As a new player, this game really hates you...

I've got about 40 hours in this game, I play killer because I like playing as characters from my favorite movies and games growing up, and it feels like no matter what I do, no matter how I play, someone is either mad or a bully.
In a game where if you want to have any variety you need to level EVERY KILLER/SURVIVOR, you would think you'd be rewarded for some level of experimenting. I can understand playing a killer for the first time and not getting a single kill, I'm new. But to get called slurs, yelled at in end game chat for just doing my best is...not fun.
And then when I finally click with a killer, look up some guides and try to learn how to play them a little better, I have 1 or 2 good games, then all of a sudden I'm either getting called slurs again for being a bad killer because AGAIN I'm trying to learn and earn all the perks, OR I get told I'm a garbage because I stumbled into defending 3 gens that were close to one another.
IM NEW. IM STILL TRYING TO LEARN THE GAME. I'm not good at chases yet, my perk pool is VERY limited, and I have maybe 2 killer I feel somewhat confident about playing. And yet I'm in the problem in every single after game chat.
And for those who are gonna say "just don't read chat", what am I supposed to do then about the 4 man bully squads who make it there goal to make the game unplayable? Or the people who abuse mechanics like crawling to a corner after sabatoging hooks or burning offerings that make the hooks spawn so far that I literally can't hook them? What am I supposed to do? I'm the bad guy if I get a win, I'm the bag guy if I lose.
I want to like this game. I want to make friends playing it and I just want to enjoy playing a fun multi-player horror game. But you guys really make it hard some times...
Yeah. It's unfortunate this game has such a toxic community.
It's probably because a lot of those Toxic Bullies are usually teenagers that saw their favorite content creator say or do something entitled so they think they are justified for being mean to others.
There are a bunch of creators that give off the vibe where They don't care about the other side's experience and will do whatever is fun for them.
This vibe they give off has been going on for YEARS and people that have been here for a long time adopted that type of mentality and gameplay.
It's really unfortunate that it is that way and I am sorry that you had to go through that :(
Hope you have better games.
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The best advice I can give is:
If they call you slurs for benefiting from their mistakes, laugh about it. Because clearly the survivor isn’t very smart.
If you can’t hook them for whatever reason, don’t. Just pressure the others or play around a bit by yourself for 4 min.
Be patient. Eventually you will know what the survivors are trying to do and how to ruin their fun instead.
Also watch otz in case you’re not already
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Devs definetely lost it somewhere (supposedly under pressure of regular players), but I can't imagine how hard it must be now for new player to get in, with all those perks, mechanics and small features. It was very hard for me back in a days (when DbD was much much simplier), but now....
One thing is for certain: DbD now REQUIRES dedication and time investment. Like A LOT.
As for the chat, that's the thing you only can solve by yourself. Unfortunately, toxic idiots exist in any multiplayer game, so nothing you cannot do except train yourself to not tilt and not care. Surprisingly, you mentioned you are always bulied in EGC as a killer, where I, as a killer, saw idiots, well, maybe 10 times (I'm 2K hours). But on survivor side, every 5th killer would be tilted salty clown, losing his marbles and abusing everyone in game and insulting in EGC. Maybe it is server regional thing, i don't know.
Best of luck to you anyway! :)
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I think it may have something to do with my frequency of play and the times that I'm able to play. I work very late and the majority of my games tend to be after midnight. My time in que is usually very low, so I do get to play a good amount of games. I think my problem is the fact that I am very much not running in to bully squads every single game, but that experience offsets my fun so much. 5 games in a night will usually be 2 neutral/positive games and 3 negative experiences via what I described above. Maybe its because I'm so close to the reset? Maybe it's because those 2 games get over shadowed so heavily in my mind by the bad games. I think a lot of me getting to enjoy this game is going to be trying to focus on the fun times rather then getting taken down by the bad. I think I just feel it a little harder now because I'm so new into the game and community.
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DbD has the most unforgiving new player experience of any game I've played, it's extremely toxic and unfun. Matchmaking is pretty much nonexistent since you will keep getting sweatlords who will fully exploit their busted role to its full extent. In general it seems like there are far less beginner survivors than there are beginner killers despite the fact that 4 times as many people play survivor.
The experience won't change no matter how many hours you have, may it be 40 or 2000. With every new killer release you'll be back to learning something new while the survivor gameplay remains unchanged since every single survivor character is basically just a reskin. While the killer might be struggling with learning a new power or interaction the survivors still can make use of skills which they've honed over thousands of hours.
The veteran experience boils down to two things: you either play a high tier killer or you get genrushed and looped to hell. Survivors are far stronger than the killer if everyone's on an equal footing since you have to rely on survivor mistakes to get hits and downs. If everyone's equally efficient you'll have a very hard time managing your time as a killer.
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Yeah, this game is really hard when starting out, having friends to play and learn helps with the stress and makes the grind or learning more fun.
I don't think you should take those toxic comments too serious, some people are just toxic and will just try to make you feel bad regardless of what you do, don't give them that pleasure. Play the game as you wish and if people start complaining just leave, it's a waste of time.
I would also say that one good tip to improve is to play both roles, seeing things from a different side can help you learn tricks and habits people use when playing.
I don't know which Killers you play or which perks you have access, but some good general perks or beginner perks:
- Bitter Murmur
- Fearmonger
- Hex: No one escapes death
- Jolt
- Sloppy butcher
- Whispers
Some free characters perks that you can unlock:
- Enduring, lightborn and tinkerer from Hillbilly (hillbilly is hard but his perks are good for beginners )
- Pain resonance from Artist
- Bamboozle from Clown
- Overcharge from Doctor
- Devour Hope from Hag
- Nowhere to hide from Knight
- Discordance from Legion
- Corrupt intervention from plague
- No way out from Trickster
Hope you can have more fun xD
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Survivor is the role that needs to know more (you play killer, you learn this killer. You play survivor? Learn how to counter each and every killer you will encounter) and so is especially a lot weaker on beginners.
