We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Brand New Part Rework Idea

MTA Member Posts: 27
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here lately I’ve been thinking of numerous different changes that can be made in the game, especially for perks/items that make generator repairs faster for survivor, and generator slowdowns/regression perks (and stacking) can be one of the few most frustrating and boring things to go against.

Brand New Part sometimes isn’t that bad to go against unless you run into 2 or more and the teams you face are consistent with their gameplay. I don’t run onto that many bnp’s much but when i do it can make generators ridiculously too quick sometimes (and i know it’s been nerfed quite a few times), so with that, this is my idea of changing it that could maybe be less stressful to go against and without making it too useless too.

Brand New Part: While performing the repair action with your toolbox, pressing the Secondary Action will set that generator to Auto-Repair.

While the generator is auto repairing itself, these effects will be applied to that generator:

  1. The Auto Repair Speed is reduced by 100%.
  2. After 60 seconds of Auto Repair, the repair speed will increase and start repairing at it’s original speed
  3. After 90 seconds of Auto Repair, the repair speed will increase by 100%
  4. Survivors do not have the ability to repair that generator while it is auto repairing itself.
  5. The Generator’s Aura will be revealed to all Survivors with a Blue Aura (or some other different colored aura so survivors know it was a bnp that was used.
  6. The Killer can also see it’s Aura but only within a limited range (something small like 8 or 12 meters so it also gives the killer some information of it) or maybe give the information to the killer a different way, instead of an aura, the generator starts shooting out sparks instead.

The Generator will stop Auto Repairing itself if the killer causes that Generator to start regressing.

Upon using a Brand New Part will consume your toolbox and any other addon you have with it on use.


  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    brand new part, anti-hemorrhagic syringe, styptic agent, and keys in general need reworks.

    personally... i think brand new part should destroy the tookbox just like syringe and agent.

  • MTA
    MTA Member Posts: 27

    I think several more stuff than that should be reworked, (dead hard for ex.) and yeah you are right, that stuff needs to be reworked as well and i am on your side for that, and you mentioned brand new part should destroy the toolbox, that was part of my idea lol, it’s the very last thing I mentioned for it.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I would like BNP to become an anti slowdown tool. Basically locking a gen to 50% at minimum and can't regress past that by any means.

    I do think that BNPs are the biggest offender for gen rushing, so i would love the tool to become an anti slowdown tool instead of a gen rushing tool

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i know. i saw it. i just didn't feel like saying "i agree" or whatever. just figured i'd say what i think should happen. that way there's no confusion.

  • MTA
    MTA Member Posts: 27

    Been thinking about this idea, and sounds interesting, I'll do you one better.

    At any progression you decide to implement the Brand New Part on the Generator, the Generator cannot regress below that progression by any means.

    Just in case the way I worded this sends any confusion, I'll give you an example.

    If a Survivor uses the Brand New Part with the Generator at 33% progress, the Generator cannot regress below 33%.

    If they use it at 70% progress, the Generator cannot regress below 70% by any means.

    But it would still deplete your toolbox along with its addons.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828
    edited March 2023

    I like the idea of it locking the Gen at a certain repair progress but it needs to have stipulations,, keeping a Gen 99% indefinitely could potentially open up crazy shenanigans plus at this point its probably gonna be preventing multiples times the regression compared to the progress it gives now

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    BNP's, syringes, styptics are survivor's equivalent of killer bringing compound33+alch ring, mother-daughter ring+amulet, tombstone piece+quick stalk, etc.

    If we want to remove worst nuclear options in game, let's do that consistently. I don't find it fair to remove big guns just from one side and let the other (btw killer's don't have their busted addons consume themselves upon use without possibility of protecting it with ward already - so there's already disparity) side nuke ppl without anything to combat that. That just feels too bad.

    But overall - sure. The game would feel better if no side had unfairly big guns.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    This is not how asymmetrical games work. As killer I can encounter those items every game. As survivor I know I'm not dealing with blighted crow on clown. There's no option to slap a mother daughter ring on dredge and zoom around.

    Powerful one time use items are more consistent on survivors than killers by the nature of the game. If you gut BNP you take a tool out of survivor hands. If you gut alch ring it does nothing to me because I don't play that dude. I'm just saying they aren't a coin with two sides. They're just two different coins entirely.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't play BNP's so it does not bother me directly. But if one day I decide I want to win this game no matter what, I want to have the option. Same thing for killer. I don't use iri vial+VCR on my wesker and MDR+amulet on my spirit. But I want to have that option so long that survivors have BNP's.