We have left the era of "oppressive in the 1v1 but loses the 4v1" killers...

...and entered the era of "weak in the 1v1 but is good at controlling gens" era of killers.
The "oppressive in the 1v1" era started with Clown, and ended at Nemesis. Only exception here would be Plague, who is a bit of an oddball. (btw, release Legion counts as oppressive 1v1)
The "3 gen" era started with Pinhead and has continued into Skull Merchant, although Wesker is an exception.
Anyone else getting this vibe from the past couple killers? Like Knight, Dredge, and Sadako? We're getting killers that suck in chase, but are strong in controlling gens. Skull Merchant is likely going in the same bucket.
I can't say I'm hopeful for the future of DbD killers. Playing strategically is fun as killer, but playing against it as survivor is generally hated (just look at how hated Twins are).
I might just be trapped in an echo chamber, but I think most people prefer to play DbD for the chase. The strategic play is there, but splitting on gens or patrolling hooks isn't rocket science or anything.
I'd rather be directly interacting with the enemy player and having direct back and forth play. Much more stimulating than executing simple cut and dry strategies with little to no counterplay.
What do you guys think? Have we left the era of 1v1 focused killers and are entering the era of 4v1 focused killers?
Honestly passive slowdown like pinhead would be better for BOTH because it actually makes people to chase MORE, thanks to prolonged game time.
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Passive slowdown is awful to verse though and requires no skill by the killer, and usually carries bad players by slowing the game enough for them to tunnel out a survivor. Active slowdown like pig's traps (and I guess legion) is much better, we do not need another pinhead under any circumstances!
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With the exception of Wesker, this is true. My problem is that I don’t think any of the strategic killers end up being worth the trouble. It’s better to have chase tools.