Flashlights are toxic
With Lightborn, I totally agree. Without, not so much. Usually they have a designated person or 2 cranking gens though. If you lose a hook, it’s a big deal.
Post edited by ProfessorDunwich on0 -
Flashlight aren't toxic,, you like many other people have decided that whatever is inconvenient for you is toxic
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Name checks out.
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You must be a real snowflake to consider flashlights toxic 😂gl in life with this soft attitude
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You don't need Lightborn. They're usually pretty easy to bait out of hiding.
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I suspect you say “EZ baby killer” in chat if you are on PC and tbag at the gates. Please let me know if I am off base.
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I actually only tbag and say gg ez to killers that play like d###heads, i might even give a free kill to killer if I feel they were mismatched or my team stack prove /bnps
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I’m on a roll. I also suspect you have a broad definition of what “playing like a dhead” is and tbag far more than you give a pity kill. Please confirm or deny.
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I just imagined a flashlight but instead of light it just trash talks whenever you activate it.
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Nothing I love more than flashlight jockeys. Counterplay isnt too hard, and few things are as fun for me playing killer as when I run lightborn and mindgame that I'm trying to avoid blinds. 180ing before I pick up a surv, simulating looking away to avoid blinds. When a torch jockey tries to blind me as I break a pallet, THEN I go for it and they realise, too late, that I have lightborn as I down them immediately after breaking the pallet. 🥰 pure satisfaction.
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Shouldn't your comment be directed to the person I was responding to who believes that blinding after a stun is toxic and serves no purpose other than BMing the Killer instead of me who was pointing out its not BMing and does serve a tactical purpose?
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Flashlights are annoying, I agree. But toxic?
The only thing that's more than annoying about flashlights is what people can do with on one map in particular (not saying which one as I don't want to ever run into people using that against me again). I encountered this twice and it was absolutely disgusting. They sent me there with 4 flashlights and I already knew what they were up to before getting my first down. I stopped playing for the win when I saw that and instead tried to slug all of them. Needless to say I lost and was more than relieved when it was finally over.
I usually run lightborn when I can't be bothered to play around flashlights. You can try that.
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These day a flashlight is toxic
A toolbox is toxic
A medkit is toxic
Add ons are toxic
Survivor characters are toxic
Killer characters are toxic
Whatever perk you run is toxic
Run nothing is toxic
I wonder if something isn't toxic these days? 🤷🏼♂️
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it really is, first of all because it means the survivor is still in my vicinity so i can get more chase in, and second because i love using cues other than seeing the survivor in order to track them, and being forced into a situation where that's the only option is fun. its why i also enjoy playing spirit so much, triangulating an injured survivor and downing them directly out of phase feels so gratifying
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Flashlights are very effective against inexperienced killers. In my early days as a killer player, they were the bane of my existence; some of my most vivid DBD memories were facing flashlight bully squads, and how frustrating it was. I hated flashlights with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns.
The beginning of the end of my flashlight frustrations was watching this video:
That isn't to say you can become invulnerable to flashlights (sometimes you'll need to pick up in the open), but I would say I get blinded 90% less than I did in my early days. Maybe 95% less since they killed the locker save.
And getting blinded at pallets can be annoying, but two things to consider:
- The surv is wasting time they should be using to get distance; they'd be much better served just hauling ass to another tile
- You can still hear them, so they're not just disappearing like they think they might be
As a surv, I only run a flashlight for a tome challenge (and yes, I'll use it at a pallet then because it's dead easy), or if I happen to pick one up in a match. Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would run anything other than a medkit, as those stand head and shoulders above all other surv items in terms of utility (unless you are in a genrush squad).
Flashlights are just not strong, and the majority of flashlight users' attempts to blind you anywhere but at a pallet are laughable wastes of time. Especially so when you have those survs who waste time following the chase waiting for an opportunity that may never come, and that they almost always blow if it does. Occasionally you'll run into a squad that is experienced and super coordinated with saves, but for me that is like a once every few weeks occurrence.
They're really just not all that good.
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I can’t help but see a Nea wearing a Trapper mask reading your post.
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The old clicking was toxic, but after the changes, I disagree.
They're blinding you at pallets because because it throws you off and helps them in chase. If they get a save, that feels awful, but you have to pay attention to flashlights in lobby. Also, especially if they've flashlight saved on you earlier in the match, you have to pay attention to not let it happen again. Don't take it personally.
Use lightborn if you have a problem with it.
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I do run Lightborn. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there are a lot of DCs when they see their iri bulb can’t antagonize me.
