Are the BP incentives supposed to match queue times?

Are the BP incentives supposed to match queue times? Ever since the survivor HUD happened, I've had 10 second killer queues, non stop all the time..... but the BP incentives are still sometimes showing up as survivor.
Do the BP incentives just not care at all about MMR? Are they just showing what my region overall needs? Right now, the game shows 100% survivor incentives, I have 10 second killer queues, and about 1-2 minute survivor queues. And I'm not sure if the incentives are broken, or if I'm just not representative of the average player base, so my personal incentives don't match my queue times at all?
Is this happening to anyone else?
Yep, my killer q’s are always instant, even without incentive.
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It might mean that the discrepancy between the required killer to survivor ratio technically requires more survivors, but is in fact very minor. In that scenario, it means your region is actually doing REALLY WELL in the killer to survivor ratio.
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It’s not only region, but MMR range as well, apparently.
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Now I got higher at MMR with killer and noticed that games lot harder, and the incentives are on killer even on afternoon.
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I don’t understand how it could be based on MMR, unless it gives each player an overall MMR level. I’m fairly sure my Myers is in garbage MMR compared to my Blight, but I don’t ever see the incentives change if I switch from Blight to Myers?
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I was thinking the same, i usually see 100% on killers, sometimes i see a 100% on survs but my Qs are no longer than 10 seconds ever at most.
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I cannot say for sure, but I think you have an average MMR for killer. My blight MMR is sky high and I think spills over to all my killers.
Me and my buddy live on the same street, but his incentives are always opposite of mine. He’s not very good, so his MMR is a lot lower than mine.
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You have a global mmr for your killers, beside individual rates. It's likely based on the former.
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Nope, they do not match queue times, they match currently online killer/survivor ratio.
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Unless there's something else involved I'd assume the game just has a desired ratio of killers and survivors, and as the ratio tilts too far in one direction it starts offering incentives to try to get it closer to the desired ratio again.
It is fully possible to have basically universally quick queues even with 100% on one side, it just requires enough players to be online in your area/bracket/whatever other variables that are involved.
Personally I've said it a few times recently, but I've seen way more 25% incentives in the last month or so than in ages before, implying the distribution is closer to the desired ratio. And queue times seem to support that, I can't remember the last time I had a queue I'd call anything else than very fast (Northern-ish EU, usually afternoon into evening time, PC).
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Yea it seems they are bugged
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In that case the incentive shouldn't be 100%, it can go as low as 25% if they only need a few extra killers etc.
I've had multiple times where the incentive is 100% and I'm still left waiting for a while. Not a major wait or anything but you'd assume 100% incentive means insta-queues.