What do you play when you're not on dbd?

Been having a blast on destiny 2 recently, bought the new dlc and made my titan look like a space marine from warhammer
Uhh… i play a lot of stuff:
I’m a dedicated master crafter on eso.
I bought blood bowl 3 and am waiting for the ranked season to start and for then to fix the bugs that causes the game to lock up.
I play r6 siege sometimes. Usually just long enough to get gold or test out the new operator.
for honor when new content drops - been a while.
dip my toes into the gamepass lineup from time to time.
i like strategy and simulation games so things like xcom and kerbal space program are fun from time to time.
when the season for fighting games drops i bury my nose in mortal kombat and dead or alive - except I haven’t heard or seen anything about a new one of either and it’s got me bummed out.
and of course - whatever rockstar games releases. Be it max payne, gta, rdr, midnight club, la noire. Except that they haven’t released a new title in almost a literal decade. So… yeah. When they do I’ll be on it.
OH! almost forgot. DBZ kakarot has my attention right now. They finally fixed the issue with xsx save data.
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Never played eso, i generally avoid most mmos
I hope blood bowl 3's ai doesn't cheat
I haven't played seige in a while, though main tachanka and nøkk when i do play
For honor i main shugoki
You ever play blazblue?
Kakarot is on my list to buy
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Dying Light, Dying Light 2, DOAXVV, Elden Ring. I pre-ordered the new Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remastered on PS4, but last time I tried to download it there was an error because Sony's recent update is ass. Still, Fatal Frame: MotLE will hopefully be in my near future.
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Doom is a classic, i hear the dlc is pretty badass
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Tried dying light but couldn't get into it.
Elden ring, however, is probably one of my favourite games, love running a strength build and going unga bunga. Excited for the dlc? What build do you run?
Hope you can play fatal frame soon
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Overwatch 2 :D.
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eso is hard to get into
even if they did you wouldn't be able to finish a match for it to matter. plus the online is the real draw to it for me. ai is always going to cheat. but online you're facing another player getting screwed over just like you.
ex-kali main on attack and defense i tend to play kapkan if no one else does.
i like shugoki and hitokiri. they need more heroes. i have 700k silver.
i have played blazblu. i couldn't get into it because of it being an anime fighter. tag fighters and the guilty gear style fighters aren't as enjoyable for me. and i think the most recent one was a tag fighter so double whammy. and as much as i enjoy dbz - same issue with fighterz
you should definitely get the complete edition of kakarot when it's on sale again. the only thing you'll be missing out on is the pvp card game mode. which i really enjoy, but the game will still have bots to play against.
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You'll be fine, just get the BFG ready and you'll have a blast
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Never played ow1 or 2, though i know a good chunk of the characters, torbjorn and the hamster are my favourites
You liking the one punch man collab?
I'm surprised that they didn't give the genos skin to ramm, and sos sonic to genji
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Most traditional mmos are.
They should be working on fixes for the problems, have you played the irl board game version? A good chunk of the people at the wargames club i go to have started playing it, it looks chaotic.
You must've been a damn good sniper, a good kali is scary to go vs, kapkan is a classic trap op. The new attacker is pretty cool, they steal gadgets with their special drone. New operators are getting crazy gadgets recently.
I suck at for honor, i just like bonking people with a large club, its therapeutic. I have a few friends that are pretty good the game. That's a lot of steel you have saved up, buy some of the fancy skin/decal set thingys that look cool. We need a hero that has a bigger sword than highlander.
I'd like the next blazblue game to be a traditional fighting game, as opposed to a tag fighter. I like anime fighting games, as long as characters have a bit of momentum in their attacks, i don't like granblue since you don't really move forward when attacking.
Speaking of guilty gear, they added an actual bed as a character.
Hopefully it'll be on sale next payday. There was a card game? Damn, hope that was fun.
