We Are Stuck in a Time Loop


Disappointing chapter release, players give criticism, BHVR says they're sorry, everyone forgets, license drops. Disappointing chapter release, players give criticism, BHVR says they're sorry, everyone forgets, license drops. Disappointing chapter release, players give criticism, BHVR says they're sorry, everyone forgets, license drops.

Players have been asking for a heath chapter for years. The game feels more stale then ever, we got two boring chapters in a row. No one really wants to play Dead by Daylight. Players are getting frustrated and there are other games coming out that quite frankly respect the players' time more than this game does.

The health chapter has been a long time coming, and it's getting more and more apparent by the day that it's necessary. New perk and killer power designs have been uninspired and best and actively harmful for the game's longevity at the worst. Camping and tunneling are the worst they've ever been. Maps are still problematic. The list goes on.

Just... stop, BHVR. You are choking this game out with the incessant need to pump out non stop "big content" every three months. It's not sustainable. We saw it with the Resident Evil chapter's disastrous launch, we saw it with A Binding of Kin, we saw it with The Knight's chapter, and now we're here three months later with this new chapter, and it's probably the worst it's ever been.


  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    I would gladly accept that they would concentrate on solving the now countless problems that this game has been accumulating over time and that continue to increase with each release of a new chapter instead of offering us yet another disappointing and terrible one.

    Less quantity and more quality.

    This game is in an aberrant state right now in myriad aspects.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,012

    The last 'health' chapter made the game considerably worse, though...

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Survivor wait times were like 15+ minutes before the health chapter update though

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,331

    While it certainly made some things worse, overall it was a step in the right direction. And one of the main things that made it worse is finally about to get nerfed.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    As I mentioned in another thread, just release only 2 or maybe 3 chapters per year instead of 4 and make money out of other possibillities like a Perk-/Addon-Shop and more Cosmetics. You could also add a shop for other perk-/addon-symbols or colours. Whatever, just something new. A shop for older menu music-themes (like the AoT-one) etc.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    They are working so slowly, feels like a really old non live service game

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2023

    If they release fewer chapters it's unlikely that they'll improve the game that much more anyhow

    A lot of what slows them down from fixing known problems like certain maps is institutional issues, imo, not a lack of labor.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,184

    What exactly do you mean with health chapter?

    i feel like people are throwing this term around without actually saying what they expect from it.

    like, we got some really great QoL improvements these last months (survivor HUD, perk changes and some basekit changes which made it finally possible to use different perks even in SoloQ, cheating getting addressed massively even though the cheaters obviously are finding ways around, the grind has been addressed and it’s even been stated they will adjust the bloodweb mechanic accordingly, Eyrie got adjusted even though it still isn’t in the best spot they did make changes and it’s unlikely the outcome would have been different if they made less chapters etc pp)

    i completely agree that it feels like there is too much content in form of new killers/survivors/perks coming in. But they are actually addressing plenty of the things the community asks for..

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I know it's a live service game, and you can expect a huge degree of bug whack-a-mole, but the fact that so many things keep breaking in each update despite not being touched does suggest that a chapter which is focused more on long-standing bugs and the like might be a good idea. Maybe trying to wrangle the audio system into some form of sanity. Console players obviously want the game to, y'know, work on consoles, that's another obvious one where it's unglamorous but kind of necessary rather than 'we added yet more detailed foliage to red forest'.

    Small, bizarre things like just grassing up the various maps appropriately so that the game's flagship Killer can actually place his traps not in an open field.

    Some sort of complete rework to how items are structured--medkits are too strong, toolboxes vary wildly from irrelevant to broken in their potential, and maps and keys continue to exist in a limbo of 'so why would you run these most of the time?' Flashlights are just off being their own odd category. This is something that definitely needs a follow-up from the bloodweb rework, since that makes item accessibility way more potent.

    Offerings in general need a look over. There are way too many terrible BP offerings continuing to hang on, despite the existence of 100% untyped BP bonuses for years at this point. Map offering bloat is always worsening, on top of the mechanics of map offerings being highly questionable. The shroud effects are kind of backwards. And then you need to think about how Killer and Survivor have identical offerings for the most part, despite the 4v1 nature of it. People mostly run BP offerings, but there's always going to be outliers where anything that makes gameplay offerings rebalanced or more viable risks some really lopsided bonuses.

    The obvious need to redo a whole swathe of maps to be a bit more in line with each other and less reliant on whether or not the Killer has map traversal to be effective. And not in the 'rework one or two maps at a time with a little bit of visual polish' sense; map rebalancing shouldn't be a big special event that gets its own news category--but touching up the majority at once should be. They already do some of this in the background (changing how tiles can spawn and chain together).

    Also, they need to nerf pig, obviously. :P

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,184

    You know.. all of this would probably not fit into one single update anyways and would probably need to be addressed in several updates. Could make that maybe in-between chapters and call those updates Midchapter updates.

    seriously though, agreed on all of this. But, they just need to change their priorities away from new killers/survivors and more to game health, quality of life, bug fixings, balancing in general. One health chapter won’t do anything. And I can promise you that most people who are asking for a health chapter would be greatly disappointed if we ever got one and would complain about no new content (not accusing you of it but I have seen plenty people here on the forums asking for this kind of chapter act exactly like that with QoL based midchapter updates already)

    as others have said, add new stuff to get for auric cells in the in-game shop, Mori animations, maybe additional emotes for survivors, Lobby music, killer power skins, etc to compensate

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    BHVR's current roadmap goes to April, so they're unlikely to change anything meaningful until then (unless big updates are already in the pipeline). Despite the negative sentiment you may see on the forums, the game is still very popular (significantly more than when it originally released) and probably still raking in the cash.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    There's too much bits-and-pieces putting out fires going on, though. Especially with maps. "One big system rework a year, if that" isn't sustainable--it means the game is still accruing things it needs to fix faster than it fixes them.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    Would love a health chapter !

    Though I do like the game, it's just too frustrating and repetitive as a casual to play alone (at least survivor, but lately even killer makes me go 'eh'). Since my friends and I have clashing timetables, most times I'm like :

    What should I spend the next 3h on : playing DbD or painstakingly redrawing the same frame 20 times to make a subpar animation ?

    And the animation wins every time

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 120

    If they expend all their energy on health updates people would complain about lack of content. It’s a damn if you do or damn if you dont. 2-3 content chapters a year with health content chapters sprinkled in between would be nice. Update perks, map offerings, maps, animations, new cosmetics, maybe add an in game leaderboard. Just something. I mean we get 2 perk updates once every.. 2 months. People will still play the game (it’s addictive) even if the character models are just untextured boxes.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Y’all put too much faith in BHVR. Give them a health chapter and they will just double the outrage and kill what little goodwill is left because I guarantee they won’t deliver on any hopes or most wanted game changes. They will probably implement something new that nobody asked for that ultimately does more harm then good in the long run~

    Also, they would nerf pig.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Probably should have worded it better instead of just saying health chapter, yeah. When I use that term I’m referring to multiple updates purely to focus on improving the game that’s already there instead of adding something new.