Today Is the day i’ve uninstalled…

I’ve been playing Survivor more than I have killer recently and It’s been nothing constant toxicity match to match. I get tunnelled out and camped which okay it’s a strategy I guess but getting that every single match when you didn’t do anything toxic is not right. This match I just recently had was the last straw and it really sucks because I actually like this game.. I was going against a demo with a friend of mine he was extremely toxic to me from the start of the match for no reason so I just tried killing myself to just go next and not deal with it but he purposely went out of his way to not hook me and slug me and shake his head and nod at me for no reason and he was only doing this to me specifically because he didn’t do to my friend or my other teammates and I didn’t deserve that because I didn’t teabag or flashlight click or anything. Before anyone says I’m being overdramatic I’m not because the games before that was the exact thing so i’m done.
"He was really toxic from the start of the match so killed myself"
Then he didn't tunnel or camp you, because you were on first hook. Then you tried to give up, and the killer wouldn't let you. I do this too if a survivor tries to give up. Its BS, it denies me bloodpoints, it denies their team a chance at winning, and i honestly think it should be bannable.
Better question you should ask yourself. What did you do to get tunneled and camped? Do you run dead hard? Because the best counter to deadhard is to tunnel someone off the hook, hit them, so they get deep wounds, and now instead of dealing with 3 health states, you only have to deal with 1.
Try running perks that discourage the killer from tunneling you, not encouraging it. Run off the record, have your friend run borrowed time, run decisive strike.
14 -
Haaaa. I've done this as demo before, not recently so I doubt it was me against OP.
But as killer if a surv is obviously trying to get me to kill them early game. Then I tend to slug or ignore them.
I have a strong belief that survs shouldn't ever nope out of a game early on, say 5 mins or less. It's unfair on their team, so for survs who refuse to DC but won't try and help their team? Hell yeah I'll make sure they stay in it for longer. Serves them right for ragequitting unnecessarily.
Note: I'm fine with people doing it late game when the match has clearly swung in killers favour. But early match It's extremely bad manners imo
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First off, I wasn’t the first person to be hooked… The first person hooked literally killed themselves the moment they were hooked. As soon as he downed me he started being toxic for no reason… The game was already over like why should I stay In a game where a killer is literally bullying me… The games was over before began which is why I said I wanted to move on and go next. Why is it on me to make sure you get your bloodpoints… No I’m not playing a game where I’m being bullied.. How is him slugging me and shaking his head at me getting him bloodpoints. How is him standing over hatch waiting for me and shaking his head giving him blood points. Then slugging me after he closed it be so serious. I didn’t do anything to deserve that. I shouldn’t have to change the perks i’m running to avoid toxicity.
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Seriously, you run Dead Hard means you deserve to be tunneled now?
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Someone literally killed themselves on first hook… The game was over before even it started… I’m not playing a game where the killer is very clearly bullying me specifically… I don’t care about bad manners I wanted to die and go next but nooo he went out of his way to bully me like why would I wanna play that.
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Stop taking camping and tunnelling personally. They are simply efficient strategies. Killer players are not there to entertain you, they are there to play the game just like you are. So unless they are breaking the rules then it's a game issue and not a player issue.
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The OP's experience is valid. I'd say 20-30% of my survivor games involve the killer trying to make the game as miserable as possible for the other side. I've been bled out and hooked with a few seconds left on my bleedout timer lately. Plus there's a 50% chance that a solo queue lobby is a 10-20 minute cutscene with a pre-determined outcome due to matchmaking. I'm honestly just waiting and hoping for another game in this genre to actually be good. Sunk cost fallacy is the biggest thing keeping me playing.
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So being extremely toxic to me for no reason is an effective strategy? and I should just deal with it? Like you said Killers aren’t there for my entertainment and i’m not there for theirs so i’m gonna go into a game and do exactly what he did to me to other killers because “There are no rules”…
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You should play killer instead, if you are playing Solo, then killer is the only choice you have in this game.
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We shouldn’t have to play killer to avoid toxicity.
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"First person hooked literally killed themselves the moment they were hooked"
That right there. The person denied them bloodpoints and a decent game by doing that. Probably thought you were queued together and took it out on the rest of you. Not saying it is right, but there was definitely a reason.
