They need to throw this perk in the bin already

"Shake the meta." Killers are hit with heavy changes and survivors only have 2 of their perks (Iron Will & Decisive Strike) removed from their meta arsenal but Dead Hard persists as a meta perk.
Why is it that survivors always, ALWAYS get away with everything but killers get the short end of the stick, BHVR?
Eruption gets hard nerfed only for them to reverse it because everyone called out for it of their ridiculous ways they nerf the killer. Why does Dead Hard remain untouched?
Holy victim complex.
"Killer was destroyed :(((( no point in playing when the devs hate killers"
90 second gens. Huge DH nerf. Faster hit recovery. Less SB on hit. Faster breaking and kicking speeds. Eruption buff. STBFL buff. Lethal buff. Surge buff. Overcharge buff.
We get it, people have trouble dealing with DH even though it's skill-based now.
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WOW first time in many years killers getting such HUGE buffs but let a perk like dead hard stay for 6+ years. Thanks for your holy victim complex.
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I think it's worth celebrating BHVR upping their reaction time from over half a decade to simply half a year but you do you I guess
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I figured you would like Killer buffs but ig not
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Killers never needed these buffs, survivors needed NERFS. Their BNP and medkits are still a problem, their dead hard is still a problem. Nothing has changed whatsoever.
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If changing numbers have to take so long then why the hell should I celebrate?
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I'm glad those changes were made but they act 3 times faster for killer perks than surivor perks
And sometimes it just dosent feel right
He's right for the wrong reason
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Iri Head was in the game for 5 years.
Redhead's Pinky Finger is still around.
Tombstone Piece is still here.
Fact of the matter is that Killers have always killed more than Survivors have escaped. That's why they act faster.
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Nothing has changed?
Didn't the Kill Rates go up by like, 10% or something?
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Survivors didn’t need nerfs. The escape rate has never been over 45%. Maybe they’re dominating you but in general survivors suck at this game. Lol
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The kill rates aren't even real stats. Survivors hook suicide all day and there was a month where survivors were protesting and manipulating the stats on purpose.
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You must not have been around last summer when they hugely nerfed DH
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It’s amazing to me that people complained about DH because “you can get outplayed the entire match and then all you have to do is press one button and you’re fine again.” So they took away the distance boost and made DH skill based. Some survivors learned to master that skill to still use it effectively and killers are mad again and want it nerfed more all bwcause survivors learned to adapt and “git gud” using DH.
why can’t killers learn to adapt and “git gud” when countering it?
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And everyone still uses it, what a huge nerf
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How can you get good when this perk is based on latency? Lmao don't talk.
You most definitely will defend the hackers who use it to auto dh.
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Killer is the power role, so anything they get is A) more likely to be oppressive and B) likely more oppressive.
It's an asymmetrical game, there's not going to be symmetrical balancing.
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Killers usually have the latency advantage
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That's hysterical that you think a game with millions of players had an organized group of players attempt to manipulate the stats and suceed.
Definitely funny, but unfortunately, also very sad.
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What's funny is you thinking this game has millions of players. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Concurrently? No.
But daily? I'd be surprised if it wasn't close to a million.
Also, another strawman.
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3 killers that play differently that not everyone will sute their playstyle
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And DH did?
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Whether everyone still uses it or not has nothing to do with how much it was nerfed. As I said, survivors basically learned to adapt and use it in its newer form. That doesn’t change the fact that there was a huge nerf to it. Just because they didn’t decide to give up on the perk entirely just because it was nerfed, doesn’t negate its nerf. 🤣🤣🤣
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Latency majorly benefits the killer with dead hard, not the survivor. The latency makes timing the perk to use it at just the right second very difficult. You sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Huge DH nerf? It's a very small nerf. 90 seconds gens? The gens feel faster now with the hud and all the other gen speed up bullshit they added.
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Oh, so you'd rather have old DH? Recency bias much.
DH for distance being taken away wasn't a massive nerf? Not being able to DH every power in the game? Not a big deal. No longer being able to use DH when in Deep Wounds? Irrelevant.
You can say it wasn't enough, I'd disagree, but I'd think you're being reasonable. But to say that the nerf was a small nerf and not impactful? Ludicrous.
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I hate old dead hard 100x more but let's not lie and say it was a huge nerf. It wasn't. Everyone still uses and I can still be uncounterable at pallets.
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Yeah, it went to being the most broken thing in the game, to the most obnoxious thing in the game.
Such a massive nerf...
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Players losing because they are worse than you but similar in power level is way better than players worse than you hard winning because they are above you in power level. Both sides players suck, but killers are generally less casual. You do not balance around bad players ever, that's terrible game design regardless of the game.
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Dead Hard is fine after it’s recent nerf
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"The facts contradict how I feel therefore the data must have been tampered with."
How do you have a rational discussion with someone living in their own made up reality?
Trick question. You can't.
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These DH threads have to make up like 40% of all posts lately.
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also hook suicides do not count towards data in the first place from what bhvr said
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'Moving faster for killer perks than survivor perks' is completely subjective.
Boil over was buffed in 5.5.0 and lasted 2 weeks on live before getting nerfed. Eruption was buffed in 6.1.0 and was bug fixed/buffed again after that and the nerf still isn't live yet.
