A little comparison between "ranged" Killers.

Deathslinger: has 18m projectile, 2.75s reload time with 2s while using add-ons. May shoot you and not down you even, 0.4s of aiming up and 0.5s post-shot cool-down. So at best, 0.9s to hit an Injured Survivor with attack + 2s reload, potentially 2.9s cool-down.
Trickster: 128m long projectile (Yes) and cool-down going from 0.33s to 0.2912s after 4 Throws to 0.275s after 8 Throws, add-ons set Throw number higher, 1.25s wind-down, 0.35s wind-up after Throws as cool-down, let's assume some human error and with both add-ons, he throws 9 Blades.... 2.5947s + 0.35s + 1.25s so technically 4.1947s.
Huntress: 1.25s wind-up with a best 20% reduction with add-ons (0.15s and 0.1s) which gives you 1s wind-up and 2s throw cool-down which can be reduced by 0.35s and 0.25s for 1.4s Throw cool-down.... Best efficiency is 1.25s and 1.4s give you 2.65s cool-down with the fact her porjectile can be bs on both ends.
So uh.... Isn't Huntress kinda bs in comparison to these 2? Especially when comparing to Trickster specifically who's complain more about camping and being harder to dodge?
Math doesn't lie and you can try doing it yourself if you want to.
Note: Yes, included human error on Trickster specifcally because Trickster is never hitting 100% of his Blades actually.
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You forgot artist period
Second you forgot to add human error to huntress and slinger
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On average i think trickster has the potential to down faster than both huntress and obviously slinger
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You can't take random stats like that then add them and say "Math doesn't lie". The projectiles of these killers have completely different collision, trajectory, size, speed, reload, addons which you have all ignored.
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They will never redeem Deathslinger after they gutted him.
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Each of these killers play MASSIVELY different from each other. This isn't like comparing ARs in Rainbow 6 Siege. It's not a math game.
Deathslinger is mostly about winning mindgames and going for pinhole shots. Many loops that are difficult for Huntress or Trickster are death traps against Slinger. His reeling mechanic also make guaranteeing follow-up hits very easy, since you can drag survivors away from strong tiles and force them to run through a dead zone.
Not to mention he has perk synergy with Save the Best for Last and with stealth perks, which are useless on the other two. Slinger also doesn't have to reload at lockers, meaning he is never forced to drop chase for running out of ammo (a major downside that holds Huntress back).
His projectile is also the most consistent and most accurate, due to zero drop-off and always travelling at maximum speed. His fast wind-up means you can see a survivor for a split second and immediately get a health state out of seeing them, while Huntress and Trickster would have lost sight by the time they are able to attack.
Huntress hits like a truck, and also handles like a truck. Her projectile has a slow, lengthy wind-up and you are massively slowed down while using it (and you must charge it up for it to move fast enough to be undodgeable). She relies pretty much entirely on aim skill, since she can't really mind game with how many audio cues she has. She is also the only ranged killer that can snipe.
Trickster can chew through health states extremely quickly, and specializes in dealing with survivors that are grouped up. Although he struggles at many loops, the loops he doesn't have trouble with are death sentences for the survivor. Due to his main event, he can clutch a down when he normally couldn't due to running out of knives.
The ranged killers are different enough that comparing them doesn't really work, I wish people would stop doing it since it's never a productive conversation.
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The way these killers function is different which is important.
Trickster can technically down faster with good accuracy. I can tell you myself it's possible to down someone 40 meters away with him. Get somewhere high and start pelting them, they cant go anywhere. The reason Trickster is a busted camper is he has more potential downs and faster fire rate. As well as his chase mechanics suck since he can hit you during vault animations with no real reprecussions for missing. Deathslinger and Huntress lose ammo and have a lengthy cooldown time. Trickster just rapid fires and gets half your bar filled. You also can't dodge that many knives at that distance, and on top of that his knives decay when not hit for a set period of time. So the only way to actually loop a trickster is to just run as far away as possible. Any filler loop or low wall loop is just death. People hate Trickster because he sucks to play against.
