A Hillbilly mains thoughts on the current state of Billy (6.6k hrs, 30k saws downs)

Billy is in a horrible state since his rework. He is extremely weak. His power is absurdly difficult to use and each new realm rework seems to screw him over harder and harder with the amount of junk collision they keep adding. The latest culprit, Red Forest, has absurd hitboxes for damn-near everything. After the removal of SkyBilly, there's but a scant few Billy players who actually linger around anymore.

BHVR has done a pretty good job of almost out-right deleting Billy from the game. I'll keep this post short and simple, but rest assured, I could absolutely write many paragraphs about BHVR's incompetence when it comes to how they've handled Billy.

To start: yes, overheat sucks. It is a dumb, absolutely worthless mechanic that makes a mid-tier killer even more frustrating and difficult for new players to use. You could remove this mechanic completely from this killer and he'd still suck. Why? Because his basekit is garbage. His base movement speed is slow, his stun duration is unnecessarily punishing and damn-near all of his addons are terrible. He even has some addons that have a buff, with an even bigger debuff. Like.... hello? What the hell?

I am so glad BHVR's killer design philosophy has looked at the failure of Billy and moved past it. No more garbage addons that have meme effects on the killer. No more addons that offer buff/debuff tradeoff, where the debuff is significant enough to warrant not using the item.

I literally get comments daily like "I can't believe someone actually still plays Billy. I never see him." or "I love a good Hillbilly, it's been forever since I versed him." Billy is one of the most beloved, difficult and rewarding killers in this game, and it's clear you've moved past caring about him.

BHVR, you've messed up a lot in the past. A lot. Not just Billy, but he is a glaring issue of when you thought you knew better than the community, and took something we all enjoyed and completely killed it. Show the community you still care, buff this beloved killer. Give him an addon rework and buff his basekit to make him useful again.

As of right now, the only addons Billy has that are worth buying are: Doom Engravings, Death Engravings, Tuned Carb (depends on the map), and Lopro chains.
