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Flashlights are toxic

Losing a hard won hook and just not being able to see is a miserable experience. Is there a Killer who likes being blinded at pallets?
I'll wait for heavy flashlight users who say they are "easy to dodge."
I'm hardly a heavy flashlight user myself, I don't think I've ever brought one in my occasional survivor games except for challenges, but I can provide: They're really easy to dodge.
At least if they're trying to get a flashlight save, those are easy to dodge. You obviously can't dodge pallet blinds, but eh, that's still more to your benefit than it is your detriment so I don't get mad at it.
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It's nice that you atleast let it known in advance that you aren't going to listen to advice
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Why use them if they are so easy to dodge?
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Don't want advice on how to deal with them?
Stay blind then 👍️
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Well, they're certainly easy to take advantage of, really. From all the things people complain about daily on this forum, flashlights are the ones I really don't understand.
What could be better than having a survivor chase you while you chase another one, and giving them a good smack, for their troubles. Maybe even down them?
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Flashlights are probably the weakest item in the game so survivors are honestly helping you win when they bring them in.
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Run lightborn if you are so bothered
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The hook wasn't earned until the survivor was placed upon said hook
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Since when is it toxic to use an item the way it's intended to be used?
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extremely easy to dodge look at walls is not that hard, put objects between u and survivors i still dont remember when was the last time i got blinded by a flashlight.
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Everything in this game is toxic.
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its not. there are many perks that literally can avoid getting hooked even after getting downed by the killer especially if keeps slugged.
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Can't get blinded by a flashlight if you don't play Killer.
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As long as you have game sense, flashlights are a Killer item. Sort of like how Self-Care is a Killer perk.
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how many hours do u have at the game?. 20?. as i said because maybe u have reading problems, not trying to judge u im just saying taht i play both sides more surv than killer but still, i play both sides and the flashlight is BY FAR the WEAKEST survivor item in the game, i fear 4 medkits in my lobby not 4 flashlights, those are EASY games, 4 MEDKITS are nightmare games.
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and which addon can any killer bring to instantly regress a gen to 50% as soon as it reaches 99%?
Only the top tier mobile killers can disregard flashlight saves. They can get right back on them and get another down.
Those with no chase powers have to work for a down, and it hurts to see minutes of work undone in seconds.
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Keys and maps are far weaker
Neither of them can undo a chase
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If killers could disregard flashlight saves, people wouldn't be flashlight saving
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It's not a lie at all.
If it was, flashlight saving, pallet saving, sabotaging, boil over, and maybe even wiggling out wouldn't be possible.
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Be glad that they are following you instead of doing gens, best slowdown
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I just left a game where I did near all 5 gens on my own while the other survivors messed with flashlights. Those who say they're a great slowdown are correct, what a tedious game that was. I unhooked one of them on my way out but didn't stick around past that.
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hillbilly is pretty okay with it.
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No they're not. They're items in the game and their function is to blind, they're no more toxic than how "toxic" it is to select the Nurse or a particular add-on in the game is (in other words not toxic)
Also let go of the idea that you've somehow deserved a hook just because you've downed someone. Stuff like sabo, flashlights, perks like boil over/flip flop/power struggle/breakout exist for a reason, bodyblocking is actively rewarded by score events and stacks for certain perks for a reason. Make no more sense than a survivor saying "I made it to the gate, I should have escaped" after getting downed on the way out, or even "We got all 5 gens done, we should have escaped". Which I'd hope we can all agree is pretty silly. A hook isn't earned before they're on the hook, just like an escape isn't earned before you've actually made it out of the match.
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Mostly points tbh
I like when survivors bring flashlights, I've had way more games that i snowballed into victory by slugging the person i downed and going for the would-be resquer then i've had people escape from a blind
And that's including when i first started and got flashlight saved 7 times sometimes.
Chasing another survivor straight after downing one is one of the strongest things killers can do and flashlight users really enable that
If you really hate flashlight savers pick up infectious fright and start chasing them if they are near when you down somebody and see how quickly you can snowball out of control sometimes
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People use them because they're fun to use. They're probably one of the few survivor items that require skill (sabo toolboxes and blood amber keys being the other ones) and adds a new layer of depth to chases and altruistic plays. Getting a flashlight save requires good positioning, stealth and timing (that last part was made more generous recently) while using a pallet blind to your advantage requires good knowledge of game audio and mind games. Flashlights are counter-able but that is what makes them a fun challenge to use. After a pallet blind you can listen for footsteps or grunts of pain to try and track them and punish them for losing distance getting the blind and if you catch someone going for a save that's a massive benefit for you, getting either a hit or resources out the way usually while they weren't doing gens. If you find them hard to beat that's fine but people liking to use them is not a direct correlation to their strength.