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Ah yeah, that's super lame when they take it personally. Either way. Don't worry, you'll eventually become more comfortable with all the weird stuff survs do.
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I've been a killer main for almost 6 years now and it is honestly refreshing to hear that some killers still suffer from flashlights at pallets that do nothing and also give the survivor less time to run away.
Genuinely do not understand the mindset, just take a break from video games for a while if the worst item in the game still upsets you, and the only criticism you could receive could only be "heavy flashlight users"
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”killer main.” Not buying it.
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This content has been removed.
i mean objectively playing like a Dhead doesn't need to be defined ;)
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uh huh
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No better feeling than downing a survivor while blinded only going of by the sound 🤘
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So Lightborn is okay where it is at then?
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It's pretty niche, but if you want to use it to deny flashlights, sure. There's nothing wrong with it, save for being rather underpowered. Blowing an entire perk slot to deal with flashlights is like bombing an entire state to fire up your backyard grill. It's your perk slot, though, put whatever you want in there.
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You are being more than a bit hyperbolic, but glad we are on the same page.
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OG freddy player, moved to legion afterward freddy was reworked and I now play Pinhead and Wesker. Flashlights are objectively the worst item in the game, and using them at pallets genuinely hurt the survivor more than help. Simple headphones, even earbuds, just allow you to follow footsteps after breaking the pallet if you are still blind and they gain no distance. It takes SO little effort to improve your killer gameplay against flashlights, and nothing screams immature child more than getting upset at flashlights for being mean even after they got changed to be less toxic (no more macro clicks).
Gonna assume you also don't like basekit borrowed time because it is evil or something? Survivors bad killer good? Is that more your cup of tea?
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Old Freddy, Legion, and Pinhead. Seems like you play the most aggravating Killers. Flashlights are subjectively the worst item in the game according to you. It doesn't become objective just because you think it. Also they were recently buffed, you seem to have ignored that part.
The only thing I don't like about basekit borrowed time is how long it took to implement.
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I just pepper my posts with sarcasm and jokes in order to introduce levity.
I DO think Lightborn is underpowered, however, as a perk preventing Blind is honestly underwhelming. Nothing wrong with it doing that, just wish it did something else on top of it.
If anyone is complaining about Lightborn, they're being donkeys. It doesn't slow down gens, it doesn't give intel, and it doesn't help secure kills unless a survivor is severely out of position and was somehow, for some reason, banking on a flashlight play to save them. Which is a dumb thing to do, and survivors shouldn't do that.
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I mean I'd hope they'd get blinded at least a few times, if not then they'd be even more useless than they actually are
They are the weakest item a Survivor can bring considering their use is inconsistent, especially if the killer knows about Lookatawalljustu or Lookawaykwondo
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i thought you were complaining about it, mb
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No problem, mistakes happen.
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Probably OP. Its more funny that they have Doctor profile image.
Im not Cute_C3, dont mistake us.
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I say this as someone who plays a LOT of killer
i love flashlight users
Iwait for EVERY pickup and get free hits. Every time
I lose MORE games when they focus gens. If they are there for a flashlight they are not on a gen
and yea if you pay attention it’s easy. You can see them in the lobby they can’t see you
you have the opportunity to see who has a flashlight before the game starts and prepare to hit them and protect your down.
I routinely rail against toxic and entitled survivors but you’re flat out wrong here bud. You sound like you’re just new or not playing correctly. I get blinded so incredibly rarely I laugh and say “nice” when it happens. It takes skill to get me with those dumb flashlights. You need to relax and play more strategically my brother
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I laughed. Clearly I’m in the minority. Guess I’ll have to take the L on this topic.
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Some flashlight users (squads) are very good with them and I've had games in which ive been flashed multiple times despite trying to avoid them by spinning away as I pick them up. They often burn map offerings in which they can exploit areas of it just to spite you. They're strong, damaging to your game and annoying, especially when your playing as a weaker killer. I find that more flashlighters are generally good, instead of bad. The only positive is, they're not on gens, but then again, flashlight sqauds will usually have 1 or 2 doing gens whilst 1 goes for the save.
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No, I subjectively think Legion is the most fun killer. Objectively, flashlights are among the weakest items. Just because they were buffed (to make the timing on flashlight saves easier btw) doesn't mean they rival the strength of toolboxes or medkits. You also use a subjective opinion about the killers I enjoy instead of actually addressing the point. Redditor moment.
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Not subjective to say many people find Pinhead and Legion irritating to go against, more than most Killers. Not much more enjoyable than constantly breaking chains and mending.
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