Does the community prefer Polished powers or Visuals?

I wanted to stir up the Tools of Torment discussion again. Because the absolute hivemind of hatred pushed towards it was extremely unfair.
the only genuine glowing bad things about it were the Mori being awkward, the wall break animation looking a little goofy and the lore being mediocre at best.
and may i say: VISUALS AND ART IS COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE. Everyone has their own opinion on art and design, you won’t like everything visually, neither will i. Not to mention, this chapter gets criticism for it “not being scary” despite Wesker (WHO IS MORE ACTION THAN HORROR) gets praised by everyone. (I love him aswell, just trying to make a point here).
this chapter isn’t even bad in terms of it’s content:
• 1 new killer
• 2 new survivors (with their own lobby music and voice acting)
• Update to existing map (BHVR said only 2 maps this year, so be grateful they even did this)
• 2 full visual overhauls for 2 maps
• Custom bot loadouts
• The controversial, yet long awaited eruption nerf
• Haddie visual update
it feels like this chapter is only getting hated is because it isn’t a cyborg that everyone unnecessarily hyped themselves up for. And while i definitely wanted something slightly more Sci-fi and her lore, while i like the idea, feels like it was chopped up to make it easier for people who don’t care about lore. She isn’t an absolute rushed mess that was meant to be Predator. (The fact people say that, proves people do ZERO research about licensing. She is definitely inspired by Predator, but that’s the case for MANY of the originals).
But to finish off, the power is extremely polished and i didn’t see dozens of bug video’s now did i.
Her power is polished because it barely does anything, it feels like it's a secondary power like Demo's portals instead of one complete power like Blight's for example.
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I think the community mainly hates on this chapter/killer because they seem like a rather weak M1 killer without mobility/map pressure. They just want another killer on Nurse/Blight/Wesker power level.
funnily enough, same part of the community hated on Blight as well (not because of the actual bugs but the power mechanic in general because it wasn’t powerful as straight forward as Wesker or Nurse)
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It's definitely polished power/gameplay. Trickster looks extremely cool, and has the most lifelike voice acting for a killer. Yet he has a lower than average pick rate, because imo anyways his power is weak and frustrating.
I think the problem with tools of torment is that the teasers were very misleading. The audio teaser suggested some kind of technological contraption would be moving around but the drones don't move around. The supply crate teaser also does not even appear in the game. The killer design looks very basic and doesn't feel like a modern killer design for this game.
Her power is similar to knight and knight is infamous for being not great but completely oppressive in 3 gen scenarios.
That's why i think this chapter is getting hate. Personally i was very disappointed with this chapter on ptb.
But after ptb buffs i am hopeful that this killer will be a fun killer to play.
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Every aspect of this killer screams predator. The mori is bland because, and I bet... She was supposed to be cloaked behind the survivor, and then uncloaked right before the stab. I feel it in my soul. Many others have as well.
But you think how you want :)
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The killer is just a Whittier version of knight who a huge amount of players hated too. Personally o like the knight. I do not like having the same killer copy and pasted with a convoluted back story and terrible mori
new killer literally does what the knight does but worse. that means another 90 days of no new content and being bored. The new killer and survivors every three months are the fuel for keeping the game alive and this feels like sand on the fire
Also I find it impossible to find the character intimidating. I feel like half the survivor roster should be able to beat the daylights out of the skull merchant with a tree branch. . admittedly I felt the same about trickster. His name still doesn’t make any damn sense. ######### do tricks have to do with a Korean pop star with throwing knives? Why does he have a bat? The lore explains the knives but I don’t recall the bat even being mentioned was it? Also. Tree branch. Dude should get his ass beat by David and bill
im also one of the people who thinks it’s a failed predator license so it feels flat out insulting
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If last chapter was Wesker, I feel like people would have had a more open-minded expectation of her power but a similar reaction to Killer Design. I think you people are feeling a burn out on this play style type and a bunch of people are dreading the continued drag of gameplay for the next couple months.
Personally I skipped last chapter completely so I’ve no complaints about Killer power. I’m totally down for 3 Gen, or slowly grinding out a win, I haven’t been doing it or facing it so it’ll still feel fine. Had I been here for last chapter though, I’d probably be with everyone else complaining~
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Early Blight also had a camera angle that was very low to the ground, and he couldn't break pallets while he was using his power, and he couldn't object slide because the secondary collision detection wasn't implemented yet.
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Call it a hivemind, if you will. The criticism is still 100% valid. The Skull Merchant is a killer that disappoints in absolutely every way. Of course BHVR will get a ton of negative feedback about the chapter.
