I don't think the player's choice event thing will even be noticeable
Most games have someone bringing a map offering for boil over value or something (also, screw that damn perk), so who's ever going to notice that there's a higher chance of some maps?
I wish they would stop including map selection in the player choice events. It's always the same maps every time and it gets boring really fast.
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This is like the 3rd or 4th time they've done the players choice, I think only once I noticed the specific maps that were chosen have a higher pick. Other times felt like other maps had higher rotation without offerings.
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Boil over is still being used? With which map offerings? (I will guess it’s only on sabo swf where it still has value right?)
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Eyrie (even though the hook spawns kind of help, the doors suck), Ormond, Macmillan gambling for Ironworks occasionally... mostly Eyrie and Ormond for that specific thing, though.
And more than enough people bringing the perk seemingly only for the purpose of being INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
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Tbh that’s the only use the perk has. It’s probably the worst designed perk in the game since it literally requires you to go down and have good map rng to even be useful
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I agree,to me,map offerings shouldn't even be a thing (or at least,not such a common occurrence),it removes a good portion of the game randomness and they can be used by players to make full 100% profit chance of their builds,wich,in an asymmetrical game,can cause devastating outcomes in terms of balance.
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I get that it's meant to punish the Killer for trying to reach a distant hook, but mostly it just works out to "anyone who gets away does so because RNG and timing forced you to hump a rock or a doorway for three seconds". And then you go down them again and it's just stupid.
'Can't be hooked because reached a high spot away from a hook in time' is just bad design from the other end, too. "Unhookable because you can hold W" is not an expression of any sort of skill or cleverness, and it means the perk does nothing but encourage slugging. Which is supposed to be bad.
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Yep the perk is actively designed to be bad for both sides in an unfun way while unfairly harming console killers as well.
It can’t even be buffed either because the base design is so dumb. We seen this when it first got its buff and people were holding lobbies hostage at the RPD library. It needs a complete rework to be even close to a well designed perk
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Wasnt the case for every other community event
dont know why this one would be any different