lets discuss what is the most skillful thing you consider in dead by daylight?
is it 12 hooking a high mmr team? getting 4k consistently? high kill rates? killer/escape streaks? running a killer for 3+ gens? gen efficiency? 4 man escapes consistently?
my opinion is high killer or escape streaks especially if it is one person doing multiple killers since survivors are basically the same.
For me, it's the killers who one hook everyone first, then two hook, then start the sacrificing. To me, you'd have to have real confidence in your skills to pull that off. Especially as you knowingly run the risk of everyone escaping. So when I think of skilled killers, that's who comes to mind. The ones who can pull that off. For survivors, it's the ones that have learned every tile. Time is very important in these games, and good loopers make the most of it.
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Probably win streaks. It takes a lot of skill and game knowledge to consistently escape/4k every game. As survivor doing escape streaks, you have to take into consideration your teammates and how they perform, their perks, YOUR perks, the different killers you'll be facing, trying not to be camped + tunnelled, the maps, the RNG tiles, etc. Same goes for killer. You have to win through all sorts of maps, layouts, survivors, their perks, SWF teams, items, etc.
Since we all know sometimes the game is just favoured to go either way sometimes, be it map RNG or just having a lucky perk build that perfectly suits the situation, etc. But I think the high escape/kill streaks prove that person is a skilful and knowledgeable player.
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IMO a killer and a 4 man team fight for a 4 man out or a 4k is the most skillful and fun thing in this entire game. Well at least with blight. I really wish I could link this game lilith did like a year back where he waited until all gens were done to start playing with only shadowborne, it was a 25 min end game of pure back and fourth action. Both sides were playing out of their minds and the reason it lasted so long was an exponential in shack that if lillith chose to snuff would have let everyone escape.
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Winning a major tournament. There's so much time and practice that goes into that as a team. The top teams are typically playing 30-40+ hrs per week just to make it into the top 8 consistently. The margin for error on either side is ridiculously small as you get deep into the bracket, and you need the killer and survivor side to both play a clean game. To top it all off on the killer side, you're often forced into a killer pick that you didn't choose yourself. You might find out 2 days in advance that you're playing Pyramid Head, for example.
The killers you see out there doing these win streaks are often not even the main killers on their comp teams. Alf is one of the best Nurses in the world, and he was not the main Nurse on Oracle when they were around.
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Win streaks prove nothing, just that the matchmaking is a joke.
I had a 36-game win streak on Nurse, the first time I played her. (proof) Every game was a 4k, not a single hatch. I was a baby Nurse but the survivors that the game gave me were even more babies, so I ramped up faster than my MMR did and kept winning for 2 consecutive weeks. I ultimately lost a game then decided to stop playing Nurse cos I got bored. To this day, my killrate on Nurse is still 98.7% (154 kills / 156 total)
Getting winstreaks in any modern game with matchmaking should be basically impossible, but in DBD as killer it is easy if you tryhard. In fact when I posted this winstreak here, many people came to the thread and shared much longer winstreaks than me, someone had a 90+. We're talking random forum users not competitive players/streamers.
Equip 4 gen perks, don't pick Bubba or Billy, and tunnel the weakest survivor. Here's your winstreak.
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Mindgames and reads
Both roles
What makes it so skillful is every player is different. Some are predictable, others not so much. Some always look behind them, some don't and some alternate
Some will expect killers to pallet respect and greed pallets, others won't and will play safe.
Some will fall for basic mindgames, others will expect mindgames and be caught off guard if you don't try them.
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fair enough on both points especially if you are hooking that way in large maps or looping the killer on a smaller map for long periods
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for the win streaks are you considering 4 survivor escapes or you personally escaping consistently?
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is there a video anywhere of this match? i need to see this skill wow
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I guess top players of the game in tournaments. That's the only thing that is skillful since the rest of the game can be argued for a lack of skill
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was this with no mmr or the mmr system in place?
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I would say skill in chase by making the right reads on both sides and power usage for killer and resource managers for survivors.
As a survivor you can make a chase last long by pre running and dropping pallets but survivors that run me and keep resources for the late and endgame are the ones I have the most problems with.
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for me it depends on the format of the tournaments since they have some rules in place that are not seen in normal dbd (only 1 of any item or 1 of any perk on a survivor/killer cant use certain perks/addons for example)
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It was in July 2022, so with MMR, likely the same as we have now. (which basically takes into account player skill but still prioritizes queue times drastically over match balance)
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He didn't post the youtube video and the vod is too old to watch now unfortunately. One of the most intense games I have ever seen.
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My point is that the win streak gives you teams of all calibres, even sweaty SWFs with thousands of hours (eventually). I was saying it takes skill and knowledge to win in ALL scenarios. I agree matchmaking in DBD isn't the best, but I think it's ridiculous to say it proves nothing.
I don't think Nurse is a good example anyway. Mechanically, she is not that hard. All you need is a game or 2 to get used to the blink distance and you're good to go. The rest is just general game knowledge you get from playing all killers. You might have been a baby Nurse but I seriously doubt you were new altogether. If you had never touched Blight before and did the same thing, I guarantee you would not have gotten the same results.
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good job then man that does take skill...so what ended your streaks?
