Do you think the Skull Merchant should have Voice Lines?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 363

I only ask for one simple reason... She looks like a normal lady. Judging from her... spectacular lore... she's basically a Brazilian cosplayer with serious mental issues. Also, because the Lyra twins were the first OGs to have Voice Lines, she deserves a voice, I guess.

(I bet you thought she was a merc, too, didn't you? You were wrong... and so was I... ;_; )

Well, at least they did a good job fixing the Mori and the maps look nice, I might just save up some shards...

Do you think the Skull Merchant should have Voice Lines? 38 votes

No, please, it'll ruin the vibe...
GibberishValikSlamitieTeabaggingGhostfaceDesarmeAurelleHugTheHagConrad16thSnowflake_SyndromeCaimanMini_pisaPyPai479stonedchoo 13 votes
Yes, let her speak Portuguese!
brokedownpalaceIWasLrft2DieA_Can_Of_AirtenoresaxEmealGuiltiiThat_One_FriendskylustvCryptikktristenbennett381Chikynot_requested49FridayNightPizzaviewfanWitchOfCrafttuttoinunavoltaomgitscawlin 17 votes
Yes, let her speak Japanese!
FreakyMakoqnyun 2 votes
Maybe, perhaps make her speak a mix of Portuguese... AND Japanese... Maybe have her say some weeaboo Anime stuff like, "Omai wa..." "Shine!!!" or "Nani?" While at the same time having her curse or complain in Portuguese after getting stunned or something, you know, like Trickster, except not Korean...
musstang62BwstedZyratheSaladXendritchBothSidesEnjoyerBarnesFlam 6 votes