The game is so unfriendly on beginners, that you either have to play with friends that know the game, or you just have to play killer. There's no in-between, because otherwise you are looking at very long streak of looses or maaaaaybe hatch "wins". This and patch 6.1 is the reason why there are so very few beginner survivors.
Also devs adopted policy to listen to killer mains more and more - the result? I just played cowshed which is supposed to be one of strongest survivor maps in a game. Playing against legion - one of more managable killers - I got immediately into deadzone, because 1/4th of the map contained ONLY 1x LT and 0 pallets and in far corner shack (so it didn't matter I prerun him with 30m distance). This is the map that is supposed to be broken OP for survivors mind you... There are also maps like midwitch where god forbid devs will touch it in any way to actually balance the stuff.
So get used to playing against 4man squads more and more, because there will not be any other survivors considering the direction where devs went.
To @SaltiestChip . Unfurtunatelly - that's the nature of humans. You will encounter it in every multiplayer game. Killer is a bit harder on toxicity, as you are alone against 4 people (4 people play together against you). You can try to play survivor - which is a bit better toxicity-wise, but you will soon encounter the loosing streak I spoke about above. So the only advice I can give you - find yourself another people interested in the game - preferably at least 1 veteran player that can help you and play together with them. That way you will get a good game from time to time making up for the bad taste from the majority of them.
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Step 1: always turn off chat. The positive/neutral feedback is about 1 in 100. Most of what people are likely to type flickers between "gg" and just straight-up abuse.
Step 2: just play bot games. They're faster, less abusive, and you get the game experience without tearing out your hair. You don't get any currency from these games, because the Devs don't want bots to replace normal matchmaking, but I'd give up a trillion BP not to have to deal with another sweat squad of instant gen-popping, teabagging, flashlight clicking, million-rank aholes that are a leagues outside of my skill level but I still get matched up with because R E A S O N S
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Honestly if you have the luxury record your games and watch them later while trying to analyze your mistakes ,it helps A LOT , turning chat off if it makes you feel bad is a good idea since you can't really control other people's actions and remember everyone was new to the game at some point and not everyone was born with an affinity to video games ,take ur own time and pace ,,at the end of the day this isn't a competitive game and will be do try to have fun and take a break when games become aggravating ,,if you have picked ur 2-3 fav killers focus on gettin perks that compliment their kit for starters cuz even after the changes the grind feels insane for new players
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Here is the best advice I can give.
When the game is over, the End Game Chat has a little button with two arrows at the bottom right.
Click that button.
And pretend the chat never existed.
Just trust me on this.
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Best thing about being on console is having chat disabled. While it would be nice to have chat, I'm probably better off without it.
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I really appreciate the love and advice from the community and everyone who commented here. To be honest I worried I was just going to see a lot of "Get gud" or "Just uninstall", but everyone has been really helpful so thank you <3. I look forward to getting better and maybe some day ill meet some of you in game and a hatch with your name on it!
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That's so untrue... as survivor all you need to do is rush gens and pre-drop pallets... simple stuff. I played a lot of it lately and it's a joke!
As killer you need to anticipate all the bs anti-chase perks each individual survivors may have at the time, what items they carry and all the other crap they can do like with Brand new part and what not.
Playing survivor is very chill because the killer can only be at one place (usually) but as killer, it's very stressful due to how biaised the game is towards survivor winning if they make no major mistakes.
Add to that the fact that ANY strategy from the killer's part is considered "faux pas" because you know... can't tunnel, can't camp hook, can't 3 gen (killer has no agency in that one as survivors pick the gen they push or not?) Etc.
What a lot of survivor veteran fail to realize is that playing killer actually requires far more skills.
Hang in there newbie... I feel for OP
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If you wana learn mechanics of killlers or what any perk does etc. I reccomend watching otzdarva he has alot of beginner friendly tutorials aswell as builds that you can use depending on killer and if you have all the perks or just the basic ones
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I see. You don't really play survivor. When you run survivor 3x after 1k hrs on killer, sure survivor is easy. For a second. But after a few games it will start. Survivor loosing streaks are much more common then killer's loosing streaks. If for no other reason, then because 61% killrate
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The perks you think will save your life in this game. They wont, they will be nerfed soon enough if they are that good.
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I've kinda given up playing nice and just tunnel tbh. This most maps have too many safe pallets anyway.
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Regardless of experience and skill level, you need to be able to shrug off unfair/unwarranted criticism, and to not let insults get to you. Easier said than done for sure, but it's also a useful skill for life in general and maintaining a good mental state in light of all the various controversies in the world.
Learn to think critically, learn to recognise fallacies, and learn to accept others opinions without taking them into yourself. Someone calling you a slur is only a reflection of them, not you.
In short; don't take it personally.
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Good stuff, I support that.
Most of the time just clicking "next" after a game is your best bet. If you use steam I would recommend putting your steam profile to private as some people are incredibly vain.
Be careful if you beat a bully squad... they don't like getting bullied lol
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Only thing I can really say is that the trashtalking at the end is sadly not exclusive to when you first start out. Just earlier today, I got left to die and then insulted by my own teammate who chose to leave me on hook. All because I saw that their name had whopper in it and I made a Burger King joke out of it by reciting the singing ad. Hopefully this funny anecdote can ease the pain a little. I know it did for me, at least.