Once again bringing up Resurgence's interaction with Hemorrhage

ever since the rework one of the better anti-tunneling perks that was healthy for the game was countered by hemorrhages rework. Either Resurgence needs to be reworked or being hooked could remove the debuffs from the player to allow perks like this to shine once again.
I just thought I'd remind people about this perk being so unappealing since the rework.
They could make it so it increases the speed you are healed at (self care or by others) by 100% which is active until you are healed fully, this would have basically the same effect but would work around hemmorrhage
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It's not the same. It's a nerf to medkit self-heal. But it's still probably a buff overall
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It could also increase medkit efficiency by 100% on self heal while active
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Honestly adding being unhooked removes hemorrhage when using this perk would be a nice buff to it
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How often do you even run into Hemorrhage? Sloppy Butcher’s good, but not too terribly common, and then there’s the occasional Begrimed Head or Thorny Nest. Everything else I can think of though (Gift of Pain, Blood Echo, Freddy’s addons) are just not that good. Even though it’s hard countered by Hemorrhage, Resurgence is still very good, and I’m willing to bet you won’t really run into Hemorrhage very often.
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Everything else I can think of though (Gift of Pain, Blood Echo, Freddy’s addons)
You're saying these aren't good... which you're right don't get me wrong, but Resurgence isn't that great either to get so heavily countered by a status effect which you cannot remove any other way than healing under the hook.
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the majority of m1 killers I play against bring sloppy, some killers it's almost guaranteed (Oni, Spirit, Wraith to name some). It existing as a possibility to make a perk null and void is enough to make it unappealing. I honestly feel no debuff should be permanent.
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I'd go a step further and have all negative status effects removed when unhooked while using Resurgence.
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I agree that it is high time for the developers to reconsider such dull perks. After they made the bleeding mechanic so cool, all the perks for healing the survivors almost lost their meaning. It is worth remaking them into acceleration or even rethinking in a different direction
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Resurgence, solidarity and reactive healing should add a cap onto haemorrhage regression
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Heck I would even be okay with this perk straight up making you immune to hemorrhage as a secondary effect. I feel like we could use more ways to counter status effects that aren't time limited and aren't part of killers' powers.
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Oh look! Another killer thing survivors want to be able to counter for free! Nobody expected that!
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imagine you're playing against tier 3 myers and you just cure your exposed lol
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Are you really complaining someone would use perk that has 0,77% and after such buff would still be MISERABLY WORSE then even self-care (killer perk on it's own considering time), because it would barely nerf a little perk that has 10,59% usage rate (stats according to nightlight, because we have no better source)? Did I understand your comment right? Do we really want to have just 10 perks used on each side and the rest should be total garbage?
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It just occurred to me that we have Gift of Pain, which works entirely around inflicting Mangled and Hemorrhage on survivors after they're unhooked. I don't know how these ideas would interact with that, completely nullifying a Scourge Hook perk is probably a bad idea.
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Is OP really complaining about having the chance to use a perk and the killer having the counter to it?
Also, they didn't just asked for the perk to be buffed, they asked to rework it so it is not longer countered by Hemorrhage or for any debuff to be removed for free on hook. And I say they, because there is other people that agreed with that last part.
And sorry, but survivors already have a pretty good selection of perks that nobody uses because all they want is having the "cool kids builds" and loop the killer for 5 gens straight. The perfect example of this is the sheer amount of SoloQ players complaining about 3gens, but perks like Situational Awareness and Deja Vu are at 0.75% and 0.94% usage, respectively.
So don't throw a strawman to me, I said what I said: Another post of survivors wanting to be able to counter things for free, because is what it is.
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Might be because DejaVu and situational awareness do exactly 0 about 3gens that are complained about? (sorry, DejaVu gives limited-time 5% speed boost on repair speed).
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Deja Vu shows you the 3 most close by gens, Situational Awareness allows you to show other survivors what gen you are repairing so you have more chance of getting more people in it without using voice comms. Pair it with PT and like you know already 2 survivor would do the gen in 46 seconds and reduce the effectiveness of any regression made to that gen.
