4 changes that would make the Knight complete.

Igor_Bielobereg Member Posts: 67
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

1) Separate Order and Patrol.

To do anything with his power – break a pallet, damage a generator, draw a Patrol path – the Knight must enter Summon Guard mode. That mode can not be entered when being near objects, specifically when facing them too close. While in the mode the Knight loses all visual information about survivors. While in the mode the Knight can not move, thus loosing distance to a survivor. These three things make using his power for Orders awkward, disorienting, disadvantageous in a chase.

The Knight should be able to choose an object for an Order action in the 10 meters radius of himself. When looking at a pallet or a generator in the radius, it is highlighted with a green circle. Pressing a button (for example, Shift) summons a Guard to carry the Order out.

As you will have Order and Patrol separated, rename "Summon Guard" to just "Patrol".

2) Decrease spawn time of Guards to 1 second. Rework add-on Map of the realm.

Guards expand their vision radius only after they spawn and spawn time is 1,5 seconds. Purpose of the change is to make precise placement of Guards with vision radius of 8 meters (that of the Carnifex and the Assassin) more consistent and rewarding. The sooner they appear, the sooner they will start to detect survivors, thus rewarding a player with a Hunt for a precise placement. Overall, it will make his power more usable in a chase.

Add-on Map of the realm should follow the change. My suggestion for its rework:

  • Decreases the time a Guard needs to expand his vision radius by -0,2 seconds.

3) Make add-on Call to arms basic.

Patrols of Guards often work as an ambush, similar to surprise attacks of the Wraith. Knight's terror radius and his maximum Patrol length at base is 32 meters. It is harder to ambush a survivor (for example, near a generator) inside of your terror radius. Call to arms, giving more length and speed, allows to place Guards outside of the terror radius, thus making an ambush easier.

It is also harder to fake a direction of your Patrol and ambush a survivor, when you have only 32 meters of Patrols length: the "green orb" is visible for the first 10 meters of a Patrol, so you have only 22 meters left.

On large maps the lack of range is very noticeable.

Call to arms is too mandatory after the patch 6.5.0, that incentivised to use long range Patrols.

My suggested new effect for the Call to arms:

  • Decreases the cool-down of Compagnia de la Guardia by -0,5 seconds.

4) Make add-on Dried horsemeat basic for the Assassin.

Guards are not supposed to damage survivors, when hunting them alone. While this is true for the Carnifex and the Jailor, it is not true for the Assassin. His specialty is the chase and he should provide as much lethality as possible, even when hunting alone.

Overall, Knight's dependency on these two add-ons – Call to arms and Dried horsemeat – greatly hinders his add-on variety. Every match it is these two add-ons or one of them, that are used.

My suggested new effect for the Dried horsemeat:

  • Decreases the cool-down of Compagnia de la Guardia by -1 second, when a Guard hits or downs a survivor.
Post edited by Igor_Bielobereg on


  • Igor_Bielobereg
    Igor_Bielobereg Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2023

    By the way, the first change is not only a buff, but also a nerf. It limits his ability to damage a generator from afar. Consequently, it weakens his synergy with the perk Surveillance and Dead Man's Switch.

    But i am ready to trade that for the smoothness of gameplay the change would provide.

    Post edited by Igor_Bielobereg on
  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,205

    Knight needs better add-ons in general. Map of the Realm, Call to Arms, Dried Horsemeat, and maybe Iron Mask are the only decent ones he has. Everything else is either too weak, too situational, too restrictive, or a combination of those three.