Addressing the Corrupt Intervention imbalance

martinj97 Member Posts: 156
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

There is no corresponding survivor perk, and nobody likes to be the first survivor downed.

How about the following:


You begin your struggle with a burst of energy.

At the start of the trial, you gain the Endurance status effect for 80/100/120 seconds.

Anticipating criticisms:

But an SWF can use this perk 4x and do 4 gens before they can even be downed.

First, they can still be grabbed off gens if they have Endurance. Second, it takes time find gens. Third, the SWF will have lost 4 perk slots after the beginning of the game. Fourth, if the SWF rush the first 4 gens, the killer will likely end up with a strong 3-gen and be able to make a comeback.

Post edited by martinj97 on


  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    It's not even that good of a perk.

    Not everything has to be handed to you on a silver platter.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    Opening plays are too critical for anybody to have 2 minutes of invincibility at game start. Corrupt is not unfair and it shuts off immediately if somebody gets downed.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 513
    edited March 2023

    "It take's time to find gen's" - It take's a on average 5 seconds for a survivor to find a generator. Unless your new to the game.

    "-the killer will likely end up with a strong 3-gen and be able to make a comeback." - This is entirely false, Corrupt block's the 3 furthest generators from the killer, this is entirly dependant on the killer's spawn which is random like everyone else's, which usually has Corrupt block 2 gen's on 1 side and 1 on the other or worse. Anyone who has used the perk know's how well and often this can occur which completly prevent's a 3 gen. It's also entirly possible for all 4 survivor's or most of the survivors in the match to not even spawn near or even head towards blocked generator's at the beginning of the match without even knowing Corrupt is in play, again reducing it's usefulness and making it a 50/50 every match if it'll do something.

    When corrupt does something, it just push's the survivor's into the map towards the killer, that is the main and mostly accepted use of it. It's alot more useful for the killer player to not have to traverse to the opposite end of a map to find survivor's that have been sitting on generator's for 20 seconds without going into the map.

    This is also a asymmetrical game, the 1 having a possible minor influence at the beginning of the game is entirly different to the group of 4 having the ability to outright deny game progress for 2 minutes.

    2 minute's of invulnerabilty for the beginning of the game is just ridiculous. It punishes the killer player for playing the game and doing there objective, leaving them no real options, and rewards the survivor player using it rather heavily while allowing them to perform there objective. It also would be abused as hard as old DS+Unbreakble (Which has the same problems which you want to make into 1 perk). It would be easily used to deny the killer alot of early game with survivor's not actually using resources until those 2 minutes are nearly up. If this perk would exist then corrupt should block all generators for 2 minutes, being a proper corresponding perk to the perk you are suggesting.

    Early down's are a thing and will happen, they are not game deciding when they happen much like a fast early gen, both are normal gameplay, when they manage to happen, and are part of the difficulty that each side bring's for the other. Corrupt intervention is inoffensive as a perk and shouldn't be used as a reason to add something incredibly awful because of normal gameplay.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    they can still be grabbed off gens if they have Endurance

    Actually, Endurance deactivates upon performing a Conspicuous Action, which includes generator repair and touching totems.

    Still, survivors don't need a second chance perk at the beginning of the game before they've even had a first chance. Killer perks don't need corresponding survivor perks. Corrupt is useful for killers who need setup time, and if the killer doesn't need setup time and is able to get a fast down then the perk immediately deactivates.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    there is a perk that grants endurance right at the start of the game. Have you heard of this legendary perk? I heard it is called dead hard.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'll allow it, on the condition you become injured, exhausted and broken until downed once the duration expired

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    The first chase and how long it takes dictates heavily the end result for killer so no, this is is a terribad idea

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Being disabled by conspicuous actions isn't a property inherent to endurance. It's a caveat of every perk that happens to grant endurance. OP's perk does not have this clause and therefore would not be disabled by working on a gen.

  • stonedcandle
    stonedcandle Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2023

    There already are counters to it. There are multiple gen aura perks that will show you which generators are corrupt and which aren't.

    You shouldn't start the generator you spawn near. It's asking to be the first chased.