Giving up against Merchant doesn't prove anything

AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

I play Merchant and I keep getting players that give up 4/3 gens in.

Just gonna say this: her three-gen strat isn't as powerful as you think. If there's 2 survivors left than yeah it's nearly impossible. Any more survivors than that can have one loop/distract her. If she comes back to proxy gens, she technically isnt making progress by downing survivors.

Long story short, it's a skill issue. Not a design one.



  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515
    edited March 2023

    All matches don't take 45 minutes.

    They don't take 10 either, but those are too short for most killers.

    I'm finding a game that focuses more on what generator to do at what moment to get it done far more fun than which tile to loop around and for how long.

    I don't know why they DC, too rigid in their approach?

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Even if I wanted to give up against her I can't because I've only played against 1 Skull Merchant since her release. Haven't seen her at all since day 1.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    She's been pretty popular for me.

    Maybe 1/4 of all matches in the last 24 hours.

    Its not Wesker popular, but not absent.

    I'm coming to look forward to games against her.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    They just need to work on 2 gens at the same time. She cannot pressure both, if she injures you and goes to the other one that is being done, the injured can comeback to the gen.

    Maybe I'm asking too much for the average survivor.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465

    I've had people give up on a 2 gen before as legion even though there was another gen miles away.

    They just stubbornly tried to finish those 2 until they gave up.

    I'm not saying SM doesn't need work but this is an example that the survivor mentality can also be to blame. I do play both BTW.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    How is her camping stronger? The drones deactivate if they are near a hook.

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    If this is truly the problem, then the answer is simply making the killer more deadly on these scenarios. She is actually so bad rn you basically hinge on the 3 gen gameplay that is just as boring on the killer side and even then doesn’t even guarantee a 2K because the attrition is still in survivors favor here unless somehow you’ve already gotten two kills by this point. If those gens are done, you might as well go stare at a wall tho.

    IMO make expose baseline faster so Survivors are essentially forced to deal with it, but exposes have greater potential for effecting a match(alternatively no longer show borders of zones to survivors, make them pay attention to their tracked meter), in exchange make it so drones have an actual cooldown so they can’t just be insta spammed once they go down, I don’t like it but it’s the compromise it would need imo.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    it's not about how strong it is i rather not waste 40 minutes of my time slowly picking away at a 3 gen

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,723

    1: This assumes she engages in the loop. Doesn't work the same if you go, she chases, retreats, kicks, repeat. Sure as survivors you can win via slowly making progress, but what people are saying is its just not worth the time. Especially in soloQ were its a lot harder to coordinate breaking the 3 gen.

    2: Go to gen, die. Yeah, that's the giving up people are talking about.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Another “compromise “ that would end up screwing the killer. Typical forum post.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    not really, I was clear about what I said, you didn't want to understand it

    1: she has to engage in loop or down you at the generator, she'll have to hook or slug you (hey, isn't that a game strategy?) which you'll die either way.

    I was clearly talking about a match that's going on for TOO LONG.

    If you don't want to stay in that match, there's nothing the killer can do you keep you there, IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    You can't bait her out unless she lets you. If she lets you then she probably doesn't want to play that 3-gen anymore in that case.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    I don’t blame you. I’ve already had my fill of these long drawn out stalemates. If a game gets too long, I just walk over and let them hook me so I can move on. It’s getting so bad that with 2 gens left, you can already tell what is about to happen. If they refuse to chase and gens can’t get done, not sure what people are supposed to do other than give up.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    For the most part, I agree. To avoid a 3 gen scenario survivors need to have a certain degree of planning and all too often many survivors will just want to gen rush without thinking of the potential consequences.

    Up until now - especially against a killer such as the Trapper - it's vital to deal with the gens that are closest together early to avoid such a difficult endgame.

    My only rebuttal for your argument is that, should the Skull Merchant locate the 3 gens closest to each other early on, her power is more effective than the Trapper at keeping them secure. The drones ensure that a survivor has limited time to work on them, which is something a killer such as the Trapper doesn't have in the early game.