Most people despise her visuals. It's subjective as you said, so you can't really fault anyone for being unhappy about that. I think she looks weird. She has nothing that's even remotely off putting about her. That giant claw looks goofy on a regular woman wearing, what I can only assume is mercenary attire. How can she even walk around like that? Why does her mask have to be made of diamonds? What kind of horror theme does this represent? The thing about Wesker is, that you at least would know better than to fight him in 1v1 combat. I can't really say the same about SM. More important than her visual design is her power though. And it's the worst that they introduced so far. A killer power that is neither fun to use, nor fun to play against for most people. It's not particularly fun to set up drones that do absolutely nothing for you for the most part, trying to utilise a stealth that wouldn't even work, if survivors didn't know you were right next to them, before securing a 3 gen and defending it until the game shuts down. Neither is playing against 3 gen warriors.
The chapter overall is bad because the selling point of this chapter is the Skull Merchant. You get the new maps without the chapter. The survivors are literally just reskins of existing characters. You might get them for their perks but most people would rather buy them with shards. The chapter itself only consists of SM, the 2 new survivors and their perks. Everything else is just thrown into the same patch.
Why would I pay good money on something like that? I will not play the killer. I will not play the survivors. I don't want their perks.
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I care far more about the gameplay. Her visual design doesn’t really bother me that much. I would much rather have a killer that doesn’t look as good but has an interesting power that is both fun to use and fun to face. Skull Merchant’s power isn’t that interesting and yet she’s probably still going to be worse than Knight at 3-genning even though it’ll likely end up being her best strength. Overall perk quality in this chapter also concerned me a lot, a lot of the new perks on both sides are not very good.
The only other thing about her not relating to gameplay that really disappointed me was her mori.
But I agree part of the community’s disappointment and one of the main factors revolves around the trailer. What we saw there and what we were expecting as a result wasn’t what we actually ended up with and I think that disappointed a lot of players right from the start, even if it doesn’t personally bother me as much.
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I'd rather have a polished power. And more than that, I'd rather have a polished and interesting power. Kind of a tangent regarding visuals, but I still play Everquest, a 23 year old MMO. Its visuals are incredibly dated, but it's 10x more immersive than any modern MMO IMO. Visuals only do so much. It can be the coolest looking killer ever conceived, but it won't matter if they're boring to play.
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Literally half the complaints are that the power is bad. Nobody said it was unpolished or buggy or not doing what it said.
It's just that all of that went into a power that isn't exciting to use or play against.
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I'd prefer polished Killer powers over graphics
If the game doesn't play well then why does it matter if the graphics are amazing
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She looks like an Apex character. She also seems like she's designed to sell skins as sex appeal.
Same with the two Survivors, although they at least look like they belong in DBD.
Her power is inferior to every other Killers power. She feels like a worse attempt at making a Demo-style Killer. Demo had anti-loop, "stealth" and mobility. He wasn't exceptional at any of those three, but he had them and together it made him good. SM has extremely limited stealth, which is an outdated mechanic. She also has Exposed, which isn't really that good anymore, it's also very limited. Her best feature is probably tracking, but it's ,AGAIN, so limited it may as well not exist. Demo's core features were strong ideas that made him good, SM cote features are just outright bad in some cases and outdated in others.
She brings absolutely nothing good to the table and I'm glad people have been calling out BHVR for their terrible design on this one. It's incredibly disappointing.
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As for what sort of horror theme she was meant to represent, I'd guess something like Hostel or Antebellum. Bored rich girl who stalks and kills people to flaunt her power over them and get some kind of thrill in her jaded soul, representing the age-old theme in horror of the powerful preying on the weak because they can. But even that doesn't come across well, it's too muddied up with superfluous stuff like the manga.
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Thanks for pointing that out. Even from her lore I did not get that feeling of horror. There are just too many redundent things in her lore too distract from what could potentially make for an interesting character.
Imagine if they had leaned more into her ambitiousness and made her always seek further improvement when it came to killing people, losing her humanity in the process and gradually turning herself into a weapon. That'd be way more interesting than her father drawing manga imo.
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I constantly disagree with most of the users here, but not in essence on this topic.
Her visual design is bad. You could do almost any extra thing and improve it. The only part of her that scores visual points with me is she sits somewhat, slightly outside the traditional idealized proportions for a heroic female. She got wide hips, in short. Her animation in walk is just insulting.
Skill wise I didn't find the testing fun. The concept of defending generators keeps getting rejected by the players. I mean I get most of my DCs when I'm ######### around with the Knight, so I assume based on the time I put in to playtest Skull Merchant I'll get more of the same. I mean, to be rude about it, If I buy the eye candy skins I guess survivors will hang around to f12 her butt.
That all makes me sad to say, but that is what I suspect will happen.
If I had to pick one thing for them to fix, it would be the gen defense emphasis. At least then I'd feel like the other side was having fun when I played her.