

Do you believe BHVR lost the Predator license and that's why we have the skull merchant?

Member Posts: 135
edited February 2023 in Polls

Do you believe BHVR lost the Predator license and that's why we have the skull merchant? 72 votes

yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.
12 votes
it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)
18 votes
I don't know
11 votes
no, it was original from the start
31 votes
Post edited by kill4escape4win on

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  • Member Posts: 1,145
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    clearly the character model is meant to be the female from the predator movie. so she was likely the survivor. the killer kit is exactly what i'd expect for a predator kit. me thinks the mask and outfit was added as a way to make a survivor seem like a killer last minute and then the claw was added from the predator to make the mori work.

  • Member Posts: 135
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    I agree

  • Member Posts: 165
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    I do believe something happened last minute and they had to rush, the mori makes no sense, it looks like it was meant to be for predator because survivors react like they can't see her like if she was invisible guess who else has invisibility(Predator) at least Freddy mori does make sense since you can only see him once you are in the dream world.

    Her design is very easy to make, as a 3D modeler, most softwares have a humanoid template to use or they could have used an existing female character and draging and scaling the proportions.Even her weapon is something easy to model for a decent experienced 3D Modeler.To sum up they made this killer in a rush and hoped for random bul shiet to work.

    Also Palie Ester made a video on YouTube about this theory and I think it more of a fact because everything matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,979
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    Wouldn't really explain why she feels so rushed then as if they didn't have much time

  • Member Posts: 138
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    They brought in a new skill check interactive component which is really nice but I don't think it is an excuse for not putting any resources for Lore, Story, and Mori (aka the 3 stooges).

    The Skull Merchant is such an after-thought. There must have been something else in the works.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    Too much evidence to not be imo.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    no, it was original from the start

    There's a lot of circumstancial stuff that has connections to Predator, but there is no way BHVR would get into a partnership with a license holder, create a bunch of content for it (Which costs money by the way) and then have to frankenstein it into an original chapter because of some disagreement or contract termination.

    They already had all the promo material, trailers etc ready ahead of the PTB so this has been planned for a long time

    Surely if it was a 'cancelled' license then that would cause legal issues and we would hear about it.

    The more likely and more logical explanation is that this is just a poor release from the dev team that they thought more people would like but didn't. Predator license or not, it's not just the Killer that is lackluster. The perks are extremely uninspired and boring too.

  • Member Posts: 158
    no, it was original from the start

    I mean, plenty of other killers were inspired by horror icons and serial killers (Trapper & Jason, Billy & Leatherface, Clown & John Wayne Gacy, etc.). I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same case (even if the name "Skull Merchant" still seems odd for her).

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    It's a ripoff through and through.

    Undetectable, tracking, double pronged weapon, long nails, computer gauntlet, collecting skulls, weird mask, perk about hunting.

    If I were Behavior, I'd have the Arnold character and that girl he rescued as the survivors - which is probably why we got a ripoff non-Predator character that is paired with a chiseled guy and a sassy girl with the entire background taking place in South America

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    In truth, when companies spend money on things, they scarcely just pack it in when deals go south - they scrap the effort and turn it into a new thing.

    Think of it like baking a cake. If you already made the batter and preheated the oven for your friend's party, but then it gets cancelled, are you going to throw the batter away or make cupcakes for your kids?

    "There's no way mom was baking a cake for her friend! See, these are cupcakes! Completely different! If the party was cancelled, she would probably just throw all the cake batter out into the trash and start over - there's no way that she'd make cupcakes out of yesterday's cancelled cake batter!"

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited March 2023
    no, it was original from the start

    The food analogy really doesn't work here, we're talking about partnerships and deals with intellectual property ownership which is a complicated legal process, contracts have to be signed and there can be serious legal reprecussions if things go wrong.

    There's no way BHVR would ever make content for a license when the contract hasn't been agreed upon and signed because once that happens, that is when everything is essentially finalised and ready to go.

    As much flak as the developers get, the team they have working and managing their partnerships do a stellar job.

    I am 1000% confident that BHVR wouldn't create content without a contract being signed, it makes absolutely no sense. You don't start producing when the thing you're producing hasn't even been fully approved.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    Things don't typically work like that. Talks are long, business meetings go through.

    "What will this look like?" "Can we see how this will be displayed?" "What do your numbers say about this or that?"

