Before they remove "hugtech" they need to fix map collision first.

FMG15 Member Posts: 530

First of all yes hugtech is a bug. It's been classified as such by Mandy. That of course means that it might be fixed someday. I myself wouldn't mind it getting removed. However:

The map tiles have very inconsistent hitboxes. It makes him a nightmare to play for beginners. Some tiles have an accurate collision that you can properly bump on. Others however... not so much. A lot of tiles even have no collision at all. Hugtech gives the players the option to make playing around tiles more consistent. It allows you to choose if you want to bump into an object or not. I'm still all for removing it but they really should fix the map collison for his bumps in order to make him more beginner friendly. So before they remove hugtech they really need to look into bump collision
