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General Discussions

Wesker, Wesker, Wesker

Member Posts: 1,700
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Always the same. I can understand why people like to play this Nurse/Blight-Combination of a killer, but oh boy, its enough.

I dont like to call out "nerf killer XZY", but this guy is an exception. Reduce the distance for the dashes, let a dash-hit only infect no matter if u hit a wall or open field and only when already infected you can hit. Like Nemesis.

This guy is so unbelievable annoying to face, its unreal.

I dont pick him myself because I feel bad for the survivors to face this guy once again, even if he is actually fun to play as. You can say "your fault for not picking him", but I just feel the way I feel. I have problems picking this annoying dude when playing killer because I kinda feel with the survs.

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  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I haven’t seen much of Wesker lately, and I really don’t mind going against him. I’d certainly take him over Pinhead, Legion or Nurse any day.

  • Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2023

    The grabbing is a fix and added later in the update. Before, he doesnt grab survivor, but a hit in the back instead.

    His power strong? LOL, it has the good and bad like all other killers!

    Let me breakdown:

    Short loops = Very Weak

    Long Loops = Required skills and map awareness

    Open Field = Timing right and unless survivor being potato to run in straight-line

    Yep the hinder effect that take 80 - second to be fully infected compare to nemesis who become active immediately!

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    'Exposed but only if you hit the power once people ignore it' isn't a strong enough effect to get people to go cleanse.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    This ^

    I don't hate him nor do I think he needs to get nerfed. But him grabbing you, when the entire vaulting animation has played, is truly BS. He does the same at exit gates lol.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited March 2023

    yup , the fact that the more laggy the wesker is , the more BS vaulting on windows becomes to avoid his dashes.

    unlike nemesis wesker can abuse the hinder to tunnel a survivor more easily on any loop + holding W with that effect is pretty much useless if the wesker really wants too , +he has an addon that infects all survivors at the start of the match with no penalties alongside other one that makes survivor one-shot when close to get fully infected.

    I wont be surprised if they decide to remove the hinder effect in a future patch....

  • Member Posts: 272

    The "Expose status" applied to infected survivor if Wesker use Urorobros Vial.

    If he doesnt use it, then you need to hit the survivor with M2 power and pray that you slam into the wall not throwing them to the wall.

    Devs are generous with Aid spray tho, 6 in total, and each spray can use for 2 times.

    Normally, unless survivors are trying to be efficient on doing gens or other stuff and ignore the infection. Yes, that the trade off they are willing to make, not wesker power fault!

  • Member Posts: 2,573
    edited March 2023

    Yes, if he uses a particular iri, you're exposed for 30s.

    That's still not much of a disincentive. The hinder makes it way more likely people will try to go cleanse at some point, and that buys you some slowdown.

    People are focusing too much on 'if he holds W to tunnel you, you'll eventually be caught', when that applies to every Killer. He just has the weird distinction of the chase only lasting about a minute after that (the infection resets on hook, after all), but that's still not a super effective use of Killer time or a reason to neuter the debuff. He gets slowdown, or you're risking an easy chase. It's a fair tradeoff.

    'Exposed but only with a particular add-on or an M2 hit' is not a good debuff, because people are way too used to going 'so what?' and then staying injured so they can DH and it doesn't matter, or obstinately clinging to obstacles that are then M1 only.

    FFS, too many suggestions on this forum are 'remove anything that has an effect a Survivor can't negate by looping the right object'. Something helps in a chase? Needs to go ASAP, no matter how it has another counter that turns it into a bit of passive slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Let me guess: playing Wesker is braindead easy, right? Smh

  • Member Posts: 1,514
  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited March 2023

    Not only the add-ons, your forgor starstruck?

    All the 3 basekit nurse players who didn't use those cheap tactics (me included) keep doing just fine

    Also just in case, since it seems you felt attacked by my post, but if the patch didn't affect your gameplay then perhaps you were fine already. I'm making fun of all those players that were literally carried by their egos other than their builds, and once they realized they were not that good without those cheap tactics they dropped her immediately

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 375

    God I hate Wesker aside from Pinhead he's my least favorite to face. I hate everything from his goofy run to his stupid vacuum grab to the fact he won't shut up. That office quite works well.