    Deals like this don't happen with a phone call or mailing money - a lot of interconnected parts have to be set in motion and checked.

    Processes start, there is velocity, momentum, and agreements - but there's also a lot of opportunity for things to fail and the deal to crumble.

    For instance:

    "CEO, we have been in discussions with the legal team over at 20'th Century. We believe that for our DLC package arriving in Q1 we will have the Predator IP secured"

    = "Good, we need months to work on this and a lot of effort, marketing companies will be called in January to prep for the rollout and Christmas is fast approaching, do you know what the deal looks like?"

    "They are optimistic, but they're still in talks with the holders regarding the pricing - they're quite stubborn about the potential shift in the perception of their product, especially after their recent cinematic release."

    = "Damn... if we don't start work on it now, it won't be ready in time for the end of Q1 2023. Start working on the chapter as an original, have some vertical slices to show the investors and the holders. If they back out later, we cannot jeopardize the release."

    Behavior has the rights to their work - 20th Century doesn't have the rights to Behaviot's work and if they declined the license, there's really no way they can legally challenge the company.

    Start making the product with an end goal in sight. If you cannot secure the juicy license, bake it into a different pie and release it as an original.

    Behavior is a software development company with shareholders and salaries to pay. The trains will run on time. They now what's going to be happening later on this year and have, without a doubt, already taken steps to arrive at that conclusion. Things may change on the surface (Gender, height, tools, cosmetics, lore) but you have to start prototyping with a goal to chase.

    The thing I'm really hoping you understand is this:

    Approval isn't the be-all-end-all.

    Product is the be-all-end-all.

    It takes months to get legal work done for a license to be drafted and take effect. It takes months to design and integrate the content into the game. There is no possible way that Behavior is unprofessional enough not to have backup plans and failsafes in order.

    If they intend to have an ALIENS chapter in November or something, they're working on the content now. If the deal falls apart, the effort and content will be released - just not with the licensed aspects.

    Behavior will ship their DLC package in the fiscal quarter that the executives have set before them. There will, under no circumstances, be a cancellation due to legal shortfalls.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    no, it was original from the start

    I really do not buy it, there's absolutely 0 proof this is what happened. Every link to "Predator" is either a choice of wording, comparisons in design and that's it. There's no concrete evidence BHVR was in talks with the license holder and that it fell apart for one reason or another.

    Also, maybe you've worked for companies where that's their work process but there's not a chance in hell BHVR repurposed a Predator chapter and it became Tools of Torment.

    The more logical explanation has always been that BHVR created a chapter that they thought people would like and they didn't. it can happen - Look at Twins. When Twins flopped people didn't say they were a repurposed Chucky concept.

    I love the theories people come up with but let's face it - reality is often disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    I'm not saying that this is exactly what happened, but you have to understand that this is how business works.

    You're basically saying that no song has ever been repackaged due to a label fall-through, or that multi-billion dollar companies just burn money on scrapped projects.

    District 9 is a movie. It exists. Do you know why it exists? Because they started working on a Halo movie and Microsoft didn't play ball. They started the ball rolling and got money, talent, and effort thrown in behind it - then it turned into a new project after the initial idea fell through.

    I do appreciate your kind words in protest, but I really don't understand why even the POSSIBILITY is an impossibility for you to admit.

    Given my experiences, as limited as they are, in the field of production - knowing how these things go through - it seems highly likely that at some point during development Tools Of Torment was aimed towards being a Predator tie-in.

    And I honestly don't know why you're willing to accept that it can be possible everywhere else, but when it comes to BHVR being a professional company, you're saying that "There's no way in hell" ???

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    no, it was original from the start

    I don't believe it because the only 'evidence' there is, is extremely circumstancial.

    I also don't believe BHVR would start making content for a licensed chapter only to change it to original because of some... Coincidental, unconfirmed and undocumented "backing out" from the license holders of the Predator IP.

    Another thing, BHVR has several chapters in the works at once months ahead of when they are scheduled to release - this is a proven fact because not only have BHVR themselves confirmed it but we knew about Knight wayy before he was released so the question is IF Skull Merchant was a "failed predator" then why would they recycle it and release it instead of saving it for when they actually secured the rights?

    They would've had other chapters in the works at the time, so it can't be because they put all this time and effort into it and needed something to release.

