The state of the game is ATROCIOUS.

Out of 50 games I have only escaped a handful of times. A freaking handful. Every game it seems that killers just tunnel people out from the beginning. They need to buff survivor because it has just become unplayable.


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180

    If I don't count games where I let the killer kill me in EGC, I'd wager my escape rate is 30-40ish percent. I've never really bothered to track but that feels about right.

    Is it possible we're playing wildly different games? I suppose it's not impossible but that feels like an unlikely explanation...

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2023

    Same. Out of the past 50, about a handful.

    Most escapes were against new players (killers). One was really experienced, but was nice and let us all go (oh, wait, nvm, I let that Huntress kill me) 😁

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142


    The fact that the devs AREN'T nerfing the killer role means that SWF are only dying in a handful of matches.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 323

    That only works in SWF though. If you're in solo you have only 25% chance of being the person tunneled. Arguably even less as usually killers will rather tunnel the weaker player in your team.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Okay I don't like being tunnelled but really? Come on now

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    You can thank this community and the devs for the current state of things. Constant crying about killer powers and gen regression, along with awful map design have brought us to this point. Why should the killer go on a chase that is guaranteed to waste a lot of time?

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 35

    This is kinda silly. The killer will eventually catch you unless you're perfect. And no, you're not perfect.

    I dont have a solution but creating an actual Win-condition could help. If you know hanging on hook is going to help your team win, it could be a little less frustrating

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476
    edited March 2023

    This is by design, particularly if you play solo. Devs want kill rates at around 60%, so survivors have to lose more than they win. Playing in a swf increases your chances of survival by up to 15%, so solo players make up the bulk of the kills. There's a reason one of the most common killer requests is wanting to know in advance if the survivors are a swf, so that they can comfortably dodge. Solo teams are easier to kill. It's just the reality of the game. They can't buff survivors in general as it will empower swfs, which in turn will throw the kill rates out.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    how curious for me it's the inverse thing: until now i've always escaped despite i'm a solo survivor...

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    I can go for hooks below top tier killers and still win most of the time. With top tier killers nurse and blight I would believe you can go always for hooks unless it's very good survivors agains't you but most aren't.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    i have been winning like 60%-70% of my games as a survivor which is way more than I used to before the update the majority of the time I lose due to people giving up, gens not being focused on, and just bad plays by randoms. im by no means someone who is a pro at this game just have been playing for a while, but I honestly think besides 3 gen meta making games take ages and really strong killers tunneling asap the game for survivor is way better than it used to be and even fun. Killer for me just doesn't feel fun to play as, genuinely have been enjoying survivor more and more lately and surviving with friends makes the experience even more fun.

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 270

    Show us your gameplay, If you are playing bad what do you expect from PVP game?

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    They messed up the game when they added aura-reading perks that made being stealthy useless. They also have continued to ignore the fact that the game needs to have more alternative purposes other than simply repairing generators. Maybe we can save someone that's new to the fog realm. Or what if when a new character is introduced in order to acquire it, a team of survivors has to go and save them to add them to the roster, and only the survivors that live will unlock it?

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    STRATEGY can overcome just about any killer. You just either need to play better or have a better team of SWF. If randoms become uncoordinated, then distance yourself from them in the match and be the sole survivor.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I always found it interesting that not winning has somehow become the game's fault.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I find that survivors are overturned for 1v1, most teams fail from teammate mistakes giving killers opportunities to snowball.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I escape about 60-70 percent of my survivor games and can’t win a killer match. Entire thread is dog doodoo

    literally no point in playing killer unless you’re some junior who is cracked from playing 20 hour a day right now.

    I used to try saying it wasn’t needed but I’m camping and tunneling 100% of my games from now on this ######### is ######### stupid

    even as blight and spirit like what the literal ######### I took a week off to calm down from some bad games and it’s the same #########

    player base won’t be happy until it’s like Friday the 13th with fifteen players left who all know each other

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    How is that "rightfully" blame the game. Its meant to be hard to survive a survival horror experience. A 10% swing over a perfectly balanced 50-50 experience is not large gap really in game terms.

    Also a "handful of times" out of 50 games, while not being very descript, kind of implies less than the 40% predicted success rate in escapes so even if balanced for 60% kill rate at some point you gotta step back and RIGHTLY blame yourself.

