only make Killer hate boons more. But it would also make CoH far worse and harder to track, especially on big map where totem spawn is not easy to figure out. So, yeah, I object any removal of sound cue on the killer perspective.

    I would be slighty fine with buffing the numbers, since the risk of being snuff is high; but no increase boon range, and no silence boons, that would be too strong for CoH until that perk gets reworked/nerf

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    I don't think buffing numbers would work.

    Like, look at exponential, 100% recovery speed and infinite getting up. Nobody uses it.

    The numbers are already insane, way better than any other perk in the game.

    In the end, doesn't matter. Those boons are risky, force you to take the killer to them, the range is an issue to them.

    COH doesn't care about the range and so less risky, the best use of COH is in a remote place where the killer would have to waste to much time to remove it.

    If the other boons want to be good they need to be easier to protect and get value.

    Its a difficult issue and its sad that COH basically has an hold on the other boons

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    To be honest, this is the worst perk that gives nothing and spends only your time on the blessing of the totem

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 714

    I see your point. But I will only be down with buffing the ranges, on the following conditions is met.

    *COH, completely Rework/Nerf. This Boon perk doesn't need additional buffs with increased ranges like every other boon perk, especially with the healing bonus and stacking medkits/healing it brings to this perk. It was the original problem when it was first released, as it it had a 32 meter range and you can stack with another COH boon perk in a different nearby totem and you can stack two boon perks together, plus 100% instead of current 50%.

    *If it was up to me, in Reworking COH; Removed the Self-care attribute, make it a teammate oriented perk only, it reveals injured survivors aura and allows teammate to heal them quickly. Remove the medkit/healing Perk stack, but make it 100% with teammate like We Will Make It. Or keep it 50%, but it buffed to 100% when within the killer Radius to be on par with risk with every boon perk.

    *I would be fine with buffing the range with other boons perks, but not make it so that the killer cannot find the boon totem with hearing alone. I don't want survivors to be Recovering and moving faster from across the map with a active Boon totem, so 32 is the Maximum range.