    The Skull Merchant has only just come out and, when survivors learn to play with more of a strategy in mind, she'll become easier to face. I still remember when the Dredge first came out and some people declared it was the new Nurse. That didn't happen. Let's see how she is further down the line, once survivors start to effectively plan out a trial.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416
    edited March 2023

    but it's the truth tho and I'm not a killer main since like sep of last year, I play only survivor now and play killer just when I have a daily.

    Nothing you say would change the facts, you only stay in a match if you want to, it's not the type of game where you have to wait for everyone to die to leave. It's a simple problem with a simple solution, if you call that giving up, whatever, but IF YOU LET HER HAVE HER 3 GEN, that's your mistake and if she REFRAINS HERSELF FROM THE NORMAL GAMEPLAY (CHASE-DOWN-HOOK) it's her game, you lost already, why keep playing hide (with no seek) for 40 minutes? That's YOUR GAME.


  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    no it isn't a skill issue when im solo and the randoms die and get hook inside the 3 gen area ,it isn't skill issue when game lasts 20/ 25 + minutes it's super boring and grindy,,,you never want to be in the same game for that long ,,i'd rather get a godlike nurse to mop the floor with my face rather than face a boring 3 gen bot killer who makes watching paint dry seem exciting ,,

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Keep telling yourself that. No one wants to play 4 gen regression gen-humping Gen Merchant, who refuses to chase unless you are within the radius of her babysitting drones. I've watched really good players go against this lady with a 3 gen from the start and draw the game out for 45mins. The only reason they won is because the killer wasn't very good in chase. But the fact that a skill-less killer can draw a game out to 45 mins IS a skill issue I guess. Personally, I'm not entertaining any games with three genning Gen Merchant. If they want to win so bad. Have at it. The devs were told during PTB that this is the way she would be played and released her anyway. Honestly, this game is getting old fast.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Your point is actually valid, however I'm not even playing CoB/Overcharge and still find a lot of survivors to just give up, which let me think that there is a lack of adaptability overall.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    The Devs really need to clarify the rules on 3-Gens. Because Survivors refusing to do Gens is clearly taking the game hostage, but a Killer refusing to chase Survivors at some point and just protecting 3 Gens without much intention to kill anyone is the same.

    The problem is this:

    a Killer refusing to chase Survivors at some point

    What is "at some point"? Is it a Killer refusing to go after the only injured Survivor when three others are hiding nearby, waiting for them to leave? I'd say it's fair once all four are injured and the Killer refuses to go after any of them then, but what if one of the four Survivors heals before there are four injured and thus "permitting" the Killer to stay near the 3-gen? Is the Survivor that healed then holding the game hostage for the other three Survivors? What if a Trapper wants to only leave the 3-gen once all the traps are set up and not before then, is that allowed? What if a Survivor keeps disarming them, giving them an excuse to stay near the gens?

    Instead of making up a new rule / policy to deal with the many edge cases this will cause it's better to fix this in the code. Add a way to the game that allows Survivors to break a 3-gen stalemate if the Killer refuses to leave. For example, if two Survivors are trying to open the exit gates at the same time they open after Remaining Generators * X minutes but their aura is revealed to the Killer (which would also work if there are four generators very close together). Something that only works if the Killer is refusing to leave a 3-gen but is useless in any other situation to avoid the "DEVS ARE SURVIVOR BIASED UNINSTALL" shitstorm.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060
    edited March 2023

    The thing is, there are two versions of 3-Gens:

    One is the problematic one which is done with Skull Merchant - just defending 3 Gens, sometimes even with a Map Offering (The Game or RPD for example) and not chasing any Survivors even at 5 Gens to go.

    The other one is not problematic - the Survivors messed up and created a 3-Gen. (All Gens done on one side of the Map, Survivers not paying attention and just doing the first Gen they find)... While this can result in the same outcome (a match taking long), this is something which is the Survivors fault and the Killer should still get a benefit from it without the Survivors being able to fix their mistake.

