Revert Campbell's Last Breath

FMG15 Member Posts: 530
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The devs removed the range addons because they were too strong. So why do we have another perk that affects her range? Who thought that this addon needed a buff? It was in a fine spot before. Now it's by far her best and I cannot understand why they buffed it. 40 meters with one full charge. What the hell?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2023

    It takes both charges and you can't fully charge your blinks if you just want to use 1.

    lol at your nurse pfp asking for a range nerf

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2023

    It’s only really good for sustained map traversal, trying to catch up to a survivor that is 30+ yards away, or for purposely blinking beyond a survivor to zone them.

    It’s way less useful for mid range chases than the range addons were. You can’t fully charge a single blink anymore, and it uses both your blinks. And the 2nd blink immediately kicks in, and goes so far, that it’s often hilariously bad trying to pinpoint the 2nd blink to get into lunge range.

    I haven’t seen any streamers use it well in mid range chases yet. But it’s hard to find streamers that want to play Nurse anymore, because most of them either stopped playing Nurse, or plays Nurse a lot less than they used to, since the triple nerf happened.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    I'm a P100 Nurse to be precise. I never played range because it's just overpowered and it would require having a new muscle memory. Most Nurse mains agreed on the fact that range was op so why do they make another range addon?

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Well I stopped playing her because of her new chase music it gives me a headache.

    Regarding the addon: It's not that hard to 99 a blink so it's almost the same as before if you don't want to use both blinks at once. And it still helps in mid range depending on the survivors position. Yes there are moments where that addon shouldnt be used but like I pointed out it's pretty easy (atleast for me) to 99 her blink.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    I never saw anyone use it in its previous state but that might’ve just been because range was OP and better.

    I do agree it’s a bit ridiculous now.