But nobody does that because again, everyone wants to be the cool kid in the fog and loop killers with a flashlight, not be the stealthy support.
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Again. "Nobody" (sure you will find someone unreasonable everywhere - but most ppl just don't care) is complaining about survivors that fix all the gens but 3 middle ones - forcing killer into 3gen play. That one is fully OK and should not be nerfed.
The thing that everyone is complaining about is killer forgoing any chases and 3-4 other gens and just focusing his 3-4gen. In this case - where survivors DO complain your perks do nothing - the way I already said (so again - dejavu technically gives 5% speed bonus for limited time). The only "cool" perk for this one is that PT that is actually being complained about by killers, because it makes gen pop in 46s instead of 52s....
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You are missing the point. Survivors already have good and useful that perks aren't total garbage that nobody use because they want to just use the "cool meta perks". This was in response to your "Do we really want to have just 10 perks used on each side and the rest should be total garbage?".
The rest you said is irrelevant for this specific discussion.
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What good is Deja Vu if the killer has decided to sit in that 3 gen, defend those gens with regression perks, and never take a chase outside of it? For what it's worth, I'm not in favor of "removing" 3 gens, but the idea that Deja Vu or any other survivor perk is the hidden gem that is key to overcome a Skull Merchant camping a tight 3 gen that she's been guarding the entire game is laughable. This is a product of poor killer design, plain and simple.
Now, to get back on topic.
You say that survivors have a perk that can be countered by a killer perk, and that's just fine in your head. Cool. So why do killers get to have a counter to a survivor perk, but survivors aren't allowed to have a chance at countering part of a killer's perk with a perk of their own? Seems a little biased to me.
The point of perks is to have fun, unique interactions with not only your other perks, but your teammates' perks AND the killer's perks. Your philosophy on how perks should be designed seems anathema to the very idea of perks to begin with. Under your logic Vigil must be an abomination since it can cause Haunted Ground's exposed status effect to end earlier than the minute "promised" by the perk.
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Please, specify where I said that "Deja Vu or any other survivor perk is the hidden gem that is key to overcome a Skull Merchant camping". I said what I said, that survivors have useful perks that nobody uses in response to the claim that survivors only have a handful of good perks and the rest are garbage.
[...] but survivors aren't allowed to have a chance at countering part of a killer's perk with a perk of their own?
You are joking, right? You must be joking, as you even gave an example. But if you want a lot of them: Every single Hex perk, that doesn't need any perk to be countered in the first 30 seconds of the match, but there is Counterforce for maximum and direct counter effect. And no, perks should give you an advantage over the other side and / or be helpful to you or your teammates, "fun" is not a factor here as if using one perk is fun or not is totally subjective (in fact, you people need to stop using it as an argument for everything). And even if you were right, tell me what interaction with your teammates or the killer perks Dead Hard provides, for example.
Under your logic Vigil must be an abomination [...]
I'm not the one here asking to nerf all debuffs available and the killer perks associated with it just because a survivor perk have a direct counter in the other side. Seriously, I think you don't even completely understood what the argument was about.
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Again not true. There are niche situations/killers that don't have working perk. Like exactly the example - you want to get rid of a chance that you get skull merchant religiously guarding his 3gen - so you take what perk? By design it should be potential energy - but the perk is so bad, that it will actually not help you at all against it. Not really, because regression perks are far stronger then those 20% you could get after charging the perk for eternity.
So again - no survivors have only a few good perks. Then they have some perks that do provide something in some niche, but are not even that good. And then there are perks like buckle up, no mither, technician and so on. So yes. There are just 10 cool perks, 20 SWF-usable perks, 10 niche perks and a lot of garbage...
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And even without the toolbox, in a gen with one or two more people in it, imagine how fast that gen would be done.
So, again, there is a lot of perks and things survivors can do but they don't. There are plenty of "gen rushing" builds on the internet, but I only see the same "looping" builds with flashlight or medikit in the game because again, everybody want to be the hero.