Why isn't Spirit killswitched?

It's miserable playing against the killer currently. Doesn't help that every player that plays her uses MDR/Amulet and sweats their ass off. Audio is the single biggest indicator to countering her power, and it's completely broken currently. It is literally impossible to tell where she is, even when she is out in the open. Why can this killer still be played?
One of life's great mysterious is why BHVR refuses to killswitch things that are broken.
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Saw this post right after playing a match as Spirit after thinking she was fixed. Turns out I was wrong 💀
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Spirit is way too weak her phasing sound should not be that clear and loud
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Sound occlusion is supposed to affect game sounds. Have any of the clickbait videos, that say Spirit's direction audio is broken, shown a comparison to what her sound occlusion was like a few months ago?
As in, has any of these clickbait videos even proven that her directional audio had zero sound occlusion, and was always easily audible, a few months ago?
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I'm hoping this is included in the next chapter patch (this week maybe?).
I could see this being something that they wouldn't kill switch for, since it's a balance issue, but not game breaking.
I'm still scratching my head over the twins thing where they would soft lock their game while switching. That absolutely should've been a kill switch, and I'm not even certain that it's fixed yet for both of the twins mains.
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For real is the killswitch broken or do they seriously believe that this isn't broken enough like the lullaby thing should have seriously been killswitched as well as the knight bug. why they waited so long is a mystery, i can semi maybeee understand that it might just be that they don't think its as major. but that just makes me question how broken something must be to warrant a killswitch if this isn't broken enough.
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She's a ghost..she shouldnt be easy to tell where she's coming from. Yet another post from someone who lost to a random spirit.
I don't even see her as often as i see weskers, nurses and blights. I even see Bubbas more often than spirits.
Maybe just maybe we could leave her like that.
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Not popular and ghost = she should have no directional sound whatsoever.
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The key difference between this and other killers who have been killswitched is she still works largely the same. She doesn't crash or softlock the game, her power doesn't bug out in a way that's completely unbeatable and although her primary counter doesn't work sometimes it still does work a lot of the time. Is this to say I enjoy playing against spirit generally or want to excuse the bug, no. Is this saying that kill switching a killer peple enjoy because of what is escentially a gameplay bug they have no control over would be fair, no. Ultimately this isn't a bug people can abuse because it just is active when playing the killer and playing as and against the killer still remains mostly intact while it exists.
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The thing is, they killswitched the killswitch and can't figure out how to revert it.
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Least incoherent DBD forums take of 2023.
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If they're going to killswitch based on audio occlusion issues, then basically every map in the game needs to be killswitched.
Seriously. Audio occlusion has been a huge issue for many years, it just hasn't affect survivors much until now.
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I mean the person I responded to basically wrote nothing, that's why I broke it down so simply.
They said I feel thematically spirit should have no directional sound in phase and she's not that popular so the bug is fine regardless of her current strength. I heavily disagree with these things because it removes the counter play the character has and breaks chasses down to coin flips.
But yes, my comment was meant to be as dumb as it was.
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They probably want to up the kill-count while they still can :)
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Probably because she is not broken enough. But yeah, it is really annoying, so many people are currently playing her because she is bugged.
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Havent seen one in weeks. Who are playing her exactly? In europe she isnt that popular.
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Killswitch is for broken things
People played vs spirit who had zero directional sound for years without it breaking the game.
this isn't like clown who got a permanent speedboost and threw the entire basis of killer speed vs survivor speed out of line.
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Legion are group of edgy teenagers. If realism is supposed to influence game design. Then survivors like Bill or David should send those teens back to the lobby
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just search for videos about when spirit was nerfed and the ones currently , is not hard to tell that the directional phasing sound is bugged and not working when there is a object between you and the survivor (less time to react and also brings back the guessing game)
and not only that if u are in the open and going into other direction u will be making a random phasing sound that sounds that the spirit is going to your direction as survivor and makes you leave untill u realize that it is a bug and the spirit is nowhere close to you+ thats a huge passive buff on top on an already top tier killer that doesnt need that to begin with...
and the fact that many spirit players are mostly sweaty tryhards with full slowndown makes that even worse...
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Same here. I rarely see Spirit anymore
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Good job....?
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Because they refuse to use the kill switch. They never kill switched Oni when for months he had bug that made him get ridiculous amounts of blood orbs. There's 31 killers, 39 maps, and over 200 perks between both sides and the devs still refuse to use the kill switch when one is broken.
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I get at least 3 per day. Also in Europe.
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Because she’s not broken. Neither was oni during that amazing time for him.. they should have kept that for his basekit..
Broken was clown with the permanent speed boost.
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Lucky you. I havent seen one in few weeks. I enjoy going against spirit.
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I'm aware you were being sarcastic, I was doubling down on it. If we were balancing killers based on popularity and lore, we wouldn't have much of a game.
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Killswitch is for game breaking bugs. Game breaking means the game cannot be played. Spirit not having directional sound doesn't come close to this threshold.
Btw, are you going to keep making the same thread over and over?
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Oni was bugged before the killswitch was even implemented. No noticed or reported it until Scott made a video publicizing it.
Either way, Oni didn't really break. He had a bug but all the counterplay to Oni remained.
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Mb I misread while tired.