Behaviour allows cheat in game

Before cheat supporters vomit their fears losing unfair adventage here i drop this !
also developers accept here 3rd party softwares are cheat but some we allow!!!! So ask yourself those before whine.
Unfair adventage allowed?
Communication softwares gives unfair adventage ?
as George Orwell says: “ All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. ”
Out of curiosity, how exactly would you even try to stop it?
We can even ignore how developers aren't even allowed to interfere with the party chat systems on consoles if that makes it easier to answer.
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There are plenty of ways about it, but devs dont sadly dont listen, i guess they have fear of a lose player base, so even we say add communication in game, they also reject cause of unfair adventage, but that easier way, you can do anything as long as you play..
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Honestly dbd should have proxy chat It would make it so much easier to know if the person is being toxic
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Yes, an unfair advantage is allowed. A lot of killers still play the game regardless. Until that changes, BHVR won’t change their position. Even if they wanted to, how would they prevent the use of 3rd party software running separately from the game itself?
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You did not answer the question.
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As i heard at Dark souls such system for example, i am not software engineer but if they want it there are plenty of ways
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The forums have discovered Orwell's oevre, I see.
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i dont think this is my businness!! if you want proper advices you can pay me, am i wrong?
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You know DbD is THIER game they can approve what can and can't be used. Just because you say it's a cheat dosnt make it so. Also how can they stop it since they have NO control over console systems and the use of chat features on there?
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So you dont have an answer and just want to rant, because you just lost a game assuming that they were an SWF on Comms.
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So if you look this wayi we are customer right? would you accept defected stuffs?
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There is absolutely no way the devs could stop comms, even if they wished to.
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Answer me 3rd party programs are allowed as developers say????
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The Devs have said that playing in an SWF and using Comms (like Discord) is not cheating. So yeah, in this case, it is allowed.
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SWF and using voice apps to discuss with your friends is not cheating.
We are very clear in our game rules that this is not cheating and that these communications are whitelisted by us, other 3rd party software is not allowed and can trigger a ban.