Weird bug making impossible to hook.

Hey, I was just in a game with some streamers, and they did something weird that must be a bug and prevented me from getting a hook.
Got my down and was walking to a hook. This survivor walks up to the hook for a Sabo, but I was too close and knew he wouldn't make it.
However he simply started the kneeling animation and the got up and left immediately. He did not finish the sabotage. However it was impossible for me to hook the survivor I was carrying. The prompt didn't show up.
Has someone else run into this?
Must be some sort of bug. Was on one of the farm maps a few days back. Managed to get two survivors that were practically holding hands down in a corner of the map. Hooked one no problem. The second one I walked a bit towards the middle to the next nearest hook. Just couldn't get a hook prompt to appear. The hook was intact, just would not allow me to use it.
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Did you check behind you? You can block a killer from hooking by crouching behind them at the hook. Probably what it was.
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No that wasn't it. I'm well aware of that. I actually dropped off the survivor next to the hook to check everything around and see if that fixed the prompt not showing, but it didn't.
That streamer did something knowingly, I'm pretty sure is some kind of bug exploit.
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Hmm. Interesting. I haven’t encounter anything like that before.