And i'm not saying "avoid perks to avoid toxicity" tunneling and camping is not toxic, they are strategies. The point i'm making is, if you are running things that are countered by tunneling and camping, then you get tunneled and camped, you should "surprisedpikachuface.jpg" and should realize why that happened.
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Ok see you next week
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It’s very funny how you’re completely ignoring everything I said. He didn’t take it out on the rest of us. He took it out on me specifically My whole reasoning for me killing myself was because he was being toxic before I was even hooked or tried killing myself he just wanted to be an ass to me for no reason. I’m not staying in a game where i’m being bullied.
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Dead Hard is strong but extremely unfun to go up against, tunneling is strong but extremly unfun to go up against; between a Dead Hard user and a tunneler neither has any ground to call out the other.
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No matter how childish this post is, I understand the feeling. Playing survivor is frustrating and miserable as f. I remember 2-3 fun matches out of hundreds at best.
Maybe to play survivor you have to have some loser mentality or something, otherwise it is literally painful.
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You misread my post. I didn't say running dead hard means you "deserve to get tunneled" i'm saying, the best counter to dead hard, is actually to tunnel. If you proxy a bit, wait for the unhook, and then immediately hit the person right after they get unhooked, they get deep wounds, yeah they get a speed boost, but now you only need to deal with a 1 health state chase, instead of waiting for them to heal and getting a 3 health state chase.
People always say the same thing when i talk about why survivors get camped too. i'm not saying you deserve it, i'm saying its the best play.
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Maybe you come back one day and learn to deal with it or the game might just be not the game for you.
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You have to be masochist to enjoy SoloQ survivor, or extremely casual player who are just messing around, and all cares about few chase here and there, dont want to think, just enjoy the predetermined game based on MMR RNG, which is favours killer mains. The matchmaking almost completely random, and its a team game, and if your random useless, then you lost from the start.
As killer if you are mediocre or even better good, then you can easily 3-4k most of your games, true there will be like 15-20% games at worst case which going against proper SWF but on other hand you can be sadist vs Solo teams, you really feel powerful for most of the time.
SoloQ survivor is enjoying the pain thats all there is to it
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This post had nothing to do with deadhard somehow it’s brought i’m talking about the toxicity I just faced that drove me to uninstall not tunneling or camping so seriously your comment is irrelevant.
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I would argue that playing killer is also genuinely boring since you only see the same perks being run against you all the time, and gens go faster than they ever did before. SWF makes the game for survivor fun, and solo q isn't very fun at the moment cause of tunneling/dcers/ppl giving up, being way more common.
Though to say killer is easy is strange because on matches where people don't give up or dc when they figure out the killer is someone they dislike, the generators always get done incredibly fast, especially when you aren't playing as killers that have big snowball potential because when I play killers that I don't play as much as my main I always get the same survivors that I do when I play my main and the matches are usually just unbearably unfun.
Playing killer you have to run slowdown unless you are somehow a god player who can go up against really strong teams with no means of slowing down gens a little. Even as the top-tier killers no matter how fast my chases are I usually just get stuck at the end if they get gens done super fast it's why I stopped using aura reading only. You also go against the same perks al the time over and over and over making it incredibly dull, think genkick meta kind of boring for survivor, but you get this with perks like adrenaline and dead hard they rush gens because the have adrenaline its as simple as that. For survivor you go against unfun playstyles over and over tunneling, bad teammates, slowdown heavy killers who just 3 gen for 20 minutes until either you are all dead or you slowly get all the gens done. Teammates who give up constantly or dc if it's a killer they hate.
Both sides are very miserable to play for the general playerbase I would say.
Post edited by JustWhimsical on6 -
This whole community is hypocritical. The killers cry and complain together about being "bullied" but dont have any sympathy for survivors. But so many survivors have sympathy for killers. I wonder when thats gonna run out. Most of these people are purposely missing the point that you were held hostage in a game. Even though that a bannable. They are pulling any excuse they can to be biased. They brought you being solo q even though you werent. They are once again obessing about dead hard when the post isnt about dh. They are bringing up "denying a killer bloodpoints" when i guess no one scares about survivors bloodpoints or pips. Honestly they are just creating a bigger divide
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I'm sorry you had to be through that and felt frustrated/sad playing the game. I do think we really need to talk about that*
Not justifying the killer behaviour, but maybe he had a toxic match before and went to give it to someone (which is not right); maybe he thought you were in a SWF, then started playing like this; or maybe you blocked him in a chase.