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blood bowl - i have played something similar to the board game, but not the game itself. actually i have a minor in digital media. one of the focuses at the college i attended was game design and we had a project where we were tasked with making a board game and a card game. but i also like to make game concepts from time to time. so... i tried to make a lego based fire emblem warhammer type game with classes and races. the game was basically turn based assault.
r6s - i "was" a good sniper. i've aged and my skills have been hit hard. she was nerfed into the ground by a lot of indirect changes with penetration, map line of sight, and health changes. but when i was still decent I could pull off some nice combo shots. i kick myself every now and then for not making montage videos. i've seen brava. waiting out the 2 week delay for her so i can get her with my renown. i've got no other use for it. i'm not a fan of cosmetics.
for honor - same thing with cosmetics. i couldn't care less. if they'd release more than 1 hero a year I wouldn't have so much. and there's no point in spending it on lootboxes because the cool stuff is limited to events and high reputation heroes. and even if you spam lootboxes you won't get high rarity gear which is the only thing that matters for gear. and to top it all off - gear is pointless in any duel mode since it is specifically made for 4v4's. talk about shooting yourself in the foot ubisoft.
for honor cont. - the heroes themselves are whatever, but the categorizations, the faction war mechanics, and so much more disappoint and infuriate me about the game. like... wu lin should have been made into a faction for faction war. or faction war should have just been removed when they added wu lin. it makes no sense why it even exists. you're not rewarded for playing heroes of your faction. you're not restricted in any way to that faction. the team that wins is going to be the team with the most active players since it doesn't matter how good or bad you do since your team isn't faction locked and your troop reward is shared between everyone on your team.
if i had my way i'd be releasing more factions like wu lin and having each character in that faction exist to fill a theme and each faction to have a specialty.
like for example
knights might be more straightforward.
vikings are more grapple based.
samurai are more movement based.
wu lin are more ability based.
or whatever.
this new faction they added that's basically the factionless is disappointing. it means they're running out of ideas.
kakarot - i plan on getting RE4's remake and a few other games when i can. it makes me so mad that they didn't make the onimusha warlords remaster a true modern remake like the RE2-4 games. the full game for kakarot is like $120. so yeah... get it on sale. honestly though... still worth every penny.
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You should make that game an actual thing, sounds pretty good.
I suck at sniping, I'm too impatient for it, prefer doing semi risky shenanigans with nøkk and her shotgun. I despise roamers, especially when I'm on defense and there's somebody playing someone that isn't cav roaming, not defending the damn bomb. I like cosmetics, but that's because I'm a gremlin that sees shiny thing and goes "oooh i like".
I mainly buy executions and emotes with my steel, i like the one where shugoki sits on the enemy and they die, i generally only do the gear crates if theres a gear piece i don't have but like the look of, for transmog reasons. Yes i did buy both dbd bundles for shugoki, those effects are cool.
I don't really have an opinion on the faction stuff, aside from the meme where the knights will never lose the volcano (my faction is viking). They honestly need to revamp that system. New faction could be called "The Mercenaries" or something.
Its pretty expensive when off sale. I'm currently waiting for space engineers to come to ps4, the amount of shenanigans I'd do on that is too high.
Never actually played a silent hill or resident evil game.
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Faith build. I went in wanting to be a Confessor (also, I already watched my friend play through with a Magic build, so I wanted to do something different) and I've ended up mostly using the Halo Scythe to decimate my enemies. It goes pew pew and the Death Rite Bird's health drops by giant chunks, what's not to love.
I'm super excited for the DLC.
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If you have the blasphemous blade, it can do beeg damage, honestly a monstrous weapon.
Halo scythe is a classic. Have you beaten the final boss yet?
I hate those birds
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Not so much other stuff at the moment.
Replayed God of War 3 lately (soo good), Callisto Protocol, just finished Resident Evil 1 DC (new PS1 Version on PS4).
But i am playing Resident Evil 4 Remake in 2 weeks.