    If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and Wesker, I would shoot Wesker twice.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    The patch affected everyone’s gameplay, because the Nurse’s new chase music is so loud and full of this noises, that survivors go instantly silent when they break line of sight. And the new chase music is giving some people headaches too. But we can’t get any feedback from BHVR on whether this was intended, or if it’s bugged, or if they even care.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Didn't play with any perk that requires basic attacks. Other than the chase music, this update did nothing to me.

  • Member Posts: 208

    My only personal grevence with Wesker is the infection mechanic, I like the theory of it but it feels bad to play against in pratice. Getting infected puts too much of a soft cap on one's chase as once you're fully infected you will struggle to last any amount of time and coming off a hook puts you in a lose lose situation with the killer going back to hook because even if you heal, take a hit with endurance or teammate takes a hit all it does is build up infection over time, Both of these leave you in a lose lose where you're punished for not spraying when you're not given the oppertunity to. His hitbox is pretty generous but not absurdly so and with the expection of iridescent vial the addons are fine, but the infection limits the input of survivor skill and holds the hand of a killer who wouldn't even be bad without this hand holding.

  • Member Posts: 2,573
    edited March 2023

    If you can run for long enough that the infection maxes out, you're already winning. That's 100s without being downed. 70s with the addon that increases passive infection. If the Killer isn't ending chases in 45s or so, they're losing hard, let alone 'spending so long chasing one Survivor that a solo Survivor could complete a gen'.

    The feeling of entitlement to the possibility of an endless chase is ridiculous. It's a 4v1. You have to go down eventually. More Killers should have something like that which isn't 'use about all the dozen pallets that spawned on the map'.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    the only thing i would really change apart from him being able to grab u even if u already vaulted wich is horse ######### (i dont know if its a bug or what but damn annouyig) is the fact that he can tunnel free with the 8% reduction if u are infected and with his power u will have troubles to make it to places and if on top of that we have to consider the horse ######### he is right now with the grabbing u when he shouldnt is just mnaking it worse, so mayb we can change that other than that, he is fine

  • Member Posts: 208

    I don't want it to come of as "I want to loop the killer for 5 gens" but instead "When I go down, I want it to be from my mistake or the killer's good play. If I loop the killer well I want to be rewarded for that". Becoming fully infected isn't a strategic decision from the killer or a mistake from the survivor but an ineviability. Also slight numbers, 100 seconds is technically max infection time, but almost all sources provide 20 inital infection so it's 80 seconds and is 56 seconds with the addon. I agree the survivors are in a good spot if the health state goes on for that long, but it's not unreasonable for it too and if that's the case on a killer this good at chase that's a misplay from the killer and hence a hand holding mechanic. Given how good Wesker is it feels unnecerarry as it limits survivors abilitiy to turn a chase around mid match with a good chase.

  • Member Posts: 427
    edited March 2023

    it used to be smaller. just watch a video and see for yourself how much he sucked on release

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    It's 0.8 c/s, though, not 1 c/s, so the 80 charges takes 100s to build up from the initial 20. I think it only starts at 20 to simplify the interaction with the grab adding 20.

    The thing about being infected is it means you've already gotten hit. Ergo, going down well over a minute later (or after being unhooked) is a result of that earlier misplay--the infection's a timer before looping becomes extremely fraught. And the time to go from 20 charges to 100 is more than long enough to turn a game around.

    Like, if you take off the hindered, the mechanic does nothing. It literally just becomes 'exposed if Survivors ignore the infection and sit on gens at full HP the entire time', which is dismal. It doesn't just mean 'now chases can go on for as long as pallets don't run out', it means taking out the passive slowdown. He's got a decent chase power, but he's only as balanced as he is because it carries these rider effects. If people don't feel a need to go cleanse (use DH, for instance, or just force an M1 from full HP), he gets no info. No slowdown. Wesker gets fundamentally reduced to a demo who can do a bit more around corners but doesn't have map traversal, and Demo's not in a good state now.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    Can anymore people already play these killers if your a survivor main at the higher spectrum of mmr you see nurse blight and wesker practically every game maybe a couple mixed in between but mostly them 3 and his hit box is massive and controller players suffer cause it’s harder to dodge attacks

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Have you considered how much the same controller players (and everyone else) will suffer if you make the hitbox unnecessary narrow? Like every other weird hitbox in the game, latency is like 75% of it.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    Yeah I know but controller players have always suffered both sides and can’t keep up with a keyboard and mouse most of the time especially when you can change your sensitivity more than us if you play keyboard and mouse that is

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    But that's a problem that cuts both ways.

