I think Survivors are having fun against SM

Coments say all xD
How long was that game?
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They held the game hostage and matches with Skull Merchant if she wants can stall the match out for hours unless survivors give her a free kill
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Honestly it looks like they did pretty well.
Two people going for the adept with bad perks against a full meta SM? Not bad.
Doesn't excuse the comments, but I get being frustrated after likely being held in a 3-gen
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Good on that Jonah for getting his adept :)
o-oh, the chat? yeah cool good job 👍️
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After 45 mins they finally realized xD
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After i checked profile of second SS's those were 5k hours survivors, except the guy whom i let go :D finally a killer that simply can't lose a game
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This Killer really is just Legion 1.0 in terms of unhealthiness. I still think that SMs are going to settle into this playstyle, and then people will DC the moment they either hear her chase music, or realize she's setting up a 3 gen.
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I threw up in my mouth looking at your build. Gross.
Nothing but three gens alll game for you.
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real, dude came into the match with the goal of wasting 40 minutes of everyone's time.
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Wish I had this much time on my hands
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Hot take but killers that camp 3 gens from the beginning of the game and refuse to chase normally and force survivors into either dc or give up should be reportable and banned eventually , disgusting and zero skill game play, killer players were moaning that game will die because of x perk, map or w/e. I haven't seen people dc that much against a killer except for when dc penalties are off
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This post isn't the flex you think it is
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'Didn't you have fun genrushing?'
One really trashy gen speed-up perk across the four of them does not constitute 'genrushing'.
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Who likes 45 minute matches?
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Wasting everyone’s time like this for a meaningless win should be bannable although BHVR thought this was ok so we can’t really blame the player
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Can’t wait to have people DC because they assume I’m gonna do this strat with her
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What's funnier is OP currently has another thread going where they're complaining about 4 man swfs running meta builds lol guess they don't mean these games?
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This is the kind of thing that is going to get the three gen strat destroyed by the nerf bat. Then people are going to have the nerve to whine when it happens.
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Ah yes those filthy gen rushers with their one gen speed perk from their adept and 2 reassurence's that work well with gen rushing you sure showed them. Hopefully next match you can beat those hordenous brown items they may dare to bring (I'm not excusing their language but this feels like a weird brag if it's one).
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Survs bring one gen perk and not even the best one.
Killer: didn't you have fun genrushing?
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Holding a 3 gen for 45 mins because you're incapable of doing anything else is something to be embarrassed about, not brag.
Guess that's just how you were raised.
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Yeah i fear that too
Reminds me when everybody was doing the moonwalking thing with Legion and I who didn't plan to do that didn't get to play the game
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I think old Legion was on a whole other level than SM.
Even if you DIDN'T play like that, Old Legion was still really #########
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That's fair
Just hoping people will wait untill the SM isn't commiting to chases before dipping out
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most ppl give up after maxing out BP
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While this is true, Skull Merchant is the only Killer since old Legion which really let me feel that I dont want to play the game. Not that other things in the game have not been unfun either, but most of them involve the game being over pretty fast or at least in a reasonable time. (Being slugged for 4 minutes is still better than being stuck in a game for 40+ minutes...)
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Dude didn’t get the attention he thought he’d get with this discussion lol
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Due to my (somewhat) unique situation of playing on Console, Nemesis made me feel that way.
Play DBD and get your Xbox melted or don't play DBD and keep the Xbox. Wasn't much of a choice
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Well if your plan was to farm salt and waste everyone's, including yours's, time with that build, then congrats, you succeeded
Cut down on the pride though, winning with a build like that is the DBD equivalent of drinking a glass of water
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Looking at your build and assuming you play the 3-gen playstyle, it seems like you really love to make other players miserable and to get reactions from it. I don’t condone the survivors’ comments though, both sides are pathetic for this.
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Preach ^^
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I play both sides well.
I can tell you SM sucks to play against.
IF there were an option to D/C without penalty then I would do that.
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Video games are a waste of time so nothing has been lost.
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thanks for posting it, it helps massively for devs nerfing it sooner.
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why is it waste if i win ? 10 or 60 mins same to me as long as i win, their decision not to DC not mine
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Why should i play normally when i can simply win by 3 gen camping ? this is DBD problem not mine, i didn't break any game rules by doing it
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look at that disgusting gen rushers trying to get adepts and using perks like camaderie ######### sweetlords
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Because DBD can't balance the game to be fair for all killers, SWF is an issue, Dead Hard is an issue, Gen rushing is an issue yet they only nerfed killer perks, i know they will nerf SM soon so im having the fun while i can
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I'm not condoning the comments but I wouldn't wanna play against a skull merchant running 4 slowdowns also. Worst killer to come to the game. Hope they rework her soon to not be only used to do 3 gen protection
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Buddy, they buff killer not so long ago, nerf a lot of good perks from survivor, but you only see what interest you
Coming here to exhibit your excellence in camp three-gen seems like it could explain a lot, what do you want? A medal?
Even dead hard is only a problem for killer who can't just wait a little longer, or can't fake the hit. If you attack instantly, yeah, normal you got problem with that, but seeing survivor who go in front of you, thinking you're gonna hit them and using dead hard for nothing is not hard
But yeah, "KiLlEr GoT oNlY nErF bOuHoU"
for f sake, stop looking only your navel
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dont balme players when they playing dbd in other way, its not fun right! but its bhvrs fault... balme bhvr they dont changing Skull, on the contrary bhvr buff her to be more save in a 3 gen xD Skull need to be killswitch FROM BHVR until they fix that big issue
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What's even funnier is there's like one gen perk and it's not even a good one
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The buff they applied is almost nothing, it's same as before, it changed absolutely nothing in the game regarding the killers
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least insane dbd player
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Believe me, the number of survivor posts complaining, the number of videos on this subject to show the difference, making certain killers, much more dangerous, like wraith and Myers, they were worse before, now, with Wraith, you can literally destroy a pallet in less than 0.5 seconds, and pass a window in less than 0.4 seconds, that's huge
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the buff to killer animations were huge, especially for perks like brutal strength of stbfl. I honestly wish more people appreciated those little tweaks
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yeah and you have to leave the form to hit survivor which takes a lot of time, so overall wraith is useless
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Nah, not Useless, if you got some problem with that, you have a brown add-on who make you visible everytimes you destroy a pallet or a wall
Survivor without pallet are dead survivor