Pip penalty for "giving up asap" playstyle.

Veroles Member Posts: 868

I would suggest something what will probably not sound nice for everyone but let me speak out.

Especically in solo queue i experience people which decide to DC or love to play the game to die asap. I am not sure why people think this is a cool variant to play a game by giving up the fast they can, it seems to be a challenge somestimes between players who is the fastest. This is a very selfish behaviour and does ruin the game for everyone.

Regarding to this i would suggest a penalty system and also a soft adjustment of the pip system itself.

How that could be done? A possibility could be that everyone who decides to take 4% and die asap before anyone else is even dead this person gets a penalty for the next match(es). Or this person dies within a time which is simply not possible when you play at least with a little bit of motivation.(under 2 minutes of game length for example).

This person has to meet a certain requirement to make it possible to pip again. How that requirements could look? There could be many ways. You could say this person has at least to stay for 5 minutes in game. Does finish a gen. Does heal another survivor. Does a chase for a certain amount of seconds. Does earn a certain amount of points in general. That's something what you have to check out by testing i guess.

Whats about when you have a cheater ingame where you simply wanna die fast? Well that's something what devs should look closer at it of course but i would say the most cheater games go at least longer than 2 minutes so i guess it's mostly an okay trade at least in most cases.

When this system is made clever maybe you also could think about removing the possibility to depip entirely.

What you all think about this?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316
    edited February 2023

    The problem with giving people a time limit to stay in the game is that that’s an unfair burden on them if they get a killer who decides to tunnel them out of the game in 2 minutes or they get hooked first and faced camped. If they can’t get rescued or don’t (because most survs know the best thing to do when being face camped is to not go for rescue and work on gens) then they get face camped out of the match. They shouldn’t be penalized when they had no control over their ability to stay in match just because they were the unlucky one to get found first by a tunneling, camping killer.

    Having said that, I do think that the pip system needs to be changed to at least guarantee a safety pip if you end up in a match where everyone DCs or just dies immediately on hook. You can’t prove that someone intentionally suicides on hook (They could have just tried to 4%) but for the person left in a match alone after the abandonments, obviously they’re not gonna make it out in most cases. Losing a pip for this is unfair. They should at least get a safety pip in those cases.

    And before someone eventually say it: Yes I know pips are not tied to MMR or an indicator of skill. Pips are moving up in rank which can be a personal goal for yourself, but for many of us, we want to pip up to get the BP rewards at the end of rank reset. This is a legit desire for many people and our ability to do this shouldn’t be negated because of how others in the match play.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    Even when a killer tunnels or camps it is simply total selfish because you ruin others fun too. Also the possibility to pip. In most situations you can do a trade or extend the duration of the tunnel. It feels so disgusting when i am close to iri 1 and people refuse to play the game and smash myself a - pip in my face and i have no opportunity to avoid this. At some days that happens twice or more in a row so i lose all pips and fall down to 0.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    I get what you’re saying. But again, it’s not fair to penalize someone for something they can’t control. I’m not talking about them killing themselves on hook, I’m talking about them getting tunneled out of the match. If they don’t last more than 2 minutes in the match due to the killer playstyle you can’t penalize people for that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,152

    people trying kill this game faster?

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited February 2023

    It does not matter because camping and tunneling is tolerated from BHVR. When they get killed within 2 minutes they are not motivated because you can not die under 2 minutes at all, you can only die when you wanna die. It's nearly impossible to get out of game in under 3 minutes. All what people do in that case they simply support the playstyle of killer to give him an easy win. I have no problem get tunneled at all because i know i will make it most expensive for killer i can. The most killer which tunnel me will only get 1 max 2k. People should be more motivated to punish the killer for a dumb tunnel/ camp and make him clear that this tunnel was a bad idea because the most killer tunnel just dumb and with no concept behind. That all is absolutly no excuse to punish your team just because the killer decided to play like that.

    So yes they could remove the possibility to take 4% before a second survivor is hooked.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,245

    If you're dead within about 4 minutes of the game starting you're guaranteed to depip anyway.

    You probably got about 1000 points in each category, max. Likely nothing in altruism at all.

    So someone dead immediately gets a depip, and max 5k BP. If they have thin skin and disconnect, they get a depip and 0 bp. What further punishment do you really want here?