So, in the category of 'build around this perk and your opponent may not physically be able to complete their objective depending on rng' they reacted infinitely faster to nerf survivors.
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Even if only 5% of games had someone who offed themselves on first hook that would skew the stats. Losing the first survivor at 5 gens will almost always cost survivors the game and lead to a 3-4k. From my own anecdotal experience, I'd wager around 5-10% of games have a survivor do this or just sit at the hook and wait to die after being saved. This is separate from DCs of course.
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Oh boy were you by chance not here when nurse nerf was announced, in ptb, and the month afterwards?
- HAHAHA suck it X's getting nerfed, cope harder losers
- WAAAAHHHH X not nerfed enough, nerf more.
Its a vicious cycle and strangely it's been more prominently anti-surv this time around.
Normally theres plenty of complains from both sides. Mayve surcivor throats still sore from the nursenerf-campaigning.
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So you think an organized group of what, FIFTY THOUSAND people, decided to try to skew BHVR's stats on purpose?
Sorry, I'm just not buying it. Proof?
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No I don't think that. All that I'm saying is that even a small percentage of players can skew the statistics if they choose to die on first hook. Even if just 1% or .1% of them decide to do it, that's 1% or .1% more games that result in 3-4ks. The statistics they release have intervals of 25%. These are shifts of .25% and 0.025% respectively to the overall kill rate.
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So, you're saying that killers should stop slugging for the 4k to combat this horrific epidemic?
By letting the last survivor have hatch, you deflate the kill rates and inevitably guarantee killer buffs when kill rates drop too far.
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Yes the hatch thing is true.
It's also true that AFK killers could inflate escape rates. I'm assuming that BHVR knows when killers are AFK and doesn't include them in the stats. It should be easy to tell that the killer was in 0 chases, broke 0 pallets, etc... but who knows its BHvR.
Farm games where the killer farms/trolls also inflate escape rates.
It's why these "kill statistics" aren't very helpful.
As for killers slugging, if they want the 4k they should slug. No sense in playing RNG with the hatch.
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That isn't true they said DC's don't count. They currently have no way of telling hook suicides is what they said.
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That's exactly what a member of an organized group of 50 thousand people trying to skew bhvr's stats would say
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That’s three Killer Add-ons that have drawbacks and inconsistencies.
Want to counter IRI Head? Duck behind rocks and don’t go for vaults, go for corners. she only had 1. Used to be 3
Just avoid the bottle, it floats like a duck in water so you can avoid it.
Lockers, that’s all.
Yeah DHs counter is “Wait it out” but it can be triggered by a lot of different things. Just to name a few:
Huntress’s Hatchets, Trickers Knives, Billy’s chainsaw, Bubbas Chainsaw, Demmys Shred, Michaels Tier 3, Oni’s Club, Pigs Ambush, Punishment of the Damned, Lethal Rush, Viktors Pounce, Nemmys Slash, Normal Attacks, and Finally Lunges. That’s 12 killers whose powers can’t be “Wait it out” since they are telegraphed with noises or animations.
Almost all those powers will slow you down to charge them, or had to be earned. They shouldn’t be forced to “Wait it out”.
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WOW, DH buffed af and give you more distance than before, oh but it require a little bit of timing "Survs unplayable :(((((( we can genrush af, making gens in 20 seconds but no DH require skill now :(((((". Eruption nuked. To use STBFL you can't chase the obsession. Lethal buff, wow usefull to know where survs are genrushing, so I can now see my gens being repaired in 20 seconds in front of my face. Surge, seriously? 8% of a gen, with a basic hit, without cooldown. Wow, what a buff. Overcharge buff? Now you must be trolling, you miss the skill check, "Oh, anyway keep repairing". Wow, buffed.
You see only thing buffed, but you don't see if something is a good buff or an useless buff
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This isn't even worth replying to, just letting you know I saw it.
I brought them up only as evidence that BHVR has ALWAYS been slow at balancing things, not as a strength comparison to DH.
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We would rather dead hard get a real nerf, like what happened to eruption. BHVR removed one problem with dead hard, and replaced it with a completely different problem.
We don't want new dead hard or old dead hard. We want a heavily nerfed dead hard, that is so heavily nerfed that killers stop complaining about it. We want dead hard to get overnerfed just like Nurse got overnerfed, because Nurse got triple nerfed so badly that the flood of "nerf Nurse" posts stopped. That is the level of nerf that dead hard deserves.
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Can't take away the extra health state and built-in SB from survivors!
How else are they going to make the killer chase them over 10 back to back god pallets for 3 free gens at match start?
Or at the very least, a free health state after hugging the killer on purpose for 2min while the "dangerous" being waits for them to press E when THEY see fit.
The counter play for killer is "wait for DH" at literally every wounded survivor because they "maybe" have DH... mid game after some pressure DH feels fine...
But after 10 god pallets to the face that were literally 2 steps away from each other... it's unwinnable!
Add DS and I freaking DC on the spot.
It's a literal free win for survivors every goddamn times with those perks/maps.
Yet you still have w holding survivors who thinks bloodlust was buff to killer... my dudes... it's not a buff, the killer could not MATHEMATICALLY catch up to you, ever period.
That's what bloodlust was... yet you still have these kids who thinks playing survivor requires skills...
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not at all in my experience.9/10 times, latency favors survivors
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But undying eruption and other perks were changed very quickly