    And your suggestion might mean that the Survivors only have to repair 4 Gens and can just idle around a bit and leave afterwards.

    So if there is a rule implemented, it could mention 3-Gens which are done very early in the game (in the end, you have to provide a video anyway when reporting a player, so the Devs would see if the Killer was actually doing it from the start or just saw the opportunity midgame and went for it).

    Otherwise, if it is possible to create an ingame-solution (because a Report does not help that one game which is currently played), I am all for it. But it should only really work if the Killer is holding a 3-Gen from the start and not when the Survivors messed up.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    The entitled ragequitting demographic you’re trying to reason with, does not frequent these forums. They don’t even have their driver’s license yet.

    Every time they ragequit, look at their profile and observe the game they switched to: Fortnite.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,984

    Nice, but I will still give up to her

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I would like to continue.

    • 3 Gens that survivors created, usually Killers have a few hooks through the match, with 3 Gens, there are times that Killers lucky quick injure a last hook survivor, then commit the chase to kill. Sometimes the time to kill is before the last Gen done, which Killer can go back and continue their progress. Of course Killers may not committing chase and go back if its a non-hook survivor.
    • 3 Gens Knight/SM is different, a situation when chasing a survivor have no meaning since no one gets a hook yet, so they will stay around 3 Gens refuse to commit chase. Create a scenario that no one progress, where the decision of progressing is relied on killer.

    For both case, survivors still try to do the last Gen, so definitely its not their fault since they're actually try to progressing. Just impossible to do so.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    The only thing I don't like about your suggestion is that it requires people to use the awful report system. The main issue is the need to record. I think it's a great solution if we had a replay system and when you make an in-game report someone from support could just pull up that replay and see that what you described is going on and handle the reported player from there.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    The moment her PTB came out most of the community rolled their eyes and sighed because we knew what kind of killer she was and that isn't fun. When there is only 1 way to play her that's zzzz.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2023

    I won't play a single game vs SM, never... Tell me whatever.

    Nuff said.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Knight and skull merchant are some of the worst campers in the game wdym? And her 3 gen isn’t as good as knight since she can’t actually hit anyone or apply pressure without leaving the 3gen area

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,673

    They have stated in the past that a killer who defends a 3 gen with their power and perks, without downing, hooking, or killing anyone for a long time is taking the game hostage and is reportable.

    Essentially it boils down to: killers primary objective is to 'kill survivors', and 'gen defense' is a secondary objective to help with kills.

    With a 'normal' 3 gen, the killer is banking on using up resources and capitalizing on a survivor making a mistake for the down, which might take a few minutes, but there should be mind games involved and some randomness to aid with the goal of getting a down.

    But... holding a 3 gen indefinitely, doing the same patrol, and never taking any chase whatsoever becomes problematic. In that case, the 'killing' objective has become secondary and 'gen defense' has become the primary goal, and the game doesn't progress.

    Same thing with survivors. 'Surviving' and 'completing gens' are both goals, but hiding for an extended amount of time without touching gens at all sacrifices the 'gens' objective and 100% focuses on surviving. Hiding can be a good strategy, too, but at some point, survivors need to take risks or the game can't progress.

    There's some nuance to the timing with how long this lasts, usually a 'few minutes' is ok, but hitting 30+ minute games regularly is closer to 'hostage' territory.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Yeah but its clearly that devs balances around complaints not by skill issues

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    We warned BHVR that this is how SM would be played when her PTB came out, and instead of changing her kit to not be 3-gen central, they just released her with some tiny buffs

    SM matches are the one and only time I will excuse DCing or hook suicides, I'd rather take the penalty and move on to a match where there's actual interactions and not 45 minutes to several hours of trying to break a 3 gen

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    This guy gets it.

    Its your own fault, survivors just give up and die on hook so the killer is not forced to drag the game out for 40 minutes for his 4k.