In-Game Store Cosmetics for Purchase Same as Base Character Cosmetics

I noticed that Renato Lyra's basekit head cosmetic "Renato Lyra Common Head" appears to be EXACTLY the same as the head cosmetic included in the "full outfit" (head+body+pants) "Kite Designer". The Head cosmetic is in this outfit is called "Musician Half-Bun Uncommon Head" and costs 100AC or 1800 iri shards.

What's with this? I am fairly certain this is not the first time this has happened. Is this a new trend, trying to charge players for something they already have to bump up the cost of cosmetic outfits? Or is the present "Musician Half-Bun Uncommon Head" just a place holder for an updated head cosmetic in the future? Or is it both (unchanged if unnoticed, update with new head cosmetic if players speak out...)?