Anyway, since we can't control another player's behaviour, i advice you to use some anti-tunnel perk (Off The Record, Unbrekable, Decisive Strike), so even if you get tunneled, at least your team can escape
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Definitely, but I can actually do something about it on killer. It's very, very rare that I run into a team that can bully me. It basically has to be an active comp team that I'm not ready for, and even then I'll probably get a 1 or 2k. I can simply end the game at 3-5 gens most of the time if survivors try to bully me. I can't do that on survivor though. Survivors are only as good as their worst teammate in solo queue when a killer is being toxic or sweaty. So it feels much worse.
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If DH wasn't so easy to bait I'd agree.
Fair enough though I have to disagree with your conclusion.
Bet games with you are a blast.
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You talked about toxicity:
"I’ve been playing Survivor more than I have killer recently and It’s been nothing constant toxicity match to match. I get tunnelled out and camped which okay it’s a strategy I guess but getting that every single match when you didn’t do anything toxic is not right."
And then the very first example of that is "i get tunneled and camped which okay is a strategy but getting that every match is toxic"
I'm saying, it is not toxic, and you probably are making it the best play for the killer to camp and tunnel you. I am trying to help you by suggest ways to discourage killers from doing that, that actually cause them to lose them game if they try to do that. If you are talking about toxic chat or something, i'm all for reporting that. But if you are talking about camping and tunneling, you need to look in the mirror.
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So you think it would be better to deal with 3 health states than 1? I suppose the other option is to completely ignore the survivor who has dead hard, but the problem is that it is the most used survivor perk by far, and you'd be hard pressed to find a game where at least 2-3 people aren't running it.
You could try outplaying the dead hard, but that basically puts you in a 50/50. Again, better to just tunnel the person out than deal with a 50/50 lf 3 health states.
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If they were being bleed out on the ground that's not being held hostage the game will end once the bleed out bar is empty and that's the understanding I got from OPs post so it's NOT a bannable offense.
Lately I have seen so many people use the term "Being Held Hostage" for situations that are not and that only will bog down the reporting system with false claims making it HARDER and LONGER to get actual offenders reported and banned.
Also note before some says "Well it's targeted harassment" it's not because OP would have to prove the Same Killer Player targeted them over multiple games.
I'm the end it was multiple things that led to this....OP said someone already DCed during the match and if OP was trying to Hookcide themselves but we're rescued then the Killer had enough and went to Slug mode and nope mode. Is it annoying yes but it's also annoying when so many Survivors will DC or Hookcide when the game isn't going thier way and that gets very annoying to Killers.
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nice try man....everyone know demo a good boi
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This is not “literal bullying”
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I do the same. If you join a match and then become a big baby because you got hooked at 30 seconds then i stop hooking you. I knock you down and let you bleed out till last second of life then i hook you.
sometimes ill even carry the player around on my shoulder the whole match if I’m running a carry build.
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It's usually not hard to bait it.
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If you use it well... yeah...
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Right, but if you do it wrong, you now deal with 3 health states. I'm saying that even if only 1 of them works, it is much better to tunnel the person out so they can't use it again. Additionally, it usually pisses off that survivor and they DC or play badly, or the rest of the team acts like seal team 6 and comes to help them with body blocks.
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Like i already said it's not being "extremely toxic" to you, it's being efficient about achieving their objective. You look at it from a self-centred point of view.
There is rules.
And camping and tunnelling are explicitly not bannable offenses so yes, i am saying you should just deal with it.
5 -
I'm still here. 😭
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I mean, if you cant take being 'bullied' in a game, I must tell you, life is 10x harder.
Don't take it so personally. Its just a game.
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What are you even on about? Did you read what you yourself wrote? Because you're making zero sense.