    I don't get why people are so attached to this theory and cling to it.

    BHVR made a mediocre/bad chapter, no point dwelling on it since it's not going anywhere

    Don't take my word for it though, you can hear it from the head of partnerships himself - Mcote:

    I timestamped it for you.

  • Member Posts: 135
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    well alright

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    You really think everything that comes out of that guy's mouth is true? Or hell, accurate? I see!

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    And you believe what this guy says is correct? Hell, even accurate? I see him as a PR man, saying what needs to be said when he has too. Might be a hard take. But his expressions and body language to some questions are so telling to me.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    no, it was original from the start

    Do you have any proof that what he said was a lie?

    I'll believe the words of somebody who not only works for BHVR but is the main person who helps get licenses into the game in the first place over claims with no proof at all to back them up

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    yes, too many evidences that it was in fact for Predator.

    All good! Wasn't trying to be authorative, sorry if that came across. He just demonstrates all the signs of lying on camera imo. And the fact he represents a company also supports my conclusion. We'll know eventually though! :D

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    no, it was original from the start

    No worries!

    I mean he def had to watch what he was saying because if he says the wrong thing I imagine he'd get in trouble lmao

    Time will tell

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    My friend, I don't think you're really understanding what I'm saying.

    There's a clear communication issue here between us.

    1.) This is a poll. It is about what we as individuals BELIEVE. I believe something based on what I know and understand, you believe something different based on what you know and understand. It is good to discuss our differences and see the other side of the table, but it is unbecoming to try and combat other viewpoints or discredit them wholesale. It seems like you have a particular disdain for even the mere suggestion that a chapter MAY have been handled a certain way. None of us here actually worked on the project, so none of us know with absolute certainty - but saying that because there is no concrete evidence that my opinions are somehow invalid or lesser than your own - which are equally as devoid of direct evidence - is no way to conduct one's self.

    2.) I apologize if I miscommunicated, but it is not so simply a 'backing out' of any sort. To back out of a deal, things must be agreed on beforehand and interests must be 'in'. Time, effort, and budget can go towards a deal that never materializes. The music industry works much this way too - where artists create music for IPs that do not actually get accepted in the end, where film productions get the budget and power to pursue a particular vision only to be reallocated during pre-production due to their inability to secure a partnership. I really do want to emphasize to you that this is simply how the world works, it is a real and legitimate part of production where the business side must start a project and land it within a particular launch window... but must also be flexible with what that project may become. Especially after Stranger Things, it is a near impossibility that Behavior does not have generic assets lined up for partnerships that do not renew - or even may back up mid development. It's just a reality of business. If this is or is not what happened here is up for debate, it is entirely possible that this has never happened in Behavior at any point, but to treat it like some sort of conspiracy theory is absurd.

    3.) You're trying to explain to me that products do not have set release dates or launch windows on the business side because... they were working on the Knight long before his release? This is not evidence in the least. If I leave my house an hour early to get to work on time, being on the road half an hour before my shift is not evidence that I don't have a set time to arrive at work. it takes a lot of effort to create these chapters and a lot of elements have to align properly. They did not start work on the Knight halfway through 2022, that would have been insane.

    4.) You ask "Why wouldn't they just WAIT for the next opportunity to make it a predator IP?" - It's because that's no way to run a business? Why shelf a product that's ready to ship? If Q1 is fast approaching, which project are you going to focus on - the one that's almost done, or one that needs several months of crunch to get to where it needs to be? I really don't understand what the point of this line of thought is - as if Behavior just comes up with these projects one after another and crunches them out in a number of weeks. As the interview says for itself - They'll tweak and make changes to give the chapter an identity of its own and preserve many of the initial ideas for next time - but they're not going to do things like scrap prototypes or start anew with everything from the ground up. If the contention is that "If the Predator IP fell through, why don't they just change everything and then wait for the next opportunity to do things 'right'?" - then we're both agreeing indirectly at that point.

    5.) "I don't see why people are so attached to-" My brother in Christ join me as we look in the mirror. We are here expressing our lines of thought and you seem to be convinced that in sharing what you believe, that everyone else should simply bow to the self-appointed superiority of your opinion. There are a lot of business and production reasons why it is POSSIBLE for this to have been a Predator IP at some point... and the overwhelming quantity of overlap between this half-baked chapter and the Predator IP is convincing in and of itself. Is it true or false? None of us can tell for certain because we were not there during development. Some will think that there's a good chance of it, others will think it improbable at best. But suggesting that one side is completely unrealistic or illogical and emphasizing that you alone might be correct - that others simply 'cling to it' in some lowly way while you stand by your own ideals - it is the definition of inflexibility and hypocrisy. You are better than this.

