If killers in such a bad spot, how come that on EU the +100% survivor incentesives almost always on?

Switched to be killer main and the only time killers have bonus incentives are evenings and night, I would hate to think how would queues look after even more killer buffs.

Simply put I don't think it's worth to play if there isnt +100% bp bonus, now add to the fact when too many killers playing the MMR is turned off and you will get the first four survivor in the line, which will either result destroying them easily or you will be destroyed by them, the games are extremely unbalanced when MMR isnt working.

Now in the past few days, the killer bonus would only come play after 20:00, and if you have job you can't really afford to play too long into night, even if you are free isnt worth messing up sleeping schedule.

I tried to look on days when I have no work, but then there is only survivor queue bonus from early morning to evening, 6:00-19/20:00

The point is the role already very popular, and for most part the only time people playing survivor when they can do it with friends, because ultimately if you are playing to win and you are solo then killer is the only choice in dbd.