As a Deathslinger main, his power is largely his precision, area denial and being able to pull survivors around places. The majority of downs you get is through window shots or gaps by dragging survivors around obstacles. Also able to deny DH. That's important because DH is still a really popular perk and obliterates Huntress. Paired with STBFL he's a beast. You can pull survivors out of position and give them little time to recover.
I'd say the only real advantage Huntress has is instant damage. She doesn't have to build up or secure the shot. It just happens. But she also has weird large hitboxes that can collide with so much ######### on the way to the survivor. As well as only able to get 2 downs and an injure assuming you hit every shot at base kit. Meanwhile Deathslinger has very little reload time allowing him to stay mobile, and Trickster having the capacity to down in 5 seconds.
Huntress might seem stronger on paper. And she is strong. But they all have their own sets of advantages that makes them incomparable outside of their range based abilities.
The math doesn't matter because they all specialize in different fields.
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Slinger is far from gutted…
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Yeah he is still basically the same, sure i cant just insta shoot but its not that much of a difference, bigger terror radius sucks tho
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Slinger has a very high skill floor, which is why you don't see him. If you watch someone play Slinger for the first time, they miss every single shot for 5 minutes straight and then lose. Most people play him once and say "this killer sucks" because they can't aim.
I can forgive console players for saying he is terrible though, he's really bad with controller.
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He needed to be gutted, because was extremely oppressive in 1 vs 1.
Had no counter
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So he is still viable, just need to put into effort to learn him.
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yeah basically. He is a completely different animal from what he was 2 years ago. People are mad that they can't look at survivors and near-instantly damage them lmao.
I've been wanting to make a guide on him, but my plate is full irl with indie game dev on top of a full time job.
My guy, I am regularly playing against some of the best players in NA. Survivors with 3 times or 5 times my total playtime, including mid to high profile streamers that play the game for a living. If I'm in low MMR, I would genuinely be surprised.
Slinger is still very good, and I even have done decent with him in the very small amount of comp that I have played.
It's not Deathslinger that is bad. It's most of the people that play him.
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He doesn't even feel that bad to play, especially compared to other DbD killers. You completely dodged that in my other reply, which was entirely about how Slinger is not as clunky as every says he is. Instead you latched onto "skill issue," which is still a true statement about Slinger's performance btw.
400ms wind-up with minimal movement speed slowdown is VERY smooth by DbD standards. Spamming ADS also feels pretty smooth, despite being slow.
Take pretty much any other killer in DbD with an M2 that has a significant wind-up and they will feel like you constantly lurching around and stopping and starting.
Wraith, Doctor, Huntress, Pig, Spirit, Plague, Demo, Pyramid Head, Twins, Nemesis, Artist, Wesker, and Knight. Honorable mention to set-up killers and teleporting killers, who are also clunky and awkward. The moment you try to start your M2 with most killers, you either basically stop moving or your camera stops turning (or both), then you often have to manually cancel or once again stop moving for almost a full second.
Whereas Slinger can enter and exit ADS relatively quickly without having to stop in place, and can also stay in ADS with full movement control and complete camera freedom.
My point is that if you are complaining that Slinger is clunky, then you are either so used to dealing with the slow, clunky awkwardness of the other killers that you don't notice that how awkward they are to play, or you have pretty much never played Slinger after the nerf. I usually assume the later.
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Huntress has to wait to raise her hatchet, has to wait to lower her hatchet if she can't get a shot, has to wait after she throws her hatchet, has to wait for her throwing speed to charge up, has wait while she finds a locker and then wait while she reloads, has to wait while she gets line of sight because of her overly large 40m lullaby, and she has to do all of these things while being 4.4. It is awful design. Period.
