So where is it? Where's that Wraith growl

Everyone says oh the counter to Wraith is you can hear him growling...uh fun fact no I can't even with volume up at the loudest I don't hear it either I've gone completely deaf or everyone has super powers.
Because I seriously can't hear Wraith's growling noise people say he has(when he doesn't) so basically like always Wraith has no counter or I just have an extremely old version of the game where Wraith never had a growl.
Check in this video, you can hear it around 2:26-2:28.
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It's a little snarl, but I've only ever heard it when he's right on top of me, at which point I can just see him, too.
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It's more like a gurgle to me
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It is more of a gurgling or snarly breathing sound. You can only hear it when he is fairly close to you - but can still give you an early enough warning to take off before he can uncloak.
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it's really audible and loud, and I have legitimately terrible hearing.
Are you playing without headphones on?
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It’s so loud… How do you not hear it?
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Just go into Killer and pick Wraith, you can hear the noise there in the waiting area.
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Can you guys stop collectively gaslighting this poor fella into believing Wraith has a snarling sound?
@jamally093 Wraith is quiet, don't listen to them
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Go to the killer menu and select wraith. It sounds the same in the lobby as it does in game
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You can just spot a moving shimmer when he’s within 20 meters….?
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Get some headphones (or better ones) or get your hearing checked. Not even bein snarky....his sounds are pretty loud and obnoxious. Kinda sounds like somebody with a serious sinus infection breathin in your ear.
To be fair, it's not as loud as gen notifications or music if you're in a chase, but once you've heard it, it can never be unheard.
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I've always struggled to hear Wraith's snarling even with headphones on but you can see his shimmer easy enough or even when you see him unloaking. Just have an escape plan while you're on a gen and the moment to hear the bing-bong or you see him start to uncloak just run.
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Can you not throw serious accutations like that around like it's nothing?
There is litteral video evidence he has a snarl
Here have another
Especially the first clip you can clearly hear the wraith before seeing him
Please don't use the term gaslighting lightly, all you're doing is giving people reason to believe it's not real
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You can clearly tell this footage is edited
I have been a wraith main since his chapter release so I think know what sounds he makes
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Killers are trying to mess with you, there is a sound but it's not like a sonic boom that some people here are hinting at. It's really easy to miss that sound on a gen for example. Best counter for spooky boy is looking for that shimmer if you can get a flashlight he's got burn too.
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yes, the stealth killer's audio cue is subtle enough to not completely invalidate his entire power. It's an early warning if you're not looking, not a foghorn.
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You're just straight up lying at this point.
First of all we are talking from the survivors point of view so how long you main wraith doesn't matter
And second he does makes sounds when you play him even.
Don't listen to this guy op, there is a gurgle sound but you only hear it when the wraith is really close to you, most of the time if they know you are there they will uncloak before getting within the distance for you to hear it.
If you want to know what it sounds like just play a match of wraith against bots and don't move while being cloaked. It plays the exact same sound
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Every killer actually has breathing sounds they make that survivors can hear. Pig and Freddy have very quiet ones however which are basically silent. It would be weird if he a was an exception (Especially considering his breathing is just an edited version of Billy’s)
It’s more noticeable with killers like Myers or trapper which are very easy to hear from my experience
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I believe that is subjective to the gamers headset. I hear wraith a mile away.
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The counter to Wraith is a flashlight.
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Why the heck did you make this into a whole new thread instead of continuing in your original one:
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Its level is comparable to the sound of Michael's breathing when he's near you or the wooshing of Ghostface's clothes/his footsteps. You only hear it when they are near you, which gives you enough time to respond accordingly but not enough to make their stealth powers useless.
I highly recommend you to play them, that way you get a lot of feel for their audio, their movements, strengths, and weaknesses! ^^
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lmao same, but then I also remember not to actively give myself tinnitus, so turn it down lol, but once you know who it's going to be when you're paying attention you know when they're near you anyways.
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Yeah i know
Myers loud breathing has saved from feeding him tons of stalk loads of time
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"Since his chapter release"
Ah yes, the Dead by Daylight chapter back in 2016
Also that footage isnt edited, its just really that audible.
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I don't think you understand. egg_ wants you to take them as seriously as you should take anyone who says they have been playing since the trapper DLC dropped.
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I also think this is where the quality of headphones you use makes all the difference to hearing survivors walking on grass too hearing a stealthed Myers breathing in his mask.
$100 and down headphones are the poop unless your basically playing at max volume and are deaf there is no fixing you kekw!
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0:47 - 0:52, 2:16 - 2:17.
(Survivor POV)
0:07 - 0:30, 0:43 - 1:11
(Killer POV)
For someone who claims to have "main wraith" You are either being sarcastic, have a bad headset that gives bad audio, or your hearing isn't as good as you think it is.
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People falling for egg_'s bait posts are funny, there is no way you can't tell he's joking
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Yeah, I've been wanting to comment but it was funnier watching it play out lol they were clearly joking in their first response
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Okay so Wraith's does have a growl it's just extremely quiet since I can barely hear it over the generators.
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Problem is not a growl, it is the speed Wraith is moving, by the time you hear it, he is already sniffing your butt.