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aww that sucks would have loved to have seen the gameplay
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win streaks mean absolutely nothing. I won 15 games with wraith running thrill of the hunt, beast of prey, distressing, and jolt........U can go on a easy win streak with any decent killer nearly if u play as savage as possible. To many tactics that take no real skill to use in my opinion. Pre dropping, tunneling, gen rushing, camping a 3 gen, normal camping for a grab, shift w, etc. U just gotta be aware of your options in dbd (not much skill is needed). A survivor can excape every match if they wanna! through a cowardly hatch build. These things just don't take skill and never will. Mind gaming at a pallet that not super safe is skillful to me. One with a long side and a short side to be specific so pre dropping can be punish. Auto haven got plenty of these! A car with the pallet in between and short side to go around the pallet. Even if u don't have any anti loop u can win this tile. Anticipating a good nurse or Spirit take a skill. Hitting crazy shots with billy huntress or slinger take skill. The game got some skillful things here and there.
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Winning a game by 12 hooking against a high MMR meta SWF as an addon less Hillbilly in an indoor map in less than 5 minutes without camping or tunnelling.
If anyone ever pulls this off I would consider them the most skilled player in the game.
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Considering in any given game multiple people are essentially playing to lose the only skillful play would be a win streak in a KYF setting where all 5 players are tryharding to win with none of the BS rules the tournaments implement.
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using rebecca's hyperfocus to complete 12 great skill checks back to back.
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there's no skill involved nowdays (or to use better words, things are much easier than once)
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Win streaks aside probably running chase. Killer roll I find fairly easy, even sweaty swfs I feel comfortable combating. My killer record is pretty decent (or would be if i didn't tend to deliberately release one or two survs most games)
Surv on the other hand, running a good chase requires a lot of skill, quick reactions and map knowledge. I know the basics have run good, long chases before. But more often than not I get wrecked in chase, I can't loop to save my life and I'm not very good at vault mind games. I've got mad respect for survs who run chase well consistently. You know the ones, those survs who always manage to hit that vault so you miss by a fraction.
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1) Being able to perform excellently on any killer.
2) Survivors who actually know how to counter blight. Far and few between but when I get one that purposely counters my power, I know they are skilled and it’s gonna be a fun one.
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I draw when doing Gen.
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Obviously it’s tunneling one out early as Nurse or Blight with a full meta build and then getting the 4K with slugging. Duh.
also all the while doing this you gotta complain about the devs being survivor sided and the survs play like *insert some vegetable*
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are you sure it hasnt already happened?
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do you recommend any particular streamer on your first point?
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D3ad Plays for sure. Pretty much god tier killer with any of them.
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Having 8 stacks of Stbfl 4 stacks of remember me, 5 stacks of devour hope and 11 stacks of Dying light at the same time
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Most skillful thing, is connecting to the RTM Server.
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Being a strong looper and knowing how to run all tiles (something I cannot do).
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Looping multiple gens in soloq without windows of opportunity or an exhaustion perk
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He's very good dont think i've ever seen him lose, but as a viewer be prepared to deal with a serious chat, jokes and simping on characters is frowned upon there lol
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So I've watched tournament play and its very boring. Im sure a lot goes into it, but to me it just looks like survivors predropping pallets and other 3 gen rushing efficiently. I say this as a survivor main.
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12 hooking without camping, tunneling, or slugging.
Escape streaks do not, necessarily, require a lot of skill. You could hide in a locker for the entire match and only come out once the gates are open. Extreme case, but I definitely see people too afraid to do anything because they want to escape.
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Honestly it's mastering a killer a difficult killer like huntress,wesker or Billy
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To each their own, but yes, DbD is a lot more macro-oriented at that level for a lot of reasons. Survivors are trying to minimize risk at tiles out of respect for the skill level of the killer and also to create space for the team to do gens. The ping difference also factors in. Teams are often in different regions and looping at 200ms is super sketchy. The survivor might be on NA West and the killer might be in Sweden.
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Pulling 8 hooks as killer on decent survivors before finishing anyone off. It's least optimal playstyle but to be able to win with it requires lot of skill.
On survivor I think looping killer for very long time even all 5 gens.
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12 hooking can be done i would be more impressed if it was against a high level comp team like oracle
i agree with the escape streak point...there are quite a few survivors that are carried by their teammates to higher mmr
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For killers: Playing Hillbilly without suffering.
For survivors: Being able to counter every killer as efficient as possible.
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Yeah, but pretty much any of the things you would consider skillful would be more so if done against high level opponents.
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Really good Hillbilly mains, if they know how to curve you on the loops and they can manage to do it consistently and they very rarely miss with their chainsaw... that's some big mad respect from me. Giga ultra space sigma Chad.
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It probably has, but I've never seen. If there is footage I'd like to see it.
Also can make it harder by making it perkless as well.
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it is just so hard to be able to do that once you reach a certain mmr though but yeah 8 -12 hooks is pretty skillful.
what is the longest time a survivor has looped a killer in the current meta? i remember an older video where a killer was looped in the old haddonfield for (i want to say) 20 minutes?
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Going for a 12 hook game spreading hooks evenly without tunneling/camping is probably the highest skill.