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Any platform - Nemesis M2 abusive bug

Member Posts: 103

There is a bug with Nemesis tentacle which makes hitbox of tentacle unfairly much bigger.

Bug is pretty simple and you just press A or D in the moment when you hit survivor with tentacle. It gives ability to do extremely unfair hits even if survivor behind the wall.

Also during the use of this bug there are bugs with sound. There may be no sound of tentacles hitting, or the sound may be distorted.

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  • Member Posts: 138

    This isnt a bug, you are supposed to be able to control the tentacle to an extent

  • Member Posts: 103

    It’s not controlling the tentacle. You move your body with A or D and hitbox of tentacle become bigger. Doesn’t really matter if you hit a survivor, if the tentacle was near, it will be a hit, and videos are approve it.

  • Member Posts: 699

    tentacle's hitbox has an intended lingering effect

    the second video hit looked like lag

  • Member Posts: 809

    it's an intended lingering effect to the tentacle, not a bug

  • Member Posts: 103

    Intended lingering effect is fine, if Nemesis did a hit with tentacle, you 360, but still got hit because you came back under tentacle hitbox while it exist. But if Nemesis move his body, he increase range of tentacle hitbox and this is abuse which gives you ability to do unfair hits so it still need to be fixed. I see it everyday in pubs and those hits are frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Pressing A or D dont change your hitbox its not a bug just high ping moment, you can try play as Nemesis against bots to test it

  • Member Posts: 8

    Exactly its a tech not bug. And its not making your hitbox bigger, you are just moving your hitbox with the killer. With out this Nemesis would be unplayable, because his hitbox is too small and very easy to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Nemesis already mid tier, and if you delete this tech, you will only see more nurses and blights.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Nurses and blights are not able to give me hits through walls so I would prefer to play against them than another nemesis who give hits because he can press A or D. Hitbox shouldn’t move with your body, it’s a bug. Hitbox should be where you did a hit. Imagine deathslinger or huntress can move hitbox with their body to fix their mistakes. It would be fair too?

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    The lingering hitbox is part of how the M2 works - it is just that the vfx doesn't match how the power works and that Nemo is one of the killers that can use high ping to their advantage. I give you that the vfx should match the hitbox; aka it should move with the hitbox so you at least know what hit you

    But that doesn't make it a bug. (Same as hitting over certain obstacles; Nemo's M2 hitbox is like a "beam" continuously extruding away from him in the direction he is facing; it has a set length, height and duration. whatever it hits first gets substracted from the beam, so if the hitbox of the survivor is just that tiny sliver higher than the obstacle (even if the survivor model is visually smaller than the obstacle) the survivor will get hit. This is also why depending on the window and timing you can get hit through windows and why sometimes you will get hit over pallets; depends on the angle and where you crouch to dodge.)

    But it's not like it's just Nemo where what you see on screen doesn't match the power's hitbox. The same is true for e.g. Wesker ("starfishing" in the air because collision hitboxes for his M2 are not model-sized) and Huntress (hatchet's hitboxes are spheres leading to the hatchet's hitbox on the vertical line being about three times as wide as the model representing it).

  • Member Posts: 8

    oh, then I hope you will encounter even more nurses and blights and less nemesises

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