    You're treating a symptom. Tunneling needs to be less efficient and spreading hooks more efficient. If they do that, then you target the mentality of 'if I'm first hook/down, I just never get to play the game. Go next'. That's the root issue here at the end of the day.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,917

    Pips and Grades don't mean anything. Punishing people with pips doesn't matter.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    BHVR just needs to remove de-pipping entirely so matches aren't so punishing when you get bad teammates. You can't control for what teammates you get. You can attempt to solve for those who suicide but you can still end up with some new player who dies in 60 seconds because they just don't know what they're doing. If de-pipping is removed entirely then a bad match is just a bad match, unfun but it ends with the end of the match rather than carrying on afterwards by having to regain the pip the match took away.

    This stuff is so miserable because bad teammates can take away what you worked hard to earn previously.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405
    edited February 2023

    When someone gets tunneled out at 5 gens, I'm probably not gonna invest much more energy into that match. I'll play it out, but I'm not really gonna try.

    It's often better to just move onto the next one. I've already almost certainly de-pipped and I'm not gonna get any BP, just by someone being dead at 5 gens.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    You’re just being unreasonable and making straw man arguments to support your view.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    Everything you’re saying is based on your own experience. That’s not actual statistics or numbers on how much something is happening. The devs are not gonna take your single experience and implement a game wide rule based on it.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    First of all what i have suggested is nothing what i wanna force in by any means. It was a thought which came in my mind and i wanted to discuss it. I simply do not like the fact that others get punished just because someone decides to give up just of a certain early game situation or don't wanna play against a certain killer. Otherwise i would not have asked what all others would think about it.

    Second thing is when you say someone brings strawman arguments or what ever then at least try to explain what you mean instead of just throwing things in.

    Third: Yes, of course i don't have any statistics about it but when you watch at different streams where people play solo it, is not just me which does have that experience, so i definietly know that this is a problem which affects others aswell, not only me.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,132

    I think having a reduction in pips or bloodpoints for survivors that are willing to off themselves is pointless. Because they’re probably not a high level player to begin with.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316
    edited February 2023

    When I say straw man argument I mean you’re created an argument out of thin air so that you have something to argue against. You literally have no idea why these players die early. Im sure some of them do kill themselves on hook intentionally but your assertion that people “who get camped or tunneled in under 2 minutes are not motivated because you can’t get camped or tunneled out in 2 minutes” is a fallacy. First you absolute can. There are different people of different skill levels playing this game. People have and do get tunneled and camped out in 2-3 minutes. Second, You made a broad sweeping statement with no evidence and then used that statement to argue for your point. You don’t know why or with how much regulatory a certain thing happens in this match but you want to implement a punishment system based on that. That’s not how this works. And again, it doesn’t matter how many streams you watch. You do not have enough info individually to know whether or not something is a systemwide problem. Unless you work at BHVR which you clearly don’t.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    No, it's not selfish when you get tunneled out. it is selfish when the killer tries to tunnel and the surv just gives up and the other 3 survivor just get penalized. Of course i don't wanna have a system which punishs not experienced players. Maybe i did not described it very good, sorry.

    Yeah maybe ...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,917

    If people are giving up early they aren't getting much bp in the first place. Penalizing bp won't do much either.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    When i read all this i come to the conclusion that this system will not bring that effect which i wanted to see. Thanks for the answers to all :) Have a good night

  • healsoflove718
    healsoflove718 Member Posts: 81

    You have to ask yourself why are people killing themselves so fast...

    maybe they should fix the game first before we start punishing people.

    tunneling/camping/slugging is way too high.

    too many toxic players on both killers/survivors.

    it's getting boring ..........

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    People are caring too much about a game

    If people are dying fast, who cares? Move on to the next match

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited March 2023

    Well when you have 10 games in a row where that happens you sometimes ask yourself why you start the game at all. Even when you play "friendly" like some would say at some days people dc like there's no tomorrow. So i think it is nothing bad to share improvement ideas even not every one is good like mine in this case.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Depipping is an old system that has no actual use today, why keep it at all? After all it's supposed to measure how much you've played, and your time played can't be negative..

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Tunneling and camping sure, but if they're slugging and not hooking any survivors at all then you have a much better chance to pip than if you were facecamped by say a Bubba on hook

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    10 games? I would have stopped playing after game number 2 and would either play or do something else

    Because I really don't care.

    A videogame is the last thing that bothers me to the same point as some people I see here.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    When i have enough from a game of course, i turn it off and sometimes i don't play it for a while, or in DBD case, i also can try to play the other role and look how it runs. Me personally learned to deal with it but nevertheless it should be a motivation to reduce refusing to play situations and higher game quality itself.

    Absolutely. It's a core mechanic like camp and tunnel also, question is if it makes really much sense to keep it like it is.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,063

    and what's the penalty for the survivor(s) who keep kiting the killer into me on purpose?

    That's the biggest reason I will nope out of a game, and I shouldn't be punished for it