Before they remove "hugtech" they need to fix map collision first.

First of all yes hugtech is a bug. It's been classified as such by Mandy. That of course means that it might be fixed someday. I myself wouldn't mind it getting removed. However:
The map tiles have very inconsistent hitboxes. It makes him a nightmare to play for beginners. Some tiles have an accurate collision that you can properly bump on. Others however... not so much. A lot of tiles even have no collision at all. Hugtech gives the players the option to make playing around tiles more consistent. It allows you to choose if you want to bump into an object or not. I'm still all for removing it but they really should fix the map collison for his bumps in order to make him more beginner friendly. So before they remove hugtech they really need to look into bump collision
They don’t wanna hear that. Lol
I hope they never get rid of hug tech. So much fun. Plus as you said, many maps would be a nightmare without it, because the collision is inconsistent trash.
I’m not anticipating it leaving anytime soon, if at all.
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I think I know what hugtech is, but I'd like to ask anyway... What's the hugtech about?
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Basically you are touching the wall while looking at it. Then you look down and start using your rush (alternatively you bump at the wall with your first rush then while stillbeing in the rush chain window move towards the wall and then look down and start using your next rush). That allows you to slide off the wall rather than bumping on it.
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So it's a blight technique?
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I was expecting you to comment on this thread haha. Yeah I also think hugtech is fun, but it's not a must have for me. I just don't like the devs mentality and obsession to "fix" without actually adressing the core issues. It's the same as skybilly. Their obsession with fixing it led to maps like GoJ not having an invisible wall at the top. If you play Bubba and want to jump down while chainsaw sweeping you will tantrum instead. It's nonsensical
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Yes. Sorry I just noticed that I didn't mention his name in this thread, a huge error on my part.
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No problem, I figured it by your description. Thank you so much, I am oblivion to almost all "techs", I suppose that's why I lose a lot hahahaha.
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Damn right! Hahah, I will be in any thread that I see with “blight” or “hug tech” in it. 😂😂
It’s not a must have, as I can always resort to strict bump logic (then they will really complain about blight). But hug tech is just so much more fun and engaging.
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I feel that. Whenever I'm active in the forum you see me very often in Billy and Nurse posts (Athough I don't play Nurse anymore).
I can understand that hugtech is fun to play. Whenever I play Blight I use it as well.
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I'm almost affraid of what could happen, if they ever decided to fix hug tech. They might break collisions in ways that make Blight and Billy completely unplayable. There are already enough invisible hitboxes on maps (rip Skybilly).
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This is my fear too. Collision is such a tricky thing.
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One problem here.
You say inconsistent collision makes the game 'bad for beginners', but it's not beginners who are abusing the hug tech glitch. All of these 'techs' are exclusively high-end practices.
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1) Your two points have zero correlation. What does the inconsistent collision being hard for beginners (and even experienced blights) have to do with the skill level of players using the hug tech?
2) it is most certainly not exclusive to higher skill players. Not sure where you would get that idea. Literally anybody can hug tech. It’s not hard.
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Me rushing directly at a tree in Yamaoka or Red Forest and gliding off like I'm slathered in baby oil, survivor: git gud baby blight haha
Me hitting a virtual tech on a survivor camping a pallet gym pallet, survivor: ######### that's so broken nerf please