Which do you prefer, being slugged or hooked? (With 3 or 4 survivors still alive)

Personally I definitely prefer being slugged as that means I don't use a hook state, this is especially if I'm on death hook, but some would rather just die fast, which isn't my cup of tea but what do you think?
Which do you prefer, being slugged or hooked? (With 3 or 4 survivors still alive) 35 votes
Being slugged
The hate of slugging is completely irrational, there’s more to do than when you’re on a hook and it gives you a second chance at life.
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Being slugged
Exactly what I'm saying
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Being slugged
And yet being slugged is hated
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Being slugged
The real reason people hate being slugged is because it's an ego check. It's basically a way I've saying I'm confident enough I can down you again. That's why people dislike it, it's nothing rational, all feelings.
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Being slugged
I mean.. I only really do it to avoid hook suicides or just because I don't want to and want the game to Last long enough that they get pips
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Being slugged
Being hooked is boring af
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Being slugged
Slugging at least brings some thrilling variety into the game that is not the same when just placed on hook.
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Being slugged
People say being slugged is boring but at least I can move around and leave a satisfying trail and make a puddle of Blood lol
Heck this is sometimes why I bring Sloppy Butcher + bloodhound when im killer, to see that loooooong trail of blood
Idk, something just satisfying about it lol
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Being slugged
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Being slugged
Time to get some new votes in mabye
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Being hooked
No, it’s because I’d rather not waste my time bleeding out. When I say I don’t like slugging I’m not referring to the killer leaving you momentarily while they go after another nearby survivor. Purposefully choosing to leave you slugged because it’s easier or to make you miserable is the issue. When something devolves from potential strategy to straight-up gameplay exploitation it’s an issue.
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Being slugged
How? You get to play the game longer, get more points, everything since you can get saved an infinite amount of times until your timer runs out
Again, this is OUTSIDE of "slugging for the 4k" situations
If you want to die fast, why even play? Why not just stand in one place as soon as the match starts so the killer can hook you if you like being hooked?
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Being caged (extra)
Yeah because slugging and hooking are completely separate states. We should stop comparing them like they are. Slugging has infinitely more potential to win then hooking does. But slugging is much more of a gamble than hooking. They are different states with pros and cons for both sides.
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Being slugged
How exactly? You don't immediately die/get closer to dying than when getting slugged
By slugging you willingly, the killer is allowing you to stay in the game longer than you normally would, yet it's hated somehow
Its different though if he manages to get all 4 and simply decides to not do anything or slugging for the 4k however since by then everyone is pretty much dead if there is nobody with unbreakable (and if someone DOES have unbreakable, it's a godsend)
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Being hooked
I don’t get to play the game longer. I just get to crawl around until I bleed out or someone picks me up and typically the killer is right there to down me again. I get no points for any of this. I’m better off being pulled off the hook - a mechanic the game was designed for.
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Being slugged
You can't get saved more than 2 times off the hook while you can get saved multiple times from the ground
I really don't get it, sure it was designed that way but it's a blessing to the survivors more than anything, especially if you're on death hook
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Being hooked
It depends on how long you’re left on the ground as the bleed out timer doesn’t reset with every recover.
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Being slugged
Yea but if the survivors aren't all downed or the last survivor is in chase then it should not take very long to get back up, and if the killer has downed you a huge amount of times then yeah you should've probably had enough time by then to get a good amount of points if they were not camping your slugged body (which I can't see why they would outside of waiting for rancor to activate)
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Being hooked
In my experiences if someone is slugging you it’s not for any real kind of advantage (such as leaving you to chase another survivor that was lingering by) but because they intend to bleed you out and will camp your body to do so. I’d rather be hooked.
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Being slugged
Then they're wasting time for no reason
That's basically the same as camping, but for a lot longer giving your team a long time to do gens
If everyone else is downed then they are wasting their own time too, you can just go do something else for a bit till the bleedout timer runs out or they decide to finally hook you
It sucks, but again the situations I am referring to is slugging when there are still survivors not on the ground outside of "slugging for the 4k"