    Excuses are always easier than self improvement though, the consequences of human error is probably the more likely the reason for failure over game breaking imbalances that make it ATROCIOUS to play.

    I don't get tunneled out often, not because I'm great at chases, but because I've learned to not be found first, that helps a lot.

    I've also learned when to make risky plays and think of the team and when to play it safe and go for self preservation and the hatch.

    Like I said at some point you gotta step back and say hey maybe I'm not very good at this or at least not as good as I thought I was.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2023

    Why am I getting survivors who if I decide to give I name chase them loop me for 2-4 gens? Anyone who thinks this game is killer sided is just ######### at survivor

    just had three matches in a row where literally impossible to win without camping someone out.

    either there is no match making or all the bad survivors keep quitting instead of improving. This ######### has been so sweaty today I am actively just facecamping first hook for the rest of the day

    multiple people per lobby doing ######### I only see on top tier streamer videos. Ten times my skill level

    like yea openly saying beyond my skill level by a WODE margin

    why am I getting these lobbies back to back where EVERY play is ten times my skill? Make it make sense

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Got tired of losing as killer so switched to survivor where winning is easy trickster had four hooks all game when last gen popped yeah REAL fair match making for him

    he chases bill as I’m on the last gen. bill decides to be toxic to trickster AND me. I pop last gen and go to body block for bill and he dcs so I get hit and downed. My first hook of the match because even though this killer had a horrible game the toxic bill couldn’t even give him the one kill-not only that he got ME downed for being a good solo queue teammate

    why are you survivors like this. Four hooks at five gens done and bill had to dry and dc, but only taking the tricksters only kill but nearly killing me in the process when he SAW me coming to help because he was LOOPING BY THE GEN I POPPED

    trickster ends with a three escape and a dc. Yeah. Game is soooo hard for survivors right now lmao

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    Same experience as OP. Played yesterday for three hours before I finally got an escape (so about a dozen games). Sometimes our team won, but I was the one caught at the end, sometimes other players just did nothing, a few games with disconnect because no one wants to play Skully, and, of course, sometimes just outplayed by the killer.

    After finally getting my escape, switched to killer, Myers. Played five games, 3 wins via 4k, 2 draws. Stopped playing killer because it was unsatisfying.

    I'd like an experience somewhere in the middle of those two.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited March 2023

    Strange, i win a lot of killer games with my mains, except Wraith who is just a ######### M1 killer of course but i still play him though. The game just needs a general overhaul, there are just so many things wrong on both sides that make games unfun. You shouldn't be required to tunnel and camp to win games against good opponents and tunneling/camping in general should be more punished as a conclusion, so "toxic" killers can't abuse it after the changes (which will probably never happen).

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    This is a part of why I always remind myself to calm down and take a week or two off like I’m doing currently

    you lost with wraith? I won like six games with him last week against some cracked survivors meanwhile came back one day this week from my break and got my ass beat playing as spirit

    which makes no sense lmao

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Man that’s a nail on the head. Between people dcing/lobby dodging/bad matchups/three gen hostage- the time I spend on blood points I had maybe three or four matches the last day I played but was in the game for a couple hours. Which is insane

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I had a game as Mikey on the game. All intents and purposes I should have lost because it was double red addons. I didn’t hit tier three until the third gen popped. Got one mori and one regular kill as they started jumping in lockers/trading hooks. Which is fair that’s how you counter it

    last two survivors with one gen left kept setting up boons to heal and pickup so I could neither slug one person nor mori due to the lockers

    usually I’d just take the three k and play for hatch but that’s when the tebagging and emoting started. Well really these two did it all match. Clearly a duo paired with the two potatoes I killed

    so their toxicity instigated my own. I didn’t want either of them to escape but if I put out the bomb it just went back up. They three genes pretty bad too.

    mat h was nearly 45 minutes or longer just downing one, go to the other, first one gets up and goes to gen, over and over. Put out boon, boon goes back

    the boons aren’t hard to deal with but they are 100% a part of holding the game hostage especially on multi floor maps. Either the killer accepts he physically won’t get be able to4k or the survivors just keep the match going. It’s “who is going to lose patience first”

    only way out is to kill number 3 and do a hatch race. Again I wouldn’t mind except just sick of the toxic players so it just became a back and forth sadly and I’m not proud of it

    I finally accidentally moried number 3 and beat number four to hatch. She then stated loud spamming lockers instead of going to door so I just grabbed her and tossed her in the hook finally.

