MASSIVE collaboration I suggest to fix skull merchants design

I suggest you seek out the devs of meet your maker. They seem to have better cyborg human designs.
Skull Merchant isn't a cyborg, though...?
I'm like 99% sure that's a mech arm that she's wearing, not a part of her body.
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Thats exactly the problem, she would be much cooler is she were.
Comprehension is hard though I get it.
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Their comprehension isn’t the problem. You just implied that she was a cyborg even though it’s clear she isn’t. If you’re upset you didn’t get what you want just say so.
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I mean, sure, but why specifically Skull Merchant and not any other killer that could be cooler as a cyborg?
My comprehension isn't the problem here, you're just drawing an association with no real basis. If this is about people getting hyped for a cyborg killer, I get that, but that isn't what was promised and it isn't what she is.
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How's she a skull merchant anyway? She has 4 and they're all the same. Knight has nearly as many guards as she has skulls.
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The name "Skull Merchant" is associated to the lore, and is a name she adopted.
This isnt the first time a killers name doesnt really have anything to do with their power. In fact its quite common.
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Same company.
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Is it? The only other killer I can think of whose name doesn't fit their power or design is trickster.
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The Legion is a name based on their power, for starters, but I'd argue the earliest example is actually Nurse. Nothing about that name implies that she's got the ability to teleport through walls, so it's clearly based on her aesthetic and her lore. There's also technically the Shape, but that's licensed.
Similarly, Hag and Doctor don't really imply anything about their powers, and I'd argue Deathslinger should be counted since his name is obviously campy edginess.
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Thats the joke.
They have people in the same company who could design a much better cyborg killer ( yes I know SM isnt a cyborg, but a killer like in meet your maker would be cooler imo )
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If people asked someone who didn't know anything about the game, what they thought the killers names were, they'll never get anywhere near Trickster or Skull Merchant.