See how easy of a statement that is? You just describe a character's gameplay loop and paint it as being completely 100% negative while ignoring everything good about them.
It's impossible to have a sensible and mutually beneficial discussion if your stance is "everything I even mildly dislike is unplayable garbage".
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Huntress and trickster can run out of ammo during chase and either have to drop chase or reload during chase. Both move at slinger speed. Is this also bad design?
Also this is personal opinions here but billy deserved it.
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They're both far more versatile in how they can employ their projectiles. I dislike some of the waiting they have, for sure, but they're not the same as Slinger. They can both reload the entire stock of their power after their chase, and they can both wield their powers far more consistently during the chase as a result. The tradeoff is if they mismanage their resources mid chase, they have to take that timeout or chase powerless. I think that's fair given the sheer projectile count they have, at least when compared to Slinger. We will likely never see Trickster buffs because of how strong his camping is.
The Billy mains would be very angry with you if they still existed.
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No, that did not seem like the point. To be honest. The times I can count on people saying a person on being low mmr facetiously I can count on a single hand. I re-read your comment and I genuinely read it sincerely again.
Yes, it is subjective. It really is. There is almost nothing objective in this game. I think slinger feels fine too and none of those things bother me or make me think he feels clunky. If you think he feels clunky for those reasons, it's fine. It really is. But stop acting like it's an objective fact that applies to everyone. I only have a handful of time on him before his nerf, and I actually agree with the nerf to ADS because it did feel bad from a survivor perspective - but I agree wholeheartedly with Ben's statements. I don't even think his increased TR nerf even really matters, personally, and I think I can take it or leave it.
Do I have things that annoy me with him? Sure, but that's just QOL stuff.
The same goes with billy - I think billy is FINE. I say this as a (former*) billy main. A lot of people think overheat is a negative, where I think it's objectively a positive thing and forces you to get good at his chainsaw, and once they buffed the engravings to not heat up as quickly, I can't even remember the last time I overheated that wasn't on purpose. His rework also introduced lo-pro's which are arguably one of the best designed addons in the game and one of the most fun addons to use. Now if we want to talk about how they "fixed" skybilly - that is something we can agree on. But my perception of billy is probably completely different for you.
I think wesker feels really clunky - I think he feels bad to play as, and against. I think the grab window is just a wee bit inconsistent. I think the large TR works against you a lot of the times, if you are going against 4 stealth players. I also think his power just overall is so damn boring. Skill issue? Perhaps. But he's pretty much universally received as a solid killer but I just don't see it.
But going back to the skill comment, I actually think it's a more valid comment than "oh you are just low mmr" for a lot of situations. This game takes skill and there are various skill floors and skill ceilings in the game and I think some people genuinely have a skill issue with things and just try to shut conversations down with what you said (ie 'low mmr!'). Whether or not this applies for you, I don't know. I have never even seen you play a game.
* unrelated to his power, I think he is boring now because I'm not challenged enough and to be frank, the good teams that play around double engravings are so far in between. so me and billy are on a break and I hope to find enjoyment in him again once mmr is more accurate, if that ever happens - but even then I'm still left with rng.
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For the Skill diff/MMR comment - again, the point is I never once complained about my ability to perform with Deathslinger. It was inferred incorrectly because I'm complaining about aspects of his design.
For the rest - you wrote too much and you're really on this subjective train when these elements can, in fact, be quantified much like OP already has. You do you.
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You can't provide a meaningful counter-argument to something anyone actually says to you, so you just dodge and ignore every single valid point instead of engaging and trying to have a real discussion. I showed that your point was just cherry-picking everything negative about Slinger while ignoring everything good about him, and that it's an extremely easy argument to make and also extremely easy to dismantle.
Every time I say "he's not that clunky" you say "that's just your opinion, he's still bad and the other killers are better." Every time I counter that with "he's not bad, he's good but requires skill" you say "no, I never said I do bad with him, he's just clunky".