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I have not beaten the final boss myself. I acted as navigator for my friend when he did his playthrough and got the different endings, and since I watched him beat it I'm in no rush. Last time I was playing I was practicing guard counters against a Crucible Knight in an Evergaol. I wish I could re-challenge bosses, it's unfortunate that's not a thing. Once I get the Crucible Knight low in health I have to let him kill me or I'll lose my sparring buddy.
I love the look of the Blasphemous Blade. I'm not good with greatswords, though. I usually go for fast moves and ranged weapons over slow up-close power moves in any game. Getting timing right is not my forte, which is why after a lot of practice doing guard counters it still often feels more like luck than skill when I pull one off.
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The older god of war games have been on my backlog for so long, about 4-5 years i think. I hear callisto is like dead space, hope you enjoy the resident evil remake.
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Final boss is a #########, i bloody hate it, it doesn't stay still. Hope they add a way to refight bosses in the dlc.
I just spam the fire attack
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Older capcom games are quirky.
The new ones - 2, 3 and 4’s remakes are good.
the problem with capcom’s older games is they were designed with tank controls and japanese to english dubbing in the 90’s. Capcom makes/publishes RE. They also did dead rising, onimusha, devil may cry, and a couple of other games that are noteworthy.
Silent hill is konami. Konami’s games are even weirder usually. Of the two companies konami is the “more Japanese” in terms of iconic stuff you’d see in Japanese gaming culture.
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Capcom made monster hunter, one of my favourite series. I remember that mhw had a resident evil event where you could dress the handler up as mr x.
Only game i can think of that konami made/had a part in, other than silent hill and bomberman, is yugioh.
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ULTRAKILL and SCP: Secret Laboratory
ULTRAKILL is definitely the most fun ive ever had in a single player game
and the SL community is absolutely hilarious (most of the time atleast)
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I've heard good things about ultrakill, especially about the ost.
Sl has a lot of memes if i remember correctly, mainly those tied to the scp community. Is the bloody lizard in that game?
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I'll let you know right now. Doomfist doesn't one punch anyone, even if he wear that cosmetic, lol.
Otherwise, it's fun so is Torby and Ball.
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They need to do a jojos bizarre adventure collab and give him a star platinum skin
The hamster is evil
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Dinosaurs are cool
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Ultrakill has literally the best video game ost i have ever heard, and the gameplay is stupidly fun too, especially the throwable coins and all the things you can do with them
By “bloody lizard” do you mean SCP-939? Because if so yes
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Hearthstone, Roll, Paper Planet and currently Antimatter Dimensions (very good idle game) are usually my go-to games when I can’t/don’t want to play dbd
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If you are talking about REGULAR and MULTIPLAYER games, then it's a Hunt: Showdown.
Before it also were Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring multiplayering, but I really don't have time even for DbD and Hunt (just reduced playing to events and "go on vacation" in between).
If you are talking about singleplayer, there are so many. Singleplayer is more convenient, you can play for half an hour whenever you want and pause at any moment.
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I mean 682, the unkillable lizard, the absolute bastard of an scp
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What class do you main? When i do play it i play hunter
Me go face
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Usually priest because bullshit go brrr
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Not tried hunt yet, my backlog is too full
Favourite builds in ds3 and er?
I have a few single player games, mainly jrpgs like dragon quest 11
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Hunt is very unique by gameplay and gunfight, also visually oustanding (comparing to all cartoonish battleroyals and CoDs).
Favorite build?
In DS3:
for the win: 40 dex/60 faith, Gotthard swords with Darkmoon buff
for fun: hexer 40 int/40 faith, all black spells, Izalith staff and Corvian Scythe(for duels and coop)/Lothric sword dark infused (for invasions)
In ER: for fun - full Madness build with double Vyke's spears, for the win - bleed arcane with dual scavengers/bandits
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Priest has a lot of shenanigans
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In both ds3 and er i make a beeline for the greatsword and proceed to bonk everything to death with it, up until i get a black knight greatsword in ds3 or the blasphemous blade in er
Strength builds are the funny
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Of course he is lol.