    They held the game all that time knowing there was no possibility of them both getting out. Just because of one boon. And then just gave up at the end anyway. Why? I’ve literally escaped double iri Mikey by going to door while he looked for hatch. Done it against many killers. And of course it was the teabagger who brought the boon.

    couldni have just done hatch race sooner? Yeah. But hopefully now the next time they behave so toxically they think about how much time they are going to waste. It’s reached a point with this community it’s more about either I have fun in a match or in proving a point, than it is winning

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I know, I'm not perfect, but I'm really strong in chase (and I say this because I trained myself for weeks to learn how to loop) and if the killer I'm against wants to tunnel me... Well good luck. Obviously I make mistakes, but are rare and usually when the killer gets me the other survs made at least 2 gens. If the killer tunnel you, I'm sorry to say this, but it's because you're the weak link

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    Out of 50 games I have only escaped a handful of times.

    Sounds like a you problem.

  • Pink_Ronin
    Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118

    This game has been completely mangled by killer mains whining about SWF. As an exclusively solo survivor with over 2k hours, I would say my escape rate is probably every 2 out of 10 games in the game's current state. I run good, I do gens, I've been called a god on multiple occasions by randoms, so at the very least you could say I'm a decent survivor. When I hear people say this game is survivor-sided it's like the same feeling I get when someone says Joe Biden is a great president, like help me understand just how tf you can think that? If you face a SWF the expectation should be that you are going to lose and oftentimes as a killer you need take the L in that situation; we shouldn't be handicapping survivors to compensate for it. This game was nearly perfect 4-5 years ago and was not even survivor-sided then IMO. I was getting 4K's as Spirit and Hag and it was not difficult. Nowadays killers are on easy mode and survivors feel it, and have become so fickle they will leave game without a second thought. Even so, BHVR continues to keep adding more content, and making moves intended to nerf survivors like: Neutralizing looping and the option to conserve resources, greatly limiting gen progression, and incentivizing camping (most notably the current 3-gen meta, a strategy I was doing successfully years ago that has now become stupidly easy to do because of current gen spawn RNG) Issues are addressed by adding ADDITIONAL content (behind a paywall) intended to act as a band-aid on core underlying issues.

    This game is taking a similar path to Overwatch where the devs F'd with the mechanics so much over time that the competitive game meta became completely stale and not entertaining. Eventually Blizzard had to revert back to the original meta/mechanics when the game was ACTUALLY FUN, and called it "Overwatch 2." It's time to start consolidating, trim the fat, remove what we don't need and keeping/refining only what is necessary to the fun factor. Wind it back we don't need 10 pages of perks nobody is using, just make it as it was when everything wasn't a race for gens and sweaty 3 gen camping/tunelling gameplay. Or alternatively release DBD classic so I can play that. I would gladly go back to the days where I waited 30-45 minutes to find a match because at least when I found a match I had a blast, when this game just makes me sad when I play it because I remember how much I used to love it.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    If you are actually good at survivor the only thing holding you down is Randoms. People don't care if they throw for a glyph. People are still terrible after 2k hours. Is solo queue bad? Yes. Is it because of balance towards killers or is it terrible players throwing the game? Both from killer and survivor PoV it's most definitely terrible players weighing down the semi-competent survivors.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2023

    Had a bill dc while I was running to save him. Killer had four hooks all match. He was looping by my gen-the final one - and I could have used adrenaline to go to the gate, but I decided to be a good solo q player and ran to bill and the moment I arrived he dced in my face so the killer spin around and hit me. So I go down and get facecamped in end game. Because of one salty terrible selfish player punishing me for being a helpful not selfish player.

    I was lucky the other two randoms could get me out, and lucky the killer was so terrible he failed at camping. But yeah, doesn’t matter if you’re good when the teammates are bad. That’s why everyone continues to think what Patrick said about “skilled plays” was flat out insulting to the player base.

