What would you change about Twins?

I would personally make a few addons basekit. Those being Toy Sword (Decreases time to charge Pounce by .2 seconds), Stale Biscuit* (Decreases missed Pounce kick window by .4 seconds). These in particular because if you dont bring Toy Sword, you are purposefully hindering yourself and it makes it much harder to hit survivors around loops. Stale Biscuit by itself is an ok to decent addon, depends on latency. With latency, assuming survivors go to kick Victor, it is almost a guarantee that if you miss your Pounce you are going to get severely punished for it, especially so if Charlotte is on the other side of the map.
*New section.
Also decreasing the time it takes for Victor to switch back to Charlotte after downing someone. It should take 3 seconds maximum after downing someone to switch, which is another reason why Twins feel awful to play, even while winning.
I would also buff quite a few of their addons. There is a reason Twins players never bring Baby Teeth or Victor's Toy Solider unless they are doing a gimmick build.
Brown Addons
- Toy Sword - Increases Victor's lullaby by 6 meters. 100% bonus bloodpoints in the Deviousness and Hunting category - Changed from decreasing Pounce wind up to bonus bp due to making old Toy Sword basekit
- Soured Milk - Increase Victor's detection radius by 3 meters - Changed from 2 to 3
Yellow Addons
- Baby Teeth - When pouncing on a healthy survivor, that survivor is inflicted with Blindness for 60 seconds - Changed length of blindess from 30 to 60
- Candlebrum - Increase time to kick Victor while he is dormant by 3 seconds - Changed length of kicking from 0.2 to 3
- Bloody Black Hood - Decreases Charlottes waking time by .75 seconds - Changed length from .5 to .75
- Madeleine's Glove - Increase Victor's detection radius by 6 meters - Changed from 4 to 6
Green Addons
- Stale Biscuit - Increases Victor's Pounce range by 7 meters. Increase Victor's kick window to 4 seconds. - Changed from decreasing Victor's kick window by .4 seconds to increasing pounce range.
- Weighty Rattle - Survivors who crush Victor are inflicted with Broken for 30 seconds. Does not stack. - Changed from 20 seconds, added does not stack due to Forced Penance also applying Broken.
- Rusted Needle - Apply Hemorrhage and Mangled when Pouncing on a survivor - Added Mangled
- Sewer Sludge - Increase time for Survivors to remove Victor by 3 seconds - Changed from 2 seconds to 3
Purple Addons
- Victor's Toy Solider - Survivors who kick Victor while he is dormant or crush Victor have their auras revealed for 8 seconds - Added aura revealed when being crushed and increase time from 6 to 8 seconds. (I cant remember if this addon already reveals auras for 8 seconds, that really shows how often I use it lmao)
Iri Addons
- Silencing Cloth - When waking up as Charlotte, gain Undetectable for 30 seconds. Survivors within 12 meters of dormant Charlotte cannot hear Victor's lullaby - Changed from 20 seconds to 30, added survivors cannot hearing Victors Lullaby.
General Changes
- Survivors who have Victor on their back are Hindered by 9%. This adds incentive to not holding Victor hostage for 30 seconds, as well as making it easier for Charlotte to chase a survivor holding Victor.
- After Victor Pounces or downs a survivor, Charlotte gains a 10% haste for 7 seconds. Does not apply when Victor gets kicked from missing a pounce due to balancing as well as adding a slight punishment for missing a pounce
- Decrease time to switch to Charlotte after downing a survivor to 3 seconds, as soon as the kick window has ended.
- Decrease Charlotte's waking time to 1.5 seconds, originally 3.
- Allow Charlotte to recall Victor after he has been dormant for 30 seconds. Does not have a limited range
- Decrease time to recall Victor while he is attached to a survivor to 20 seconds (down from 30)
I would love to hear other peoples opinions on what changes I would make, as well as your own!
Addon changes and basekit Twins buffs. Toy Sword, Stale Biscuit basekit. Built in haste after switching from Victor to Charlotte. General QOL changes
Everything tbh
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All that sounds perfect honestly.
I'd also add to revert all their nerfs they did to them that weren't needed and no one asked for. IE things like the DS stun we eat every time we successfully down someone and also how Charlotte loses collision after standing still for a set time.
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Poor Twins are in a more sorry state than Billy....I still miss Sky Billy blasting off to the sky in a graceful arc filled with love and grace....
R.I.P. Sky Billy you were never toxic but a blast to play DbD with.
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The waiting for 5 seconds after downing someone just to switch back to Charlotte, then waiting 3 seconds for her to fully wake up is painful. I should have added something mentioning that. Nothing like standing still and mashing CTRL waiting for the prompt to come up lol
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Make Toy Sword base kit.
After you down or attach, you switch back instantly. You can still be kicked after downing as normal.
No slow down when Charlotte wakes up. Still cannot attack or do actions but remove the 3 second slow effect.
Taking Victor hostage for over 45 seconds causes the survivor to go down, assuming no chase is happening.
Rework almost every add on to not be steaming trash.
Victor cosmetics.
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The most key changes for me to make Twins more fun to play and bit more enjoyable to play againts.
- Victor will respawn if he is within 16 meters of Hook after hooking a Survivor.
- After downing a Survivor with Victor, you can choose to switch to Charlotte without waiting that 5 sec cooldown. The 5 sec cooldown still remains the same.
- After returning to Charlote, the more far Victor is, the longer Charlotte gains Haste Status Effect (5-10%) to catch up to Victor.
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Yeah honestly even aside from power level it's just "unfun" and a big part of why no one likes playing them. They feel punished for playing well.
In terms of power though I don't think she would be too strong without the stun there. Twins has lots of counter play already and is literally gutted by the current CoH/Medkit meta. I'm not one of those that thinks there's inherently an issue with Twins design as I have no issue with the slugging, there is tons of counter play and it's high risk/high reward.
Ironically to me all the issues that the Twins needs fixing (other than addons) are things that the devs did to them, not necessarily issues at base. IE why they just need to revert all the bad things they did to them and then they're fine. Their issues are mostly self inflicted.
Also the addons of course though, their addons are a mess and most your changes corrects most of the issues I have with them. Biggest issues being all the status effect durations were way too short in duration to matter and them having that "kicking Victor while idle" stipulation rather than including "crushing" as well. Rarely was Victor kicked while Idle, but including crushing makes them way more consistent. Oh and the Toy Sword being required is annoying as well.
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I just really hope one of the devs see this or Mandy forwards this to them. Im kinda worried about the Twins rework that they're supposedly working on. I worried they'll completely change their playstyle and make Victor an AI or something.
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Yeah I'm not looking forward to the rework, they're going to gut them and remove the slug play style even though it's totally balanced just because a lot of people complain.
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Give Victor a max range of 60 meters. Have Charollte wake up in 1.5 seconds, and give her a weak ability she can use
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i would give the baby a mori animation.
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He techncially does, he just has to be in Charlotte when the player starts a mori
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nah i mean like... on his own.
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Lucky you! Changing everything about the Twins makes them a new killer. And it seems like we will get a new killer any day now on the PTB.
Twins Changes:
1) Definitely Toy sword basekit!
2) Definitely significant decrease in switching time. Personally, I think it should be lowered both after downing someone and and just general switching. However, those two switch times can be different than one another.
3) Finally, I personally want charlotte to have SOME power. She should be more than an M1 killer since she is the only part you can cosmetically change. Doesn't need to be a lot. Just ANYTHING!
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I would give Viktor a little hat