And that would be an interesting skin never the less.
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Well, people say I play old games. Now I play a lot Fight Night 2004 for PS2. I am from a poor country and never had the chance to use a PS2, except if I went to the arcade games which didn't happen often.
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I've been playing Warframe and Stellaris. Speaking of, a new Stellaris DLC dropped today. However, I mostly play Stellaris with mods, so I'm waiting for the mod authors to update their mods for the newest version of the game before I go back to playing that. I also randomly get on my modded Skyrim playthrough whenever I feel like doing so, such as today.
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The evil hamster would probably get iggy
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I still have my ps2, had it for years, my favourite game on it is dragon quest 8
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Favourite frame? I main grendel, he's tanky. Currently waiting for duviri to drop before i come back
The two words that can scare any stellaris player: scientist died
I've banned myself from playing skyrim
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Limbo Prime is my favorite frame. Very stylish, and I like the unique dodge it has of entering into the rift plane. The cataclysm also serves a lot of purposes, whether I need it for damage, crowd control, or protecting an objective.
When my scientist and science vessel die at the beginning of the game from a random event, I cry.
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Limbo is the frame i always use for index, i sit on the bank and let the specters do the work
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if we avoid the older arcade and and anything before ps2 some major games to note are:
metal gear solid
silent hill
zone of the enders
Dance Dance Revolution
Rumble Roses
Def Jam
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - some of the remakes of the old arcade games.
pro soccer
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For multi-player? Among Us, For Honor, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed are ones I play the most.
Play alot of single player games like Horizon, Stray, Evil West, Ghost of Tsushima, Assassins Creed, Graveyard Keeper, and Rollerdrome. Just started up Control.
Looking forward to trying out the Diablo IV open beta this weekend. Wicked excited for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Killer Klowns from Outerspace games, can't wait to play those.
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Currently playing through RE4 remake, it's simply amazing.
Definitely not going to touch DbD until I'm done with that masterpiece.
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When I'm not playing DBD I just play OW2 (I'm sorry) because I just want to see the difference of toxic players compared to DBD. Surprisingly, it's not as toxic. The only toxic people is the people with mics and some people that use chat.
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I like me some RAFT, Phasmophobia (currently waiting for the next content drop), I still love me some PORTAL 1 and 2. I typically play in phases. DBD is the first game ive played consistently for more than 1 year.
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Well I got a decent variety I think..
- Classic WOTLK WoW: Hardcore/Semi-HC Raider & player. Part of a giant guild with multiple raid teams. Clearing all HM Bosses including Algalon right now. Current GS of my Rogue is 5100+.
- Retail WoW: Started off semi-HC in the sense I wanted to challenge myself. Joined a guild, they majority of them were not very good and I got tired of attempting to kill Raszageth on Normal for a month, also while carrying the DPS since I was very well geared. Only 1 other person on my raid team was able to keep up with me. I eventually told them I'm taking a break and now I'm moreso casual, still doing Mythic keys at +18-21 (which I've never done prior to this expansion, slowed down a bit now but it was a lot of fun grinding towards higher mythic+ keys). Trying to gear a Feral Druid now since they're incredibly rare and I used to main one.
- Rainbow 6 Siege: Casual but decent? I've got 490hrs which is nothing compared to the regular players but I used to play this game a lot. I've got a decent K/D, got a lot of operators unlocked and I enjoy playing Unranked. Lets me play like its ranked w/o dealing or having to care about any BS that comes along the way, whether toxic teammates, d/cs, etc.
- Diablo 4 when it comes out in less than 2 months. I will essentially have no life and play this game quite a bit.
- Was thinking about getting TLOU on Steam but apparently its a bad port so I will wait for the fixes/optimization.
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I started playing The Crash of Us.
Just hit 50 crashes in the first 15 hours of trying to play.