Buff for Ghostface

Hi everyone, how are you doing? Today i come with a small sugestion that actually has a GREAT impact on the Ghostface gameplay! As an retired Ghostface main i can tell you that there were times i got so damm frustrated playing Ghostface that I would just close DBD and play it months later. First, I must tell you why to buff him.

Ghostface is a normal killer with normal terror radius and normal speed, his power is all about getting stealth and TRYING to make an survivor exposed. Looks strong right? But there are a few problems in this... Ghostface relies totally on the map he is playing, if it's an indoors map he really is that great, but if it's outdoor, in the open, well... I can only say it sucks. Survivors can easily reveal him from really really far away and he has to wait the cooldown to get his power back just to be revealed again, and if he hits an survivor that was 99% stalked all the stalk is lost.

So here's my simple idea that would buff him A LOT: What if even after hitting an survivor he wouldn't loose his stalk? This would make such a huge impact on him. You would be able to truly use your power and not worry that much with hitting the survivors, if a survivor was 99 stalked you wouldn't loose it all after a body block in the hook. Of course, when they get exposed you would need to stalk it all again, but what if you were able to keep stalk even after hitting the survivors? What you think 🙂 ? I believe he would be more consistent and reliable even in outdoor maps as he would still be able to have more control.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I’d also just like the “whooshing” sound removed so he could actually sneak up on survivors.

  • Jylppy
    Jylppy Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2023

    I'll stick to what SpookyLoopz suggested some time ago. Make ghostface night shroud permanent, so he would be the first killer to have no terror radius. In exchange "remove" his ability to 99% stalk, so when you stalk survivors their stalk meter will decrease over time if you don't stalk them fully in short time. This time should not be too short ofc.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    reminds me of trickster's exposed addon, wonder if he'd need a lullaby or scratched mirror myers speed.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 47

    The most recent Ghostface buff in June 2023 has been so brutal. I don't blame killer mains being frustrated by Ghostface pre-buff, but geez, now gameplay is so damn stressful and sweaty as a survivor against Ghostface. I also think BHVR must have tilted map selection towards indoor maps when killers play Ghostface. I've played at least 15 ghostfaces since the buff and never an outdoor map! It's so incredibly unfun to play against a killer that you can't see or hear and can get grabbed off a generator because now all gens spawn near doorways.

    Honestly, Killer mains who play by the unwritten community rules of DBD, namely by not exploring ghost face by camping and then tunneling - I support you getting the killer you want. However, there are so many killer players who don't know, don't care, or exploit every unwritten rule that it will drive people away from the game - which we've seen since behavior started this path last year. BHVR crutches skill. They did the same to Legion, who was my favorite killer to play and play against and is just now deplorable and irritating to play - from music to game style.

    To all those with the intelligent comeback of, "you should just get better at the game," please consider the level of discourse you are putting out there and realize you are missing the point entirely.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Funnily enough, I've played GF a couple of times since the update, and each time, survivors played an indoor map offering.