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I absolutely love flashlight lobbies . It lets me know a lot in advance:
Survivors will waste their time following me around while I chase instead of doing gens.
No medkits with styptic or instaheal.
No BNPs or sabo boxes.
I get a free hit every down by faking the pick up animation.
Survivors will cut their distance from pallets short by blinding me instead of simply holding W.
Yeah, keep using flashies.
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theyre as toxic as camping and tunneling with twice as many counters, skill issue
camping and tunneling arent toxic and neither are flashlights
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I'm sorry I actually laugh out loud a bit after blinding a killer.
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It's not toxic, it's part of the game. I run Lightborn 100% of the time since dedicated servers went live because I lost the ability to avoid being blinded and I've never been able to track via sound in this game, even with headphones, and the audio problems only ever get worse.
Anyway, I don't like being blinded, so I love Lightborn.
If you don't want to bring Lightborn, then deal with flashlights the way I deal with Boil Over: slug everyone to death.
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Killer really got that short end of the stick when it comes to being blinded. The entire screen goes white with a glaring painfully bright screen, and for a Time it even limited hearing. Meanwhile survivors only get aura sight removed they still have the full hud vision, really no negative effects whatsoever .
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Well they seemingly managed to distract the killer for full 7,5 minutes and more if you did all the gens and had time for a save.
Edit: Also, all hail our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎. And his little more aggressive brother franklin's.
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i like being blinded at pallets, i have headphones so it means the survivor isn't making distance as i track their footstep sounds
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Losing a hard won escape just because the killer has perks that literally tell them which gate survivors are opening and then prevent them from doing so, or even make you insta-downable all throughout the end game is a miserable experience, but alas, that's the way the game goes.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate flashlights with all my heart, and it's the reason I rarely unequip Lightborn. But at least you have a perk to counter this little inconvenience and you don't require a 4-man e-sports team to coordinate a flashlight evasion, unlike, I don't know, getting stared to death on hook.
This game has terrible game design decisions for every side of the player base.
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It is infuriating to be stunned and then flashlighted... Flashlighting at that point is just you being an #########. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Sure, but it's them choosing to put themselves in more risk to be an #########, so I can't really get mad at it. I'll take a blind and the knowledge that they're not making distance to the next loop over a hold-W gamer any day.
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Are flashlights toxic or do toxic survivors use flashlights?
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They were toxic when it was the Clicky Click teams that used them as a annoying sound maker but they fixed that so now they are just meh.
If I don't want to deal with them I'll just use lightborn but past that no they are not Toxic
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You hate getting blinded and while you know they are in the match?
Face the wall when picking up a survivor.
Or because 9 out of 10 times the flashlight player(s) are usually around when you down a survivor.
Use your sense and chase them away or down them.
Still getting tilted about getting blinded?
Equip lightborn.
Not trying to be mean or anything but this is more on you than anything else.
Yes it can be annoying when you forget there's a survivor with a flashlight, but there are ways to play around it.
A flashlight toxic?
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Getting blinded after can make it harder to see scratch marks. That's the survivor covering their escape.
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And that means you aren't being a dirtbag at that point? If that is the case then forever remain silent about tunneling, camping and slugging.
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I don't use flashlights as survivor and get somewhat annoyed by the whole pallet-blind thing when playing killer --- but that doesn't make flashlight toxic. Even if blinded just break the pallet. By the time it's broken you can pretty much see again anyway. -- And if the bright screen from the blind bothers you... I guess bringing Lightborn might solve your personal issue with flashlights.
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Hah, you really haven't read any of my posts. No, they're not being a dirtbag; they're playing the game normally and increasing their odds of escaping. If it bothers you that much either equip Lightborn or learn to counter it like all the other Killers do.
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I have read it, analyzed it, found it to be bad and told you as such.
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
Baby Survs like it . Means it will be buffed only.
Heard flash canon bazooka coming to rocket in sky with 100% chance of blind for 3* min....bec why not....survs only need to ask...
Also heard Dead Space collab will bring razor lazer you can cut limbs of killer....bec survs hunt killer anyway now...
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Bro what? Having flashlights in your lobby is awesome. The amount of pressure I get because of those greedy little goblins is amazing.
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Before you start insulting people I'd like to point out you're the one who can't figure out how to counter flashlights.
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Because not being able to see is such great fun.
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thats the main point of flashlights dingus
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I run Lightborn constantly. Quite aware how to “play around them” without it. Here’s a shocker. Coordinated SWFs with thousands of hours in the game have a lot of experience blinding, more than most Killers have dodging them.
I have seen SpookyLoopz, Otz, and D3ad get blinded multiple times in a game. If those guys get blinded, you can imagine what it is like for the average Killer.