Can we stop catering to the competitive crowd please? Don't forget your roots <3

Hi all,

Ever since 6.1.0 I've noticed more and more this games changes seem to be focused on making the game have a "Win condition" to balance around said win condition, to make people want to play to win. Don't forget what dbd is at heart, please focus on making content and changes which are fun to interact with, knight is a key example of a killer who isn't really fun to play against as not much interaction or chances for funny moments... more just win win must win.

Especially when I see so much "50 win streak" content etc. Please don't forget dbd is all about the FUN, please don't forget those of us who come to the game time and time again because we have a giggle. I'm rambling on I just, really love this game, and I love all the laughs I've had in it as killer and survivor.

Please don't forget the awesome work you have done so far <3


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's a balance thing...

    How does BHVR get comp players to play the game and how does BHVR get casual players to play the game

    Well... they could split them up... comp players can play ranked and casual players can play unranked

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Well, the game is designed for fun and people play that game for fun. But as a survivor when you get tunneled or your team gets tunneled or as a killer when gens pops too fast, the fun is over. I don't know about others but for me the most fun part of the DBD is the chases and overall chase factors. That is what I enjoy about the game. But if one side keeps tunneling or one side keeps rushing gen, chases will be fewer and for me, the fun factor is decreasing. In the end, it is a both-sided coin.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Fun? I think DbD is almost opposite of fun now.|

    Playing survivor LITERALLY painful. Playing killer is unfun because you know how frustrated opposite side is (I almost always let 1 or 2 go home). Seeing all this DCs and hook-suicides, I understand now all of them when play survivor.

    I think the only way to bring fun back is to eliminate camping and tunneling. Survivor gameplay won't be completely miserable and killers will learn how to play without cheap no-skill win.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2023

    I prefer the more competitive balancing.

    The issue we have is what they make win conditions. The competitive mindset hurts matches because it's all about the kills so they just tunnel/camp people out. If hooks were win conditions the competitive mindset wouldn't hurt the game as much.

    If camping/tunneling was more difficult and 12 hook games were more viable we'd also have less issues with comp mindset.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Well... it comes down to be able to raise your grades with ranked and not with unranked

    It's more on the person... just look at Overwatch or Siege

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    People who play the game to win instead of just having fun is a community problem, not a problem with the game itself.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I disagree. People are people and you will never change them.

    What you can do, is align both sides closer together. This means make "boring stuff" (camp/tunnel/genrush) not "meta". Make chases longer, gens easier to finish but at the same time longer to do. Make altruistic plays more rewarding and make camping and tunneling actually so hard, that the best strategy is something else.

    Overall the idea is to make things considered by community "fun" actual meta and things considered "boring" or "unfun for both sides" possible, but not really good thing.

  • qwertyuiopz666
    qwertyuiopz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    Maybe remove swf and make everyone suffer in solo q like the rest or make swf only comp because a lot of perks people say are abused get abused in swf situations and it makes us solo q players at a dis advantage

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The problem with the game is that playing the game puts you into graded mode... if you want to play against other players

    And intent is not so black and white...

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 617

    The point of any game is to try to win it. Fun is a byproduct of a well-crafted game.

    Frankly it's just weird to postulate that people should not try to win at a game.

    The point of food is to eat it. If it's made well, you'll probably enjoy it.

    The point of a beverage is to drink it. If it's made well, you'll probably enjoy it.

    The point of a game is to try to win it. If it's made well, you'll probably have fun.

    It's starting to feel like a lot of people who play DbD don't actually understand what a game is in the first place. PvP games are a contest by nature, the whole concept is to try to outplay the other player. If you're expecting PvP games to act like some kind of vending machine spitting out personalized packages of fun every time, then you might actually have a better experience playing single-player rather than PvP titles.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,092

    the point of any game is to play it, not to win it lmao some games you just design a nice town or socialise, it's very subjective. The goal of a game is to get entertainment. DBD's win condition to determine skill was never the original intent because a win is so subjective....

    Eating is more comparable to playing.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 617

    Exactly, 'playing' a game means that you try to do your best at whatever the parameters/rules of the game are. If the process of playing out the game's parameters/rules is well-designed, then it's likely that most matches will be entertaining. Just like if food is well-made then you'll probably enjoy 'eating' it more often than not.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2023

    And often a lot of the parameters in dbd don't necessarily revolve around escaping, people like to interact with the killer and killers like to interact with the survivors. Jump scaring etc....

    There is more than one way to play a game. You get your enjoyment from "Winning" I get my enjoyment from playing out the match. Sometimes a win can feel empty in a game, finding the fun in the game and what it has to offer is also finding the fun in failure.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    You're conjuring up a pipe dream. Anyone can say "This should work in a way that's better for everyone" but actually coming up for ideas seems to be too difficult for most.

    I mean, off the top of my head, making gens easier means removing the skill check system, which is the only thing that prevents me from dying from boredom on them.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    So I guess I have to specifically say "Having fun in a way that robs other people of their fun is a ######### thing to do"?

    I'm not saying you're wrong in playing to win, but doing it by doing the thing everyone hates, slugging for no reason, tunneling early, tea-bagging at the exit gates, I have to ask.

    What part of tea-bagging at the exit gates is so fun for you? How is it supposed to be fun for me?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited March 2023

    I didn't mean it easier to do. I meant it in a way easier to actually complete. If 1 player is out and killer has kicking build + strong 3gen, it's impossible to complete the last gen if killer decides to guard it (even in SWF with perfect coordination). No matter how much time and hook states you give survivors. That's bad design. But on the other hand killer should be able to win when he has short chases just by virtue of having good chases. The game should balance itself so that both things are true - killer can have chases and survivors are never trapped in the game. That was the idea behind "easier gens" - I am absolutely not advocating removing skillchecks.