    6.) I appreciate the video and link. But as others have pointed out, Mathieu Cote is a professional having to steer this ship. Not only is it in his best interest to bend the truth, but as someone who has worked with a customer facing management position - at times your lips are going to be sealed from corporate or legal obligation. You're interviewing a guy who's entire livelihood and career is tied up in a lot of Professional Agreements and NDAs. While I don't think anyone would assume that a misspoken word would cost him his job, I believe we can all agree that Cote is a seasoned professional that likely knows better than to land himself in hot water with saying too much in an interview. Your video is a wonderful addition - but it is sadly made irrelevant for three primary reasons:

    • This is a slightly heated topic and no professional would come out in an interview and sell out their partners or disclose confidential business agreements with third parties. Not only would it be unprofessional and against their best interests, but they have no obligation to do so.
    • In this interview, Mathieu himself was deliberate in talking about powers and the identities of each character through gameplay. "bespoke" as he called it - which is not what is in question. The contention is that during pre-production at some point this may have been aimed towards being a Predator IP, not if the power itself was 100% going to belong to The Predator. Cote indicates that they have a veritable toybox of powers to use, so why burn the perfect IP power on an original when they can swap out the power with one less fitting from the toybox? This is a good point against the prospective Predator IP intending to have drones (Which don't fit perfectly) but that was never the point. The point was "Maybe they wanted it to become a Predator IP and Behavior just took the guts of what they were doing and made it this drone lady instead?" Which is not at all disproven by his statement. He clearly says that licensing is sometimes a "hard pass" from the holders, and that instead of using the perfect power for those potential Killers, they use a different one (however so) that they had on paper. This has nothing to do with the potential pre-production of the chapter.
    • This interview was in October 2021. It has nothing to do with the Tools of Torment expansion. It might be relevant if they were speaking specifically about this project, but they were not speaking of it nor about anything relevant to the discussion.

    7.) Finally, my friend. I think I have gone on enough. I respect your opinions and points of view. You are clearly an intelligent and reasonable individual. You are not doing yourself any favors by speaking as though your perspective is more valuable or reasonable than others; using the words that you have is telling and unbecoming. I hope that you respect the convictions and perspectives of others instead of trying to explain to them why their thoughts are wrong and not being particularly convincing at any rate.

    Have a good day, see you in the fog.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited March 2023
    no, it was original from the start

    Reminder I wasn't the one who started the discussion, I posted my opinion on the thread last month and left it at that so don't act like it was me coming into the thread trying to explain to people why they are wrong when I was simply replying to people who quoted me to begin with.

    Nowhere did I say my opinion was better or worse then anyone elses, I just said all the "evidence" that people are choosing to believe is completely circumstancial and inconclusive. Nobody has any actual proof that this is what happened as I keep saying. I still don't understand why people choose to believe it when there's little to back it up.

    Of course, you can believe whatever you want, doesn't bother me - but when asked for proof, if you can't provide any then the opinion can't exactly hold up to scrutiny. I respect other people's right to hold opinions, but that doesn't mean I won't dispute when they're saying something that (imo) has many flaws with it. That's just how it goes, if you find that disrespectful then I'm afraid there's nothing more for me to say on that.

    As for the video, you can't just brush it off as "he's lying and he's not talking about Tools of Torment so it's irrelevant". He was straight up asked plain and simple "Does BHVR reuse licensed chapters that didn't go through" And he said "No.". Whether you believe it or not is up to you but it's far more believable and logical that it's the truth of the matter.

    Also "BHVR wasn't working on the Knight in early 2022", I can't post the proof to the contrary because I'll get in trouble but go do your own research. You will find evidence dating back to April of 2022. It's true and it happened.

    End of the day though, it doesn't matter. Failed predator or not, The Chapter is a flop with little redeeming qualities in the eyes of most people.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    it's likely considering the state of the chapter (lore, design and mori)

    Honestly, what's the point in replying if you didn't take the time to read what was said.

    Next time, don't skim or you might sound a little silly.

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