    'Make this hitbox worse because it's harder for controller players to dodge it' means that it's harder for controller players to use it. Hitboxes shouldn't be based around KB+M vs Controller or Controller vs KB+M, it's Controllver v Controller and KB+M v KB+M. And, in that scenario, Wesker's release hitbox was too narrow.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    Why can’t it be the actual body of your survivor like hatchets hit you even when they are hitting nothing

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    'Cause different Survivors are different sizes. Survivors have a fixed hitbox at all times when standing or running--it's roughly a vertical cylinder centred around their legs. When injured, you lean forward, but the hitbox doesn't change.

    Now, add on that the hatchet collision might be valid on the Killer side (because of latency), and you get your mismatch: the Killer threw a hatchet, it collided with the hitbox, and you were already injured. To you, it looks like it hit behind you, and even if there's no latency, it still collided with the invisible cylinder, not the body.

    Oh, and hatchet hitboxes are spherical, which has its clipping issues with terrain, but also turned out to be necessary for people to ever hit the things than if they had a narrow profile. Visually-accurate hitboxes turn into everyone missing everything in this game.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    I guess so I just dunno what to do anymore with this game it’s hard when you fall out of love with a game you like so much I still play it cause I’m like yeah let’s hop on dbd to get camped tunnelled and play the same killers over and over hit boxes queue times is there anything not frustrating about this game

  • Member Posts: 487
    edited March 2023

    Wesker hitbox need to be reduced. It is incalculable the number of times you are literally thrown against nothing, among other things with absurd ease.

    It seems to be one of those powers suitable for those who have problems with aiming and even if they aim half a metre away from the surv it's still good enough for them

    Post edited by Gamall on
  • Member Posts: 2,482

    his hitbox used to be small, and he was a garbage killer. It’s perfect where it’s at.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Blow his mind that wounded survivors lean forward, their hitbox still is the same as uninjured. . . .You can “hit” the body and not hit the hitbox, and hit the hitbox, but not hit the body.

    And that the hitbox changes based on actions (ie bigger when healing or doing gens)

    Wesker is fine.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    I never said he was op he just gets questionable hits lol

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I don’t have many grievances with Wesker. I think it’s extremely boring to face him over and over again because soooo many people play him and it’s overexposure of seeing him like 57 times a night that make me roll my eyes when I have to see him for the 58th time.

    Only two things are that it is way too easy to tunnel and I think the infection should pause if you are in a chase directly after getting unhooked.

    Other thing is that you get sucked back over a vault after vaulting and running but the killer’s client registered a grab. Usually you would just get hit and still get a speed boost. It especially sucks if you’re running Lithe.

    He’s fairly balanced with some issues but mostly all killers have some form of an issue :/

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    His actual hitbox, when playing him, feels like it lines up pretty well with your normal attack angle. If the grab was made narrower again, then it'd start feeling really bad.

    The collision, OTOH, is just weird at times. You get some of people sliding off things, too. But I think that's more a symptom of BHVR making things look prettier without wanting to mess a ton with the level geometry.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I think he's fine overall. The only problem I have with him is being able to injure you on the other side of a window or during pallet stun with his power just by touching you.

  • Member Posts: 163

    hes fine just get good

  • Member Posts: 423

    that's a terrible nerf, his m2 is literally all he has, if you can avoid blight you can avoid him essentially

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Wesker would be able to do a lot more at pallet loops if he was able to pallet vault/window vault ->2nd bound. His infection tunneling currently carries him vs the stronger loopers. survivor need to mess up positionally for him to get an angle to hit survivors at loops. That being said, I still love playing him. I think it would be nice if the infection was a little bit less strong but his chase at pallet loops was little bit stronger so pre-dropping pallet is not free win against his power.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Wesker is more than fine. He’s one of the most balanced killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Sounds like a bad case of skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 151

    His hitbox should have NEVER been buffed. They buffed that thing 1 week after release FOR WHAT REASON?

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