I got a bad feeling about the Skull merchant

So... I got three game against her , and each times, (only on crow) she immediatly camp the three gen near the cathedral

Her tactic is pretty simple, camp in the cathedral, wainting to see wich one of her drône activate or disapear, come back where it was, create a new one, chasing the survivor down after kicking the gen with overcharge or Call of Brine

... When I see that, I can't imagine that gen rushing gonna be more present than now, more people gonna using all the perk for gen rushing just for breaking the three gen because all the player for now who are using her do that

It's probably a feeling, like I say... But... Somebody have a different opinion about that? For countering that? Because, only if you make a gen in twenty second or less... I litterally can't see how you can beat the drone strat


    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    With Vitorio store energy perk, but yeah that means dont pick other perks just in case.

    Also 1 guy picking all drones.

    But im pretty sure after selling some skins and that bhvr will nerf SM.

    Im waiting to see what they do in next mid chapter.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    She punishes really hard the macro mistakes that survivors do (specially solo survivors), which is not bad, but not good either, as more and more people surrender when they see I use the SM which is sad.

    I think this killer needs adaptation from the survivors and I feel like most of them prefer to not adapt and massive complain to force some huge changes/rework.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653

    Punishing, ok, but all the skull merchant I got, like I said, go camp instantatly the three nearest gen and doesn't move

    she got a good buff since the PTB, and it's great, I have some idea to play with her, but for now, all killer I go against who play her play like that, immediatly

    The Only thing I can say about is power are... Probably reward the survivor who take the drone off? At this moment, if you take down the drone, she can immediatly create a new one, so litterally, you have zero reason to go against that, because you got, a new drone, and your position for the killer, did you see what I mean?

    I don't like to play survivor with gen rushing perks... But i'm a little forced with her, i'm sorry for all the other killer, I try to take my times with you

    The thing is... technically, you can play without perks against all the Killer, some perks are good for making you stronger against some (like old DH VS nurse) but you can loop her without, that's not a problem

    Even Knight, if he camp the three gen at the beginning, you can lure the garde, and your friend making the gen

    Here... she place a drone, somebody took him down, she come back immediatly and replace a new one

    What's the point?