ok so I am confused playing Pinhead.

With possessed chains when I am playing against pinhead if the first one hits me I am immediately stuck by 3 chains no dodging, maneuvering, nothing. When I hit with one as pinhead they come out one at a time and the survivors can dodge them. No I am not talking about chain hunt, I am talking about possessed chains, the M2 ability.
Hitting the survivor with the M2 posessed chain spawns 3 chains. If you (as Pinhead) walk through those chains, or if they break from the environment (survivor goes behind a wall), they will break and spawn new ones which shoot toward the survivor and can be dodged.
If you're only seeing 1 chain attach after hitting with the M2 power, clip it if you can. It may be a bug. I don't play him enough to know for sure.
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What you’re probably seeing is the survivor gets hit by a possessed chain, 3 chains spawn, 1 or 2 get broken very quickly by the environment, and then 1 or 2 additional chains spawn to target them.
When a survivor uses the environment to break a chain, an additional chain will spawn that targets them. I’ve had it happen before where I hit a survivor with possessed chain and 2 of the chains immediately get broken by the environment, causing 2 more to come out and target the survivor, so that’s probably what’s going on.
Try hitting a survivor with a possessed chain out in the open with no walls around and you’ll see 3 chains spawn on them. If not, it might be a glitch or maybe you have the engineer’s fang addon equipped. Hope this helps!
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I have, I know how environmental breaks work and it's not that. Example I hit one running down the hall ar midwich, only that one chain hit initially the other 2 they dodged as they came out one at a time which gave them only 1 chain to break and they barely made the pallet. the good one at first floor by basement. except for the dodging the other hooks this was a straight shot.
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Are you running any add-ons? Some reduce the number of chains that hit with a possessed chain.
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You could be blocking/breaking the initial chains without even realizing it. Sometimes when you're moving forward in chase the chains can actually spawn behind you. They'll hit you, get cancelled out, and you'll never even know it happened. I think Otz or somebody did a video on it, but it's been awhile ago so I don't remember. This isn't a new issue. No idea if it was intended or just an oversight by BHVR. Unfortunately, there's no way around it. You're kinda at the mercy of RNG chain spawns.
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no addons. I always start learning killers without addons as to familiarize myself with their base kit
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This sounds like something that should be fixed