This is something that needs to change badly in the DBD game itself. There needs to be no dc penalty for survivors because they won't do anything about camping people out of the game. They actually promote toxic killer gameplay by not allowing us to dc when a killer just sits there and watches you get sacrificed on hook. This is ridiculous as a avid consumer of this game and someone who spent their hard earned money on it, I should not be penalized for not wanting to play a game with someone who just camps every game they play. We all have had those consecutive games where that's all the killer player does because they aren't skillful enough to do anything otherwise. This game is probably more toxic than league of legends with a completely smaller community and that's saying something. As someone who plays the game a lot ( not more than most ) I should have the right to DC when I feel If nothing is being done about this problem. This game loses its fun when that's all killer players do because it takes zero skill to do so ESPECIALLY IF ITS A TOXIC BUBBA! If nothing is done about this I can pretty much guarantee that this community base is going to drop significantly when the new texas chainsaw massacre game comes out if this problem isn't dealt with. Also one more thing if a killer also has a horrible connection the survivors shouldn't be have to suffer a bad host killer connection because it reacts horribly for us those that have good internet. I should not be a hostage because they cannot afford good internet. That's their problem but without me being able to DC for free I'm in fact held hostage to a game I have to suffer so therefore it should be a bannable offense unless I can DC for free. I know the devs aren't going to read this or do anything to fix it because lets be honest they've had more than 6 years to do so, this is more for the community and my question to you all is: Why should we continue to support devs who don't actually care? Whose only concern is to continue to make skins as a problem solver just to get your money? Who won't change anything unless its for a dollar?
Sorry but the game would become unplayable.
A lot of players already dc because of every little bit they don´t like or if the first chase does not go in their favor.
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See other Thread:
"Devs? Can you finally adress something what is even more annoying than tunneling? DC/Rage quit"
Post edited by Marc_123 on1 -
I think people who are very skilled at the game, often forget what low to mid MMR looks like. Killers don't know the maps or how to play the game well, and they rely on hook camping a lot. It's probably very rare at high MMR as it's inefficient against squads and most Killers don't want to look like they are camping hooks, but for the rest of the playerbase it can be something you encounter match after match. This is why Wraith is so common at lower MMR. He's easy to pick up and destroys new players as they struggle to find him when he's cloaked and can't loop very well.
At lower MMR in Solo Q you know what is gonna happen the moment someone starts hook camping at 5 gens. Nobody touches gens and everyone goes one by one to feed the camper. I can imagine a lot of newer players just give up after encountering these sort of players constantly as it's not fun to play against. Although I did meet a break dancing Booba once who was inbetween two hooked survivors, but it was too adorable to get mad at.
I genuinely sympathise with the host of this discussion. It can be extremely demotivating to play these sorts of matches on a regular basis. But the DC penalty should stay.
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Hey, guess what? I also spent my hard-earned money on the game and I love love love just standing there and watching survivors die on hook.
There, my money negates yours. Unless your purchase is somehow more important than mine?
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This is a true cry from the heart of the community. It’s better then to do it like in DOTA 2, if someone rains, then the rest of the players can safely leave the game. Because I also have no desire to play when I'm being tunneled and camped.
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This post contains all sorts of delusional entitlement. NO(!!!) DC penalty for survivors? Great! Now they DC whenever they mess up, play against a killer they don't like, play on a map they don't like, play against a perk they don't like the list is long. The core reason for DC penaltys is that survivors are not just DCing where it's appropriate, but because the devs are very aware of the entitlement of this playerbase. This community complains about everything anyways. No they are not promoting toxic gameplay by not allowing you to DC without a penalty. The Devs stated multiple times by now that camping is NOT a bannable offense and thus you have no right to DC whenever you please. And guess what? The campers also spent their hard earned money on it but I know, I know. It's hard for you to think about anything else other than "me, me, me" which is exactly how your post reads like. It's always about you, never about other players. That's why you also shame killers who can't afford good internet. I mean you actually think that you should be entitled to DC when killers have bad internet... like what? Also if you think that this community is more toxic than League players you are massively delusional. The killer is not there to cater to your own fun, they play this game to have fun themselves. If winning is the very thing that's fun for them so be it. Your argument of the TCM dethroning this game is also sooo original. It's not like that has been said like 10 times in the past. Oh, Last Year: The Nightmare, Friday the 13th, VHS, Evil Dead: The Game is finally gonna kill DBD. I am looking forward to this game but again: Thinking that a single horror IP will dethrone DBD is so delusional, I'm honestly baffled about ridiculous claims like this. Also: The killer is not the host of the game. You are playing on dedicated servers. You should stop blaming killer players for all your problems you have in game. And the killer having a bad connection is not holding your hostage. If you don't want to support the game then leave. You are clearly not enjoying this game anymore.
And just in case you are saying that I just wrote my post because I'm an entitled killer main that searches for an excuse for camping or tunneling or having a bad connection: I am playing with highspeed ethernet and camping and tunneling are not my preffered playstyles because it's boring as hell but I do understand why killers do it (which you clearly don't). Peace
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Can I copy your post and put it on a T-Shirt?
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Go ahead xD
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Stopped reading at the word "entitlement" because you're obviously not smart enough to know anything about anything. You think that we players are entitled that's because you scream the words I'm a killer main and have no friends.
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I'm not even that concerned about tunneling its just camping in general. Survivors get punished that way for not having a perfect game, You can make many mistakes as a killer and not suffer game losing consequences. You literally make one mistake as a survivor and the game is over for you. See it from a survivors point of view.
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Most DC's aren't even due to rage quit even though a lot seem like they do. I've legit got DC'd from a couple games where the killer hits or downs me and it legitimately kills my connection to the server for some reason. The have very unstable servers so there's no way you can account for all DC's as a rage quit. I could easily argue that most DC's aren't peoples fault, hell even many killer players take the chance to play the game as a host killer connection with horrible ping and since they are the host in every match the game operates on that horrible ping and in no way does it ruin there gameplay for some reason. In fact it usually gives them an advantage because it makes me and my swf rubber band towards the killer while you're running away from them.
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Reading your comments it just confirms my theory. It's all about "me, me, me" never "us". You are one of the most self centered people in this forum. Guess Yun-Jin is your main lol.
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