If all you can do is ignore arguments you can't counter by making character attacks, or cherry-pick and make weak arguments and then counter again with character attacks, then you don't actually have an argument that is sound enough to actually survive in an exchange of ideas.
My take is "Slinger is fine, even quite strong, just more takes more practice than other ranged killers", and I can make supporting arguments for that all day.
What is your point, again? That Slinger is dogwater, but also not dogwater because you can win with him, also he's clunky, even though you're ignoring that most killers in DbD are clunky?
It's impossible to reason with someone that just wants to look at everything bad about a killer while completely ignoring everything that is good about that killer. If you just personally dislike playing Deathslinger, that's 100% valid. But don't come out here and say "this killer is bad because I personally don't like him".
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So you have no real counter argument, got it. Good talk.
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I elaborated on my comments for your benefit, clearly a mistake.
I explained why there's more nuance to this than just opinion vs opinion - not taking that well is on you.
Good talk, indeed.
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ah, the classic "I'm too smart for you therefore I am done talking".
Just take the L, man.
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I took the L the moment you demonstrated you weren't actually reading. I agree.
If me taking the L means you have to have the last comment, well, that's a you thing.
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I'm chilling, but you essentially replied with "too much to read", so there really is not any point of going further since you seemed done with it, so this is my last reply. So, as you said "you do you".
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You veered off track, just like the other guy. I don't have to follow your tracks.
I don't know why this is such a thorny issue for you two.
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bro you said in multiple replies "I am ignoring everything you say" after I directly responded to your arguments and made counter arguments. I read every single thing you said. I'm not the one plugging my ears, here.
You're really upset about "skill issue" even though I never even directly said it was YOU that had the skill issue, and turned this whole conversation into a whole lot of nothing.
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{Our draft got deleted so were trying again}
Slinger's versatility comes from being able to continue chasing while reloading effectively not having a "time out" (or if you wish to be technical, has multiple short time outs while on the go). While slinger gets 1 shot and has to reel survivors to get a down (for injury he only needs to hit the shot) he doesn't really need to manage his ammo, only his time.
They do still exist (most came out to play a few months ago for some reason), and we're still laughing.
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Again, cool story.
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There's far more nuance to it, however. He's not just taking multiple time outs, he's getting resetted mid chase anytime something goes poorly, sometimes even when things don't go poorly too - the difference between a missed hatchet, dagger, and redeemer shot is quite extreme in terms of the distance a survivor makes. But unlikely the others, even when he lands the shot there is multiple ways in which he's punished for it by, you guessed it, more waiting.
This is one of the few scenarios where I would promote homogenization over diversity. Moving some of Deathslinger's waiting to before or after the chase would be better design, even it made him more like Trickster and Huntress.
Writing that makes me want to throw up.
They could also instantly appease me, in spite of my current issues with his design, by adding several QOL adjustments like:
- Normalizing his sensitivity while shouldering
- Moving some of the time on his shouldering/unshouldering to instead having a lockout period so he can't spam it (The guys been using the rifle his entire damned life, why is he slower than literally anyone with a few hours of practice on a .22 LR?)
- Terror radius rework. I don't care what the tradeoff is, good survivors know they can W him to death. Take something else and let him actually be the stealthy hunter he's supposed to be
TLDR: Poor Billy mains.
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If he's getting fully reset mid chase then (and sorry for sounding like the others) but that is on the player (and/or sometimes the map). We can't speak for everyone but we can speak for ourselves and we've only been reset like that on maps like hawkins (we couldn't navigate hawkins no mater what) and rpd (old and current). While we can't argue about when he hit's a shot it can go bad (if he fails to reel in an injured its back to square 2 [ deep wounds = 2.5?]) its up to the player to play smart and weigh if its worth it to keep going.
We prefer diversity over standardization but we're going to opinions and preferences here so meh.
and lastly: Ha. Haha. ha.
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