    I wasn’t punished for playing badly, I WAS punished for playing well while having a bad teammate, and had the other randoms chosen to leave me I would have lost for no other reason than playing WELL. But if I had ran straight to the gate with adrenaline while Bill was nearby then I would have been the selfish toxic solo q teammate .

    really starting to consider just offering ENOUGH help to keep people alive for gens but the moment they seem like deadweight or gens are done, just leaving. The game seems to want us to play that way. It’s basically encouraged at this point. And with what Patrick said last year I’m starting to assume it’s might be what the devs want anyway. Players tripping each other as the killer chases them so to speak.

    feela like the game is balanced around teammwork because the devs know people won’t play as a team, that’s what it’s balanced around-people playing selfishly. Frankly it kind of makes sense. Swfs are only strong because MOST players are jerks. Hell I’ve had to abandon swfs I’ve been on because people STILL played selfishly and died on Hook/dced even after I and others told them to stop doing it.

    atleast 1/4 of my matches now have left behind (bill hatch park ?) and solo survivor (Laurie last girl perk?) I should know the names but don’t because only selfish match throwers being that garbage.

    Post edited by Wewantjason on
  • Hex_TunnelBait
    Hex_TunnelBait Member Posts: 36

    I play probably 70% survivor and 30% killer. I dont mind dying in a match as a survivor, especially if it's due to a great stealth kill from a Ghostface / Myers, a long throw from a Huntress, or other fun and skillful killer plays. My issue with the game, though, is that the killers have become very unfun to play against. A large portion of my games lately have been against killers like 3-gen Knight or Skull Merchant, or Pentamento + Thanatophobia Plague or Legion. I find myself playing games where matches grind to a screeching halt to the point that I feel frustrated and exhausted from a game that used to be fun.

    I also totally get that tunneling is something that killers sometimes need to do, but yesterday I had a Clown, an Artist, and a Nurse tunnel me relentlessly off-hook at 5 gens (so 3 of my like 10 matches). I must admit that it makes me roll my eyes whenever I see killers saying "I tunnel cause I have to" when most tunneling I experience is so early in the game that there is literally no need for it, especially given that I know I'm not in the top-tier MMR that everyone always brings up in tunneling discussions. Killers also tend to tunnel the weakest survivors, aka the least experienced survivors, so it feels patronizing when killers say that the key to avoiding tunneling is to "get good" as though they aren't the ones booting bad loopers from games so early that there is no time for them to improve.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    The devs aren't designing around 12 hook fantasy. The whole mmr is based on number of kills and not number of hooks.

    People just need to accept that # of hooks just don't matter.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited March 2023

    Exactly my words. It's too much content but i guess especially the younger players are used to this style of gaming (getting new content every month or switch to another game) were devs focus on content instead of making a great game that lasts.

    Many perks could get merged or outright deleted, we don't need 100 survivors that are not used by anyone or killers with recycled powers, instead make the ones that everyone loves more interesting and focus on gameplay.

    The game felt better 2-3 years ago where we had much less killers and survivors and perks and maps. In retrospect, with everything they fixed (graphics, maps, perks), new problems got created as the game lost a lot of character and balance.

  • MerleDixon
    MerleDixon Member Posts: 159

    Maybe it's a skill issue? I escape about half of my games, unless your just getting horrible teammates who never do gens you shouldn't really be dying that much

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    I play mainly soloq, as I like to play at my own pace and be left alone, idk, whatever lol anyway, most of my games lately I escape. However, some days I barely escape any, and my games are filled with mates that don't do much, one was dicking around with chests when I was kiting the killer for 5 minutes. Happens all the time.

    Now I just avoid chases, if I get in one, fine, but am tired of kiting the boss while people just do nothing. My bf watches me play a lot and he's like, omg look that whole time and no one did anything, wtfack? So it's whatever, that's the only thing I find aggravating really.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    It doesn't matter. Just the idea that people are being rated on their skill, even hidden behind the scenes, is enough pressure to change how many people play.

    People stop playing for fun games, fun plays, and only play to win. Doesn't matter if the win is fun for anyone, including them, or even a waste of an entire hour for a single match...

    Just simply knowing that kills are the metric of player skill changes the goal of playing for some people.

    And the fun part is that the metric doesn't matter nearly as much as how people *think* they're being rated. If BHVR told us that nothing mattered aside from the combined total of all 5 players' blood points at end game, people would throw every game to farm and make sure it was 40k across the board. If we were told it was 'hooks', there would be attempts to 12 hook every game... Even if those were lies and the back-end metric was exactly the same as it is now: only kills matter.