What type of utter BS is it to think that killers SHOULD tunnel someone just because they MIGHT run Dead Hard, a perk that is for everyone to use? And how does someone who has just been unhooked have 3 health states??
There is no counter to a hard-tunneler. Most killers hit you instantly off hook, so that diminishes OTR. DS in its current state is an absolute joke of a perk. But to think that the best counter to DH is to tunnel... What has this player-base come to 😅😅😅
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Again, you aren't reading what i wrote. I didn't say you should tunnel someone because they deserve it, or because it is toxic, or anything like that. What i am saying is, if someone is running dead hard, and i know they are, and i hook them. The most efficient tactics for me to beat that person, is to tunnel them off the hook, hit them intentionally, so they get deep wounds, then they can't use dead hard in that chase, then keep chasing them.
This means they get a speed boost, but i only have to hit them 1 more time to down them. If i don't tunnel them off the hook, then they get healed, and then the NEXT time i chase them, i have to hit them once, then hit them again and 50/50 that i can bait the dead hard, or they don't reach a pallet with it, giving them a 3rd health state. Then hit them a 3rd time to down them, before i repeat.
If i see them use dead hard, it makes way more sense to tunnel them right off the hook so they can't get any more use out of dead hard.
I'm saying, that if you are playing to win, and they have dead hard, tunneling hard counters that. Good killers realize this, so if you don't want to get hard tunneled and die. Run something like off the record, and sprint burst, that way, i can't hit you right off the hook, you sprint burst away, and you have OTR so you get that extra health state without having to use dead hard or time anything. Additionally, if you sprint burst away, i'm probably going to ignore you and go after the person who unhooked you, because i can probably very quickly land a hit on them, and then start a quick chase with them, rather than tunneling you when you just zoomed away from me and are probably on the other side of the map by now.
Tunneling and camping only work because survivors let it work.
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This old nugget, killers deserve ez free kills, but survivors dont deserve ez free escapes. Tunnelling, camping and slugging is very ez this is why baby killers do it, do you see baby survivors looping the killer for multiple gens? lol. Killers still crying about dead hard even after nerf and entire basekit of killer buffed lol.
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Because DH is still a problem perk but that's besides the point. Camping and Tunneling are used by players of all skill levels because to help midigate the game then it's best to make it a 3v1 instead of a 4v1 as soon as possible. No one is crying for easy kills or easy escapes at least not what I have seen in this thread ATM
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Don't quote my comment if you don't actually read it.
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Again? I responded to you once, and never will again seeing how it's a waste of time. That being said, I'm not reading all that. Bye.
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But if the KILLER tries to nope me out of the game, it's just "strategy..."
Hypocrisy. Got it.
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I meant "again" as in, another person who didn't read what i wrote. But way to show that you are really mature here.
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I hope you find another game to enjoy and invest your time in.
If i can offer some advice, if you quit playing the game then it's very reccomended you put it out of your mind completely.
Don't visit this forum, don't watch videos, don't look it up, etc...
Trust me, keeping engaged with this toxic community without playing the game will make everytime you return to it a nightmare
Stepping away from the community gives you a chance to love the game again without your mind having been poisoned if you ever decide to pick it back up.
It will also make it easier to shrug off if somebody decides to be mean in your returning games
The responses you got here should be a clear sign i have a point
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Yeah it sucks when you meet killers like that who are probably off the back of their own experience with toxicity
If you’re not having fun it’s for the best that you uninstall
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today i had a huntress that thought 4 minute bleedout is the right way to end my match and a pyramid head with a stuck M1 button, he kept hitting me on the hook.
i dont TB, i dont bring flashlights, i dont nod. my perks are COH, DH, Kindred and something random.
the thing all "toxic" killers have in common on EU servers is: <can't tell because it will get censored or deleted>
I always tell myself, karma will fix it.
@Desteriaa if you notice a common pattern on these killers or just want to vent, contact the support directly and give them feedback about what you think the problem is. the more people contacting the support, the more likely it is they change something.
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Killer seemingly deserved all kinds of abuse for running for example NoED for years now so i don't see a real problem here. /S
An eye for an eye....until the world goes blind. 😮